1st Legend

1st Legend
SilverDragon, Captain Carnotaur, Espona and Rima

Let us show you the history of EVO. Let us show you the Gadzair, the Kayans, the mystery of Kelmaon, the hidden secrets of the Ji Nebula, and the birth of the Voinians.

The Legend Series - the past, to the present.

- - -

Please just read. This is designed to be a story, so don't try and join, especially not as the UE, they don't exist yet, as this is set long ago.

- - -

Kronak of the Council surveyed the reports.

"The Gadzair are growing in strength," he stated.

Selma of the Council nodded. "They are strong enough for the task we made them for. Now, our true champion has been set out. The Gadzair shall take the galaxy for us. The experiments have ended!"

Kronak smiled. "Thousands of years work, now come to an end. Our children are ready for combat."

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 09-21-2001).)

Ummmm Really really really sorry for the intreruption, but....


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**1st Legend
SilverDragon, Captain Carnotaur, Espona and Whitehawk


Who's Espona???

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"http://www.ezboard.com/help/help_howto_useemoticons.html")Cool Smiles(/url)(url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7
God bless the souls of the many who died

OOC: An EV Override player who never quite got onto the boards. You'll see him around the WDC if you look, though. No problem about the interruption, we haven't really started yet - I'm going to bed, the others have gone somewhere or other. 🙂

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Here i am, in case you were wondering.


Emperor Raden of the Gadzair scanned through the papers aligned in front of him, on his desk. Reports were coming in from Lavetto that forces had prepared for the pre-emptive attack on the Kayans. Ever since word had come that the Kayans were trading equipment with the Miranu, Gadzair had been investigating the situation. However, Kayan territory was simply imposible to enter with anything but a full force, and that would attract attention. It's because of those damn militia stations , Raden muttered.

Just recently Gadzair had received word from the Council - another mysterious message from a system somewhere between Mark and Lavetto, but totally impossible to enter. The Council had sent orders for a full scale attack on the Kayans.

Raden took a look at the galactic map that was available for Gadzair. There were a few "empty" spots, and he wanted to test the edges of Kayan space before moving on to an assualt.

He quickly opened a communications link with High Commander Leriot, one of the few high commanders currently stationed in Lavetto, and also one of the most trusted.

"Leriot!" he called out on the link.

Half a minute later, a scrambled voice replied.

"Emperor, I await your command!" Leriot replied.

"I want you to send your fleet around the galactica west from our frontier base on Feviry. Scout out the area, and find the edge of the Kayan militia guard," Emperor Raden replied, not specifying a reason. "Also, we know the Miranu have been in contact with the Kayans, but do not destroy any Miranu ships you see, unless they open fire."

"Right away, sir |!" Leriot said, and Raden cut the link.

The entire conversation had taken almost five minutes. God, I need to get my research department working on better signal transfer , Raden thought.

Of course, he was emperor, his mere whim was their command.

Within a matter of hours, the sciene department was beginning work on better signal transfer, as unimportant as the matter was.

As well as that, word had come in! The Arada Project had been completed! Although these models were totally unarmed, they were still extremely strong, fast vessels. Several had been made, but new equipment was being designed before they would enter any military action.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 09-16-2001).)

"Sir, the repors have come in. It is confirmed theat the Kayans and Miranu have been trading equipment for the past few months."
Admiral D'vort of the 4th task group handed the papers to Commander-in-chief J'von, leader of the Zior Imperial Fleet. "Well," he said, "it seems they have stepped over the line. I'm betting The Council won't be happy. Gadzair is sure to make a move. We should lie low, and make our move elsewhere. Inform the other admirals we must accelerate our time table. I will contact the Emperor." "Yes sir."
As the admiral left, J'von wondered if the Emperor would agree with his plans to expand to other worlds. They would be hard pressed to defend the new colonies, with such a small fleet. He needed to contact the Construction Guild first.... He decided to contact the Construction Guild. As he began transmission, a burly man came on-screen. "Construction here, sir. P'tod reporting sir." He said, instantly recognizing the high ranking insignia on J'von's suit. "Get me the the Guild leader here." J'von replied. The screen faded, and reappeared in the Guild leader's office. "Yes, sir? What is it, sir?" The Guild leader said. "I need you to start construction on several Destroyers and Freighters. At least a dozen of each." Said J'von. "Yes, sir. Right away sir." Replied the Guild leader. "Make it fast. The time table has been accelerated." Exclaimed J'von. "Yes, sir!" Said the Guild leader. He didn't question J'von's orders. Just as well. It was the law to respect ones that are older or higher in rank than yourself. He ended transmission, then patched a call through to the Emperor.


Chancellor Carnotaur was worried. The nagotiations with the Gadzair and Zior had failed, and now that the Kayans were trading with the Miranu, the Council was worried that the Gadzair would attack soon. They had a large military, and could probably easily take out the Kayians if they wanted to. Of course, the Council was paranoid. They thought too much about the welfare of the Kayan people, of the economy, of nagotiations and peace. Carnotaur was sick of peace. Peace got you nowhere. No government which had a full institution of complete peace with other governments had survived very long. They were either forced into war, went to war on their own accord, or had been annihilated.

That was one of the reasons why Carnotaur had ordered a large scale military buildup throughout Kayan space. Already over 100 new vessels had been built in the last few months, along with some newer classes of vessels (which I will describe later on). Carnotaur was now about to impliment another sort of military buildup.

Carnotaur ordered in his favorite admiral; Fleet Admiral Scorcher. He had been on many great battles with him in the past, and now was in charge of the entire Kayan Militia Fleet. "You wanted to see me, chancellor?" Scorcher asked.

"Yes," Carnotaur said, standing up and walking over to a map. "As you know, we are unable to build any large warship like a battleship." Scorcher nodded, Carnotaur continued on. "So, we have had to look to over means to replace them, such as frigates and fighters and gunboats. However, why not turn an entire station into a battleship?"

"Pardon?" Scorcher asked, slightly confused.

"I'm talking about a battlestation. Why not just outfit all our stations with a lot of guns and extra armor plating? That would provide us with an excellent extra source of defensive firepower." Carnotaur then motioned to a diagram of his new planned refit. "The refit would include installing 8 missile launchers on each station, two more layers of durasteel armor plating, and 6 turrets for close range combat. It may cost a bit and take a while, but I think, on the whole, it'll be a good idea."

Scorcher nodded in approval. "I'll have the fleet engineering department start work on it right away sir. Also, Chancellor, there was one other thing I would like to discuss with you."

As Carnotaur seated himself, Scorcher spoke. "In the case of war with the Gadzair, which we all know is only a matter of time before it happens, I have worked out the entire plan for military action against the Gadzair. This plan was designed to give us the least amount of losses and give them the most amount of damage with what we know about their systems and fleet stats. The plan includes that our fleet distract the bulk of the Gadzair fleet, while several special fleets move in and firebomb several worlds including the Gadzair capitol. It will also call for a massive planetary bombardment of the Gadzair capitol and one or two other systems depending on what we find. Though it may be costly, I believe it's the right way to go."

Carnotaur thought for a moment. "You realize that we'll be killing millions of innocent civillians? Do you know what this could do to those planets?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you honestly think that's right, morally?"

"I can't answer that, sir. But I can tell you this; I don't think the Gadzair or the Council would care one solitary bit about annihilating an entire race. That, sir, is a lot worse than the annihilation of a few colonies."

Carnotaur thought hard for a moment. "Thank you Admiral Scorcher. We will adopt these battle plans when war breaks out. You're dismissed."

As Scorcher smiled and walked out, Carnotaur wondered if he had done the right thing. Of course, Scorcher was right; the Council would definitely not care about annihilating the Kayans as a whole. "I guess it's the only way to go if the Kayan people are to survive."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 09-17-2001).)

Leriot's force, Squadron Omicron, had passed Feviry, and moved on to the unknown realms beyond. They made their way past the system known as Sumer, going galactica south, then taking an open route to the east.

They entered the system later to be known as Iothe.

The planet of Iothe was barren, but Leriot wasn't shocked by the planet. A distinctive Miranu refuelling outpost was in orbit of Iothe.

Squadron Omicron gathered up their forces, and approached the Miranu.

"This is High Commander Leriot of the Gadzair. State your reasons for colonising this space," Leriot commanded abruptly over a comm.link, keeping track of the numerous freighters in the system.

One cadet leapt forward to report to Leriot.

