Sad moments


Originally posted by forge:
**When I realized that when you held down the option key you could buy ammo in multiples of 10 until you were full, instead of clicking the mouse a hundred times. Very, very sad.


Hehe that brings me back...



Originally posted by forge:
**When I realized that when you held down the option key you could buy ammo in multiples of 10 until you were full, instead of clicking the mouse a hundred times. Very, very sad.

I found that out by just pressing random buttons all the time to figure out what to do because I was too stupid to realize the darn thing came with a manual. Pathetic, not sad.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

you do know that if you hold option and apple you buy by 50's right?

my sad moments are all of the aboveand one terrible thing.....

i couldn't kill the dreadnaught so i hired 6 CW's to do the dirty work.
i lost. i didnt know that (tearing :frown:) phase had sh!t for effect on armor, the CW's quickly evaporated and left poor little me a UE cruiser to fend for myself in the system. just then a UE desroyer jumped in giving me hope again. no sooner he jumped in he went boom so I shocked at all the losses decide to engage the enemy i was right next to him and forgot how to fire the main weapons. by the time i figured out that it was space bar i was on armor. (visably about to die of dehydration :frown:) i fired i was blowing up then i see him disabled. BOOM!!!!!!! i died also just as a damn UE Carrier jumps in. i was so pissed that i didnt play for 4 hours. (dead) :eek:

When my computers hard drive crashed, and erased EVO and EV. I had to start all over, ALL OVER.

Owning your base since 1998.

Caps lock for speeding the game. I could never work out why the hell everything was so damn sluggish one minute and fluid the next. Thanks to the board


The very first time I went 1v1 against John Cook in my UE Cruiser. Man. I'm telling you. I won't give you the specifics, but I got the Cruiser from Earth, and when I left the planet for the first time ever with a Cruiser at my command I saw him. Little did I know back then just how 'Average' average acceleration speeds were. At this was on my LC 575 (ah the memories) with only 20 MB of RAM, so even with game speed on 225% and Caps Lock on, oh the pain. Then the agony of defeat...

Flash forward to 1999... first time I ever get and finish the Igadzra string, so I get an Igazra (check my spelling you trainspotters!). And echoes of the past; lo and behold; ladies and gentlemen, the Disco Bison. Even the Disco Machine Gun could do little against my shield and my Phase Cannons keeping him out of range (I couldn't master the MP back then so I relied on ranged weapons). The occasional broadside did little against my shield, so I was confident I could whoop this guy. I didn't know just how powerful that gun was, and well... let's just say I was too busy flying to focus on my shield/armor bar 😞

Damn strict play. Damn it to H-E-double hockey sticks! (for those who have an issue with the word, it is a public board after all.)

"Resources exist to be consumed, and consumed they will be, if not by us then by some future generation. What right does this forgotten future have to stop us from doing what God intended?"
CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"

All OF the above andmore....

I thought it would be cool to fly a fighter so i bought a KRAIT!!! (BOOOHOOO!)
I Was flying my Cresent WArship and thought I should buy a UE cruiser , So i did (OHHH THE PAIN!!!!)

whoops, HHEHEHE

Tachyon is coming...

I am laughing the whole time I read this discussion because I feel your pain! I too have suffered many of these assorted ills. Damn, the truth hurts. It's funny to look back at the dumb stuff I did when I first played EVO, and it makes me feel better knowing that I am not the only one to have had the same type of problems.

But, alas, the past can never be changed, the future is uncertain, so live for today.

When I realized you could buy javelin rockets in the original or needle rockets in override faster than one at a time.

That's not the worst; the worst is figuring out months later that the same thing works with cargo...

breaks down and cries

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

You can buy more than one at a time?!


When i first found the emgala i "sob" I... I thought it would be cool to get a freighter and become a trader "sob" Of course now i know that missions are the way to go...
But i was decimated when i got it and noticed it SUCK*D i was really mad. Oh and buying ammo buy the tens.. id din't know that.


My saddest moment was when my hard drive died with the only copy of Reign III on it. The data was about %95 complete, the graphics done and the missions all written. Sad indeed.



Originally posted by Bomb:
**My saddest moment was when my hard drive died with the only copy of Reign III on it. The data was about %95 complete, the graphics done and the missions all written. Sad indeed.


This is why we back up all our valuable data folks....

"And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh."