Voinian String

can someone give me a run down of how the voinian string progresses? or at least where I could look that kind've thing up. I got confused last time I tried to play it through, and thought I was done and started the UE missions before I destryed verril prime. anyhoo, I'm just looking for a hand, thanks

'go team'

I havent played the Voinian string in ages, but I'll see what I can do, it starts at Pax in the Dogover system, then you have to do lots of boring cargo missions, and kill UE ships, and then you get somthing like you have to go to Kemolen (i don't know the name of the system) and then I don't remember, sorry.
Anyway I hope that helps

Why?.............WELL WHY???????

Shayborg to the rescue! 😄

The first mission is to capture the cargo of a (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard1.html#fc")freight-courier(/url); the mission is at Pax if you have a good enough combat rating. Then you get to destroy a (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard1.html#shuttle")UE shuttle(/url). This mission is also on Pax. After this mission, you join the Voinian cargo folks, with a mission available on any Voinian world 50% of the time. After this, you have access to all the cargo missions, but this isn't necessary for the main string.

To join the main military string, if you have a Competent combat rating and a good enough legal record with the Voinians, you can get a mission to attack Outpost Alpha. After this, you have access to some missions to defend Voinian planets, but you don't need to do any. The string continues at Denlon in the Fridion system, where you'll get some missions to attack the Emalgha if you have a Dangerous combat rating. After a couple of missions there, where you get to destroy many (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard2.html#em")wimpy Emalgha ships(/url), you'll have cleared out the Kelmaon system.

After these, you can start the main offensive against the UE, with a mission available anywhere in Voinian space to destroy a UE convoy, but you need a Deadly combat rating, a good legal record, and some luck, as it only appears 25% of the time. When you finish this mission, you can go get a seemingly routine mission to defend Ylynn outpost. Go to the bar there again, and you'll get a mission to observe Verril Prime. Do so, return to Ylynn outpost, and you'll be offered a mission to destroy Verril Prime. Finish doing this, and the Voinian string in EV:O is over. Of course, there's always ROTV ... 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily." -- actual fortune cookie

(This message has been edited by shayborg (edited 10-12-2001).)

What I usually do is I take the UE mission to rescue the voinian defector and then when i'm on pax i take the first voinian mission, and then forget about it until I've done enough UE missions to get to the dreadnought, where I then, of coarse, Like always, every game, capture it as my own ship. I then complete all voinian missions and do as many UE as I can. Oh yeah, you can make lots of money in the strands because phase does ****-nothing to armor. 😄

1. "I dont suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

2"Every one thinks that I'm insane except for my imaginary friend that lives in my finger."

3. "You're just jealous 'cause the voices only speak to ME!"

Which of these sentances, which describe me perfectly, should be my new sig? Should it stay the same?

Don't give me that "there's no 'I' in team" crap. There's no 'U' in team either.

well look who's finally come back to haunt us..... 😉

How have you been V Earth?

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7


Originally posted by Voinian Earth:
What I usually do is I take the UE mission to rescue the voinian defector and then when i'm on pax i take the first voinian mission, and then forget about it until I've done enough UE missions to get to the dreadnought, where I then, of coarse, Like always, every game, capture it as my own ship. I then complete all voinian missions and do as many UE as I can.

No!!!!! Not you again! 😉 As for your post, you do realize that it's almost statistically impossible to do this every time you play unless you have a (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard2.html#vcruiser")Voinian Cruiser(/url) yourself and nothing to do for a few weeks ... Disabling it is hard enough, and then capturing it with that < 1% chance? Wow, if you weren't lying, I'd be amazed.

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily." -- actual fortune cookie


Originally posted by shayborg:
**... < 1% chance ...

That would be 1%; it's never less than that, even if you board the thing with a Krait.

Still, unless you have a utility program which allows you to snapshot your computer's whole memory to hard disk, to be resumed from that point as many times as you like, trying to capture the Dreadnought is a most unsatisfying. When you consider how SLOW the thing is, capturing it every time you play seems very, very pointless.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

Sorry, guess I don't know VEarth, before my time (my time is not long) but:


Originally posted by shayborg:
Wow, if you weren't lying, I'd be amazed.

...that is fricking hilarious, regardless of context. Shay, ya made me laugh out loud, something not much literature (I know, my grammar stinks, I'm an engineer, gimme a break) does. 😄

Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

oh god... they remember me... damn.

Its very easy to capture a voinian cruiser, and I seem to have the best luck in a shuttle, just wait for a large battle to take place, wait for one to get disabled, then suicidally leap into the crossfire and board it. The good thing about capuring voinian ships: they have full armor when they become yours. And its pretty easy to destroy the dreadnought, all you have to do is monty python him in the prototype mission and abort. And the strange thing is that I usually have to do this eleven times before it works! So I usually end up having to dominated the damn station to. Escorts can be helpful, but their a real pain in the ass. Capturing the dreadnought is my way of not feeling bad that there isnt a mission to get the dreadnought. The sad thing is, on my best ships I always misspell their name ex: supposed to be Warship I write Whorship or do it in all caps or something.

Oh yeah keep in mind that I havent posted much for a while shouldnt you have forgotten by now?

Don't give me that "there's no 'I' in team" crap. There's no 'U' in team either.

Wait, Wait! correction! I do not do this every game! Only when Im a voinian! Otherwise Im in an azdara with both generators or an Igazra! I only have about five or six files where Im a dreadnought.
I am so sorry that I made you think otherwise.

Don't give me that "there's no 'I' in team" crap. There's no 'U' in team either.

Gosh. Played it the Voinian way five or six times...? That might well be something of a record. Guess you're really keen for Nova to come out, VE?

Well done, and congratulations for joining the Voinian Confederacy. You know it makes sense.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)


Originally posted by Payback37:
...I'm an engineer...

Really? What kind? (I'm majoring in computer engineering, so you see why I'm interested ...) 😄


Originally posted by Voinian Earth:
oh god... they remember me... damn.

Boy, don't we wish we didn't ... 😉


Its very easy to capture a voinian cruiser, and I seem to have the best luck in a shuttle, just wait for a large battle to take place, wait for one to get disabled, then suicidally leap into the crossfire and board it. The good thing about capuring voinian ships: they have full armor when they become yours. And its pretty easy to destroy the dreadnought, all you have to do is monty python him in the prototype mission and abort. And the strange thing is that I usually have to do this eleven times before it works! So I usually end up having to dominated the damn station to. Escorts can be helpful, but their a real pain in the ass. Capturing the dreadnought is my way of not feeling bad that there isnt a mission to get the dreadnought. The sad thing is, on my best ships I always misspell their name ex: supposed to be Warship I write Whorship or do it in all caps or something.

The shuttle has a crew of 1. The Voinian Cruiser has a crew of 891. So, even with marine gear, the chance you'll be able to capture it is far less than 1%. (To VA: I believe that 1% is the minimum it can display, so it does so, but the actual probability is much lower.) So it will take you a massive number of tries to ever manage to capture a cruiser in a shuttle. Ergo, unless you a) have a super-special cheat shuttle, 🆒 have a very, very buggy version of EV:O, or c) don't sleep, work, eat, or play anything except EV:O, this is impossible. 🙂

As for the Monty Python technique on the dreadnought, it definitely won't work in the shuttle, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in that statement and assume you're using something else. Even then, what I said earlier still works -- it's next to impossible to capture a dreadnought.


Oh yeah keep in mind that I havent posted much for a while shouldnt you have forgotten by now?



Wait, Wait! correction! I do not do this every game! Only when Im a voinian! Otherwise Im in an azdara with both generators or an Igazra! I only have about five or six files where Im a dreadnought.
I am so sorry that I made you think otherwise.

Only one problem I see with that. When you're playing as the Voinians, the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard2.html#vdreadnought")dreadnought(/url) never actually appears. So, either you're using a plug, or you're lying. I tend to believe the latter, especially with that statement that you've done it "five or six" times. Like VA said, that's more or less impossible.

I've already got a karmaslap coming your way; don't compound your lies. Just surrender now, before it's too late ... 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily." -- actual fortune cookie

Ok for one thing I believe that I said something about capturing the voinian cruiser. This is the ship that I use when capturing the dreadnought. For another thing I have the best luck at capturing the voinian cruiser in a shuttle, maybe you should try it sometime. And I also said that I capture the dreadnought prototype using the UE missions, this is not a plug. I do the ue missions at the same time as the voinian missions. now if I wanted to talk about this subject all through a topic, I would make my own topic. Look through my previous posts more carefully(I believe that I mentioned everything in those).And finally if you have enough escorts I believe that capture odds go up. So its not one, its eleven.

I do hope that I'm a changed person and I am sorry for making this topic get all funky.

I also happen to like doing one objective of evo over and over and over again, thank you very much.
( dont take this personally, please.)

Don't give me that "there's no 'I' in team" crap. There's no 'U' in team either.

(This message has been edited by Voinian Earth (edited 10-17-2001).)


Originally posted by Voinian Earth:
**< snip>

::sigh:: Go ahead, live in your own little world. I give up trying to break you out of it. I'm sure it's much more fun there, from what you've told us about it ... 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily." -- actual fortune cookie

You know.......
To my recollection the only ship I have captured the Voinian Cruiser in was a shuttle.....
Also, I've captured the Dreadnought too; it's not too hard. You just have to have a good ship like a UE Destroyer or Crescent Warship and get the mission to investigate Isled. When you get there, destroy all the Interceptors and Heavy Fighters and Monty Python the Dreadnought until it gets disabled. If you don't capture it, abort the mission and try again. Each time you do this the capture odds go up until they level out at 11%. The only problem with the Dreadnought is that once you land you lose all its tight ass weapons.

The Nautilus can outrun you!


Everyone seems to have moved on, but in case you still care, I like the second signature suggested better than your current one.

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

Personally, I like "This isn't an office building! It's Hell with flourescent lighting!"

Visit cheese.com! It's great!

Is there a plug-in that lets you start as a Vonian(spelling?)? Because I suck at this game and use fork lifts and every time I try to capture that shuttle I blow it up! I also want to be able to do their missions and not just have one of their ships.... help would be appreciated.

Forklifts... Dont do to much in evo. Spin around hoping to hit something mostly...
I went ahead and changed them to suicide piolots and replaced the forklift with little kraits. Its good to know someone will sacrafice life to save you. see I was gonna turn that into a plug, but I got bored and threw it away. Forklifts suck, long range weapons are better.
Oh yeah, if you still think I'm lying, well, Voinian Earth is the name of my first dreadnought.If that makes a differance.

Don't give me that "there's no 'I' in team" crap. There's no 'U' in team either.

Well VE I believe you. Actually my favorive way to play the game is with playing
for the Voinians, UE, Zidagar and Igadzra. I just wish there was a way to
play for all 3 strands wihout using the Triple Agent plug.