"Sir! Forward scouts report Kayan presence in the next system galactic southeast! We believe a Kayan militia base lies beyond," he stated firmly.

Leriot nodded, not shocked or worried. Squadron Omicron consisted of sixty ships, thirty light fighters, fifteen Scouts, fifteen Gadzars, and then a complement of ten Support Ships to provide backup. It was one of eight such forces - bringing Gadzair's total ship count to five hundred vessels, all combat ready.

He checked up on things - the only scout in the system was a Gadzair Scout, and a lone Scout shouldn't lead them to believe an entire squadron was here, if they could keep radio silence from the Miranu...

Thus, Gadzair ships "invited" themselves to dock, and awaited a response.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 09-17-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 09-17-2001).)

As J'von left the meeting, he had a happy expression on his face. The Emperor had agreed to his plans to send a fleet of Colony ships to begin colonization of the system of Namer, and the system lying south of the homeworld, Zior. Of course, several Frigates must be pulled from the borders to defend the new colonies, but the new construction would cover that. Their ships were, after all, among the most powerful...
As he entered his office, he noticed his computer bleeping with a new message. He read it, and it said that construction of the Frigate group was nearing completion. 7 were already in dry dock, being equipped with their torpedo launchers and proton turrets. He sat down and thought about the current events. "Would this lead to war?" he thought. He then decided this called for better observation equipment. He called the Reseasrch Guild. "This is Commander- in -cheif J'von, calling the REsearch Guild leader." He said. "Yes sir?" Replied the Guild leader. "I wish you to start research on a new type of scoutship, one that is unmanned, small and equipped with the best scanning equipment. Is this clear?" Said J'von. "Yes sir, crystal." J'von stopped transmission, and sat back, relieved the Emperor agreed. He needed a drink.


Rima walked the halls of the building with Terisk. She glanced over at the young officer."So, how goes our trading with the Kayans?" Terisk hesitated and answered slowly,"Well, it was going good. But our reports show that the Gadzair aren't happy at all. They also have a fleet docked at the refueling station and they are asking why we have it there.What should we do?"

Rima contemplated what Tarisk had said for a few minutes."Tell them that the refueling post in Iothe is for explorers,traders, and anyone who wants to, to take a rest at. Also, tell Marlarn to get a low frequency encrypted message about the Gadzair fleet to the Kayans."

Tarisk nodded slowly."Perhaps I should have Fertela give the Gadzair a tour. I'm sure she'd just love to do that." Rima grins at Tarisk."The flirt girl? Yes that will put them on edge. Have her show them around the station if they wish."

Marlarn got the messages from Tarisk and frowned slightly.Well, if that's what his orders were that what he would do. He went and found Fertela, who was blinking her eyelashes at a young Star Captain."Fertela, quit your game and come over here." Fertela smiled a charming smile at the Captain and turned with her eyes smoldering to Marlarn.

Fertela put on a fake smiles as she walked over to Marlarn. "What do you want Marlarn?" He gave her a vicious smile and answered,"Why, Fertela, i just want you to show the Gadzair around." Fertela glared for a second but she nodded and coldly and swished out of the room. She put her sweet smiles on her face and went to meet the Gadzair.

Marlarn sighed as Fertela swept out of the room. He quickly started writing a message.
begin message sequence,low frequency, encrypted
From: A Miranu Friend
To: The Kayans
A warning to you, Kayans. The Gadzair are in Iothe. I would give details but too much writing and they will find out.Good luck, and be careful of them, they do not like us trading.
end message sequence

Marlarn sighed as he sent the message. The Gadzair wouldn't find it out probably. Had he put in a few more word, then it might have gone otherwise. But the Kayans were warned.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

Leriot's fleet moved into orbit of the planet Iothe, and five of the sixty ships moved to dock with the Miranu refuelling outpost.

Commander Leriot stepped out from his Gadzar, looking around at the docking bay. Miranu were about in the station, although Leriot noted that there should be a Kayan presence -- most likely the Kayans that had not been able to leave since the Gadzair fleet encountered Iothe, had gone into hiding on the station. Most likely they had full Miranu support, too.

"Welcome," came a sweet voice. Leriot looked up to see a young, beautiful Miranu girl who he had know idea had been sent for the mission of deception. "Welcome to our humble trading outpost. Let me show you around."

