StarBase 64 Ship Yard


I have finally got round to making an EVO Ship yard and it has been uploaded.

Starbase 64 is not fully back with a few other changes, check out the news section (in the spaceport bar) for more info.

Any ideas for improvments?

Ensign Paris

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"") Clicking here.(/url)

Your 'leave' button on the main screen is faulty.
In the EVO shipyard, you misspelled 'Igazra'.
Most of the links in the EVO shipyard go to the wrong ships.

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 08-14-2001).)

Wow! Cool site Ensign Paris! Great job.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Wow, I'm extremely honored! I had no idea my old EV shipyard would come to use. 😉 Glad to see you could use the content.

If you like, you're more than welcome to use this page for an EV outfits page at Starbase 64. Head (url="http://"")here(/url) for the EV outfits section.

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 08-14-2001).)

Hehe. After reading all the shipyard descriptions again, I've noticed how terrible my grammer was five months ago. 😉

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

I like your site: cool style and interesting comments... for the ships which are displayed correctly. All the non-human sections except for "Ships of the Crescent" display incorrect descriptions. I'm interested to see the comments for those, too. Good job so far.

Paradigm, Captain of Industry
It's all comes down to your definition:
"Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness." George W. Bush, as quoted on CNN

Ensign- Paradigm's post makes me wonder if you want me to write descriptions of the Override vessels? I couldn't find time to do them swiftly, but I could have them done in a week or so. Then maybe you could set up the Override Shipyard to look like the EV Shipyard.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


It would be very, very usful if you could write descriptions for the EVO: Shipyard. My E-mail address is to discuss this further.

Thanks, I will try to repair any problems with the site today.

Ensign Paris

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"") Clicking here.(/url)

I have discovered that it is not the links that are at fault it is that I have put spaces in Anchor points. this will be corrected in due course.

Ensign Paris

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"") Clicking here.(/url)

Another ship info service that says bad things about the UE Transporter, yet sings the praises of the more expensive, slower, less well defended scoutship and it's smaller cargo bay.

Some of us know our way around the galaxy sufficiently well that we don't need 800 units of fuel. We concentrate on making money fast, and can be the owners of a nice, fat Arada in no time at all.

The scoutship was good in EV, certainly. In EV:O, it's less good, and there are people who prefer alternatives. Please don't ignore us!

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)


Originally posted by Ensign Paris:
**I have discovered that it is not the links that are at fault it is that I have put spaces in Anchor points. this will be corrected in due course.

Ensign Paris


Are you building anchor points visually, or inserting them directly through the html? If you are inserting anchor points visually, then this is probably what's causing your problem. Creating anchors without doing it directly through the html often inserts a bunch of extra junk that your website doesn't need. This will often make some rather interesting (and annoying) problems when previewed or uploaded onto the web.

I'll try to send you some descriptions sometime soon. Just don't expect them to show up in your mailbox swiftly. 🙂

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

Thank Skyblade, that will be very useful,

On the matter of to many Starbase64 Topics, I have decided to just run one topic called 'starbase 64 news' and just put text in there. The problem with this is that is will fill up very quickly and probably be locked.

Is that ok?

Ensign Paris

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"") Clicking here.(/url)

Nice overall, need to fix them ship stats and spelling. Tell me, are you gonna do a section 'bout EVN?

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

Skyblade is making new pieces of text to go with the ships etc...

I am hoping to put an EVN Section on the moment that I can get my hands on it.


Ensign Paris

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"") Clicking here.(/url)


Originally posted by Ensign Paris:
**Thank Skyblade, that will be very useful


Sure, anytime.


Originally posted by Ensign Paris:
**On the matter of to many Starbase64 Topics, I have decided to just run one topic called 'starbase 64 news' and just put text in there. The problem with this is that is will fill up very quickly and probably be locked.

Is that ok?

