Out of Gas!

I've been running the exploratory missions in the new systems on the far left of the map. However, I had anticipated finding an inhabited system, but didn't. Now I'm stuck out in the middle of nowhere and out of gas. No ships come through this way, either.

What can I do? Are there any plugs that give you unlimited gas? Or any that can move you to another system? Anything?

I forgot a couple things: I have no fuel scoop. :frown: There is NO ship traffic in this system. :eek: I have NO escorts. :frown: In short, there is no hope of me finding fuel. What I REALLY need is some way to "cheat". 😛 I don't see any other alternative. Maybe a plug for fuel. Or a pilot editor. Does anyone know of any of these?

aka El Renno

(This message has been edited by El Renno (edited 11-12-2001).)

(This message has been edited by El Renno (edited 11-12-2001).)

First of all, it's "fuel", not gas.

To get through that mission, I'd advise something like a Miranu Courier. I don't think there's any combat situations at this point, so don't worry about it's capability of defending itself. It helps especially to have two fuel tanks.

If you can't do that, just fit a fuel scoop or two to your choice ship, and spend some time flying around to recover your lost fuel. This way takes some time, but will have the desired results.

If, however, you don't have the time, or for some reason you can't get the space, capture yourself a few Miranu couriers, UE scoutships or other vessels with decent fuel capacity, and use them as escorts. When you run out of fuel, release them, disable them and steal their fuel.




Originally posted by SilverDragon:
When you run out of fuel, release them, disable them and steal their fuel.

Damn thats mean. I like it. 🙂

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Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**When you run out of fuel, release them, disable them and steal their fuel.

Wow, good plan I never thought of that, but then I finished that mission on sweat!

(edit)El Renno, what system are you in?(/edit)
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(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 11-12-2001).)

What mission is this?

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shades_shipyard")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by rebel council:
**Wow, good plan I never thought of that, but then I finished that mission on sweat!

(edit)El Renno, what system are you in?(/edit)**

Right now I'm in DSN-6008. It's on the far left side of the Ji nebula. It's about 4 jumps from Hrekka.

aka El Renno


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**First of all, it's "fuel", not gas.

To get through that mission, I'd advise something like a Miranu Courier. I don't think there's any combat situations at this point, so don't worry about it's capability of defending itself. It helps especially to have two fuel tanks.

If you can't do that, just fit a fuel scoop or two to your choice ship, and spend some time flying around to recover your lost fuel. This way takes some time, but will have the desired results.

If, however, you don't have the time, or for some reason you can't get the space, capture yourself a few Miranu couriers, UE scoutships or other vessels with decent fuel capacity, and use them as escorts. When you run out of fuel, release them, disable them and steal their fuel.



This really doesn't help me as I'm in a system that isn't traveled by any other ships and I'm already out of gas. Big "Oops!" on my part. I don't have an escorts or fuel scoops. Another big "Doh!" on my part.

aka El Renno

Have you landed on F25 or not. If not just esc out and restart the game. If so do the former and try to get as close to the renegade planet as possible. A ship may still show up one or 2 jumps into the nebula.


Originally posted by Shade:
**What mission is this?


The Ji Nebula Exploration mission.

- Gavin Dow, upholder of truth, justice, and the American cheese.
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I'd say that you would have to go back to the last inhabited stellar. However a few years ago I ran into the exact same problem. There turned out to be nothing that I could do to fix this and I had to start the nebula missions over as well as make a new game.

ZidAz: Zidagar + Azdgari = ZidAz.

Plugin Design Director, Eternal Flame Ltd.

My simple advice: press and hold command D for awhile, there IS a way for newbies to get out of trouble!. 😄

Everyone thinks I'm psychotic except for my imaginary friend who lives in my finger...


Originally posted by tennis shoe2000:
**My simple advice: press and hold command D for awhile, there IS a way for newbies to get out of trouble!.:D


Only if he has an escape pod! El Renno, do you have an escape pod?

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(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 11-12-2001).)

But wouldn't that self Destruct...... ohhhh... I get it...

We tend to become like the worst in those we oppose.
-Bene Gesserit Coda


Originally posted by kiwi_a2:
**But wouldn't that self Destruct...... ohhhh... I get it...



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Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**If you can't do that, just fit a fuel scoop or two to your choice ship, and spend some time flying around to recover your lost fuel. This way takes some time, but will have the desired results.

If, however, you don't have the time, or for some reason you can't get the space, capture yourself a few Miranu couriers, UE scoutships or other vessels with decent fuel capacity, and use them as escorts. When you run out of fuel, release them, disable them and steal their fuel.

I've done that MANY TIMES. But why outfit your ship with only one fuel scoops, when you can have TWO?


We are the knights who say Ni!

Good point two is better then one. Have I mentioned I have two heads.

We tend to become like the worst in those we oppose.
-Bene Gesserit Coda


Originally posted by kiwi_a2:
**Have I mentioned I have two heads.

No, not till this point! 🙂

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Originally posted by rebel council:
**Only if he has an escape pod! El Renno, do you have an escape pod?


Nope! :frown: I got nothin'. I can't believe how stupid I was.

aka El Renno

(quote)Originally posted by El Renno:
**Nope!:) I'm kidding. But really you didn't know what to expect. I'm afraid that you will have to start a new pilot! :frown:

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Does ACE not allow you to edit your fuel level? I refer to the save-file editor for a whole raft of games, probably downloadable from all sorts of places. I got it on a MacFormat CD a couple of years ago.

I don't remember if it does fuel... I've never been so, ah, 'unfortunate' as to run out. In the days before I registered, I used to employ ACE to replace any credits that the 'Feathered Fiend' stole from my bank account.

I prefer fuel scoops to fuel tanks. I'd rather have a gradual but endless supply to an immediately available but finite one, for the same weight. Fuel scoops save you money, too! I suppose one could compromise and get one of each... and always, always, always get an escape pod. They weigh nothing, so they don't interfere with your combat capability at all. Surely you can spare a few thousand credits for one?

One final thought... more of a question really: If your last landing was on F-25, and you're marooned there, what would be the effect of temporarily installing the plug of the same name? It creates a mysterious, 'Marie Celeste' style colony on the planet, and I seem to remember that you can refuel there. If so, perhaps you could top off your tanks, fly back to civilisation and then delete the plug. That might work... though it's a long, long time since I tried F-25, and things might be different under 'V2'. You might also end up spoiling your pilot (because F-25 deletes the Voinians) so make a backup before you try this.

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