As good as Commander Leriot was with military tactics, as skilled as he was with dogfights, he had absolutely no mental training against deception whatsoever. And perhaps the fact that he was going through a certain stage in his life (a stage which humans go through between 12 and 16) that was blatantly changing his outlook, perhaps that made a difference.

One way or another, Squadron Omicron's revered leader had just been totally deceived, even more than the Miranu had expected.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Fertela smiled at the Gadzair putting all her charms into it. She studied them all and noted that the Commander of the Gadzair was probably the one she would have to charm the most if she wanted to get any information at all.

She studied him for a moment longer and then walked up to him. She gave him an extra charming smile and started to walk off and looked back at the Gadzair. "What would you like to see first? If your hungry we could go to the a bar, or a mess hall? Or you can take a tour of where the trading ships dock, and where the goods are stored. Their are so many things to see."

She studied the Commander as she talked. Well, he was certainly handsome enough. Hopefully she could get him to talk if she tried hard enough. The Gadzair were usually the hardest to get information out of. After she finished talking she walked down a hallway that led to the main parts of the station. She looked back and nodded in satisfaction as they followed her. She walked along the hallway with her hips swaying back and forth as Leriot and the Gadzair followed.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

One Gadzair officer, a slightly more level headed man, walked forward to Leriot.

"Sir, this is some sort of trick. I advise we pull back to the docking bay and -"

"...wow, she's good looking..."

"...I wouldn't mind..."

The officer coughed abruptly at some of the comments, but Leriot was far gone. He slipped back, to send word to Gadzair command. He just wondered what he could do, or say.

Meanwhile, Leriot and the other Gadzair were led around the station, and somewhere along the line the other Gadzair officers and cadets disappeared. Fertela carefully filtered them all out, until only Leriot was left.

The poor fool Leriot was so completely captivated by her, that he stood no chance...

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

As the final destroyer neared completion, the rest of the expeditionary fleet was in orbit. They were preparing to expand the Empire of the Zior by securing the planets ready for colonization. J'von had no worry of the Gadzair. The ensuing conflict would keep them from interfering. Their powerful fleet could destroy anything the Gadzair could throw at them. They were severly outnumbered however, and J'von had told the Construction Guild to step up mining efforts to build more craft if necessary. But in his mind J'von knew this colonizing effort was very, very risky. A worst case scenario would mean the Gadzair attacking their colonies before they could be well established. Sure they couldn't possibly get there in time to expect an easy fight, but if the Kayan-Gadzair war never happened, Gadzair could focus their efforts on the Zior. But that scenario was worst case, and J'von preferred not to think about it. "Now", he thought, "time to check on the Research Guild."


Fertela smiled up at Leriot sweetly. "I bet after your tour of the station you must be tired and hungry. My quarters are a bit small but I can cook well." She smiles imploringly. Leriot barely manages to nods and she gives him a charming smile and moves off down the hallway.

Fertela was telling the truth when she said she was a good cook. It was a magnificent meal, though simple because the Station was small and didn't have many resources. She sat down at the table and smiled across the table at him. "So, what kind of work are you doing hmmm?"

As Fertela listened she used her training to memorize what he said about things while thinking off. She briefly wondered where the other Gadzair were. She had sent them in all directions. She wouldn't be surprised if some of them had found a few of her friends.

She briefly though of the twins who would most likely be the ones who replaced her when she settled down. She realized Leriot was waiting for her to say something and she came out of her reverie."That's very interesting. What kind of ships do you use?"

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

"So, when can I expect these um... 'spuds' to be flying about?" Said J'von, gesturing toward the prototype scanner studded aircraft. "Well, in about two weeks, assuming we can get all the bugs out." Said the Research Guild leader. "Hmm." Said J'von, now concentrating on the schematics of the craft. It was called a spud, because it was the smallest aircraft built for space the Zior ever created. It was specially equipped with the latest in scanning and radar technology, and its shape prevented radar from detcting it too well. With several spuds up and working, they would never be caught off guard again.


The Kayan operative looked around on the station. The Gadzair had just arrived, and he was scared to death of being caught. Fortunately, Garik had been in many situations much more dangerous than this one before, and he was confident that he wouldn't be found.