Ensign Paris


Sounds good to me. But usually topics don't fill up and get locked rapidly unless they are webstories or bars. And if your news topic does get locked (because of too many posts), you could simply start a new one.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

Hey Ensign Paris, I appreciate the link to my site, but I've got a couple of notes about it. First off, my name is "EVula", not "Evula". I've been fighting that battle for a long time... Second off, you don't have "http://" before my URL, meaning people can't get to my site. Please fix both at your convenience, thank you.


I resent the information for the Zidara. The UE Destroyer and Lazira, at least, are weaker. "Smallest", might be a better word, as all in all it shows up as a very contradictory post.

Also, how about we make the ship information by people saying what they can say the best about? Thus, let VoinianAmbassador do the Cargo Transporter, and I can do Zidara. <smiles> And maybe Crescent Fighter.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-18-2001).)


The EVula Link has been updated and should now function correctly.

About the ship thing, I am thinking about having a section where people can leave there "personal feelings" and comments about each ship.

Leave a message for Skyblade if you want to help with the names, he is doing that for me :).


Ensign Paris

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"") Clicking here.(/url)

Here's the first few descriptions for the United Earth military craft:

Speed and punch is the motto of the United Earth fighter. Developed as a craft to combat the heavily-armed and sluggish Voinian counterparts, the UE fighter has evolved into one of the most important tactical weapons in warfare history. Being deployed in large numbers across the western frontier, sightings of the United Earth fighter are anything but uncommon. The Voinians, on the other hand, find this human vessel a menace to both their fighters and warships, which continually hampers large-scale offensives and vital defense stands alike. As for the United Earth government, they have no plans to retire the well-known fighter anytime soon.

The destroyer is by far the most important capital ship of the United Earth Navy. Developed just before the turning point at the Battle of Sol, the destroyer's arrival brought a significant impact on the war. Unlike the slower Voinian opponents, the United Earth destroyer boasts a leading edge in maneuverability and firepower. Using a deadly variety of rockets, hunter missiles and blaze turrets, this vessel will nearly always prevail over the Voinian frigate. The UE destroyer will be the most common military warship seen within the core and border worlds.

As large and powerful as it may seem, the United Earth carrier often becomes a sitting duck when caught between heavy action. Being far slower and agile than the destroyer, the carrier's one task is to carry its deadly payload of five United Earth fighters into action. The carrier relies on these fighters to bring it safely out of an engagement with the Voinians, where time becomes all the more important. While the Voinians do hold strict respect for the smaller vessels of the United Earth Navy, they still mock the rather limited power of the carrier. Under proper escort, however, the carrier can prove a worthy match.

(i)When the Voinians developed their flagship, the dreadnought, the United Earth was forced to design and manufacture a counterpart capable of destroying the great Voinian menace. The result was the United Earth's largest and most potent warship to date. In a sense, the cruiser can be viewed as a re-designed carrier, but with far better performance. The cruiser carries five fighters like its younger brother, and is armed and protected thoroughly enough to bring it safely out of an encounter with a Voinian cruiser. Although the cruiser never surpassed the Voinian dreadnought in terms of power, the United Earth Navy proudly supports their new flagship vessel.(i/)

Hope you like the first four. Sorry I didn't post them sooner. If you prefer I e-mail you additional descriptions, just say so. Posting them here is just easier in my opinion.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
Another ship info service that says bad things about the UE Transporter, yet sings the praises of the more expensive, slower, less well defended scoutship and it's smaller cargo bay.

Some of us know our way around the galaxy sufficiently well that we don't need 800 units of fuel. We concentrate on making money fast, and can be the owners of a nice, fat Arada in no time at all.

The scoutship was good in EV, certainly. In EV:O, it's less good, and there are people who prefer alternatives. Please don't ignore us!


::groans:: I won't even bother again ... 🙂 Maybe we should provide a link for the last time, the mother of all (url="http://"")transporter(/url) - (url="http://"")scoutship(/url) debates? 🙂

And a little more on-topic, Ensign Paris, you always have permission to link to my (url="http://"")shipyard(/url) if you don't want to write an entire one of your own ... 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"POZZO: I don't seem to be able ... ( long hesitation ) ... to depart. ESTRAGON: Such is life." -- Act I