Right now he was trying to get a message back to the Kayans of the fact that the Gadzair had arrived and Garik was worried that they may be assembling an invasion force. However, that was changed when he recieved a message from his hq; "Miranu have told us about Gadzair, sabotage them".

Garik then set off to his quarters to see what he could do.

The Kayan Militia Commander stared at the report from the Miranu. The Gadzair? In Iothe? The commander turned to his lieutenant. "Put the station on alert! Call any spare squadrons! Station threat level; DeathCon2."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 09-25-2001).)

Emperor Raden frowned.

"I thought you said you'd have the new fleet operational last week!" he spat at Hashan, his military general.

"The shipyards are working as hard as they can, emperor. Rest assured, however, our plans our secure, and will prove extremely effective," Hashan replied coolly.

"Oh, tell again," Raden smiled.

"Of course, emperor, " Hashan replied, his face as expressionless as always. "As you know, our eight squadrons have proved very effective against our opponents. Our sixty ships in each squadron are too much for the enemy to handle - not a waste of ships, but just enough that in most situations we have enough ships for a problem, without redirecting command. In full scale battles, two or three squadrons can split up easily to carry out individual operations, whereas other armies rely on set generals."

"However, now we are building up a larger force, to be used for the direct assualt on the Kayans. To complement the squadrons Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Omicron, Epsilon and Omega, we are now building up a new force. As it seems we don't need another squadron, and increasing individual squadron size would be inefficient, we are building up Battlegroup Demon, a force of one hundred and fifty ships, easily enough to destroy most of our opponents," Nashan finished.

Raden nodded, smiling. "How much longer will it take to complete Battlegroup Demon?"

"We've build seventy ships so far, which are on their way to Gadzair now. To build the other eighty, we'll need several more weeks. Rest assured, emperor, it will open up new possibilities, and no-one will suspect the existance of our fleet."

"Do you have any suggestions on who should lead Battlegroup Demon?" Raden asked.

Nashan coughed. "Should I answer with modesty, or with truth, emperor?"

Raden grinned. "You need not answer at all. So be it, General Nashan - Battlegroup Demon will be yours. And after this building project, we shall see about the construction of my own personal battlegroup..."

"With all due respect, I believe after the Demon's construction, Gadzair's shipyards will need a rest," Nashan replied.

"Not if we take the Zior mines first, General," Raden replied. "Not if we take Zior..."

After Nashan had gone, Raden looked down to one certain datapad, that listed the positions of all squadrons.

_Squadron Alpha
Position: Lavetto
Status: Fortified

Squadron Beta
Position: Astin
Status: Moving (Feviry patrol)

Squadron Delta
Position: Calb
Status: No orders

Squadron Gamma
Position: Vastan
Status: Fortified

Squadron Theta
Position: Chari
Status: No orders

Squadron Omicron
Position: Specific unknown (report expected)
Status: Unknown (exploration)

Squadron Epsilon
Position: Lavetto
Status: No orders

Squadron Omega
Position: Diudir
Status: Moving (Gadzair -> Elridi)_

Raden looked over the positions, deciding to sent orders to Epsilon and Delta telling them to move to Norhis together, and defeat any Kayan ships in the system, before receiving further orders.

Looking over the plans one last time, this time satisfied, he pushed them away and began reading on the progress of the signal transfer program, and on several documents on how the Arada should be used.

The first Arada, the Magenta, Emperor Raden sent down to follow Squadron Omicron, as the Arada was several times faster in hyperspace than any other Gadzair vessel, and would thus be incredibly beneficial to the squadron's exploration mission.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 09-25-2001).)

J'von oversaw the launch of the first three spuds, which were to be sent to specific border worlds between the empires of Zior, Gadzair, and the Kayans to scan any activities that were going on. As the spuds launched, they were so small they hasd all but dissapered from view in just a few seconds.

2 days later...

J'von was happy. The spuds had reached their destinations, their scanning equipment was in working order, and colonization had begun on the two worlds.


The Magenta entered Iothe, and docked at the refuelling station. At this same time, the poor fool Leriot was telling Fertela about every Gadzair ship.

"...unarmed at the moment, but has a fast hyperspace speed," Leriot finished.

Fertela seemed particularly interested by the Arada, and continued to pry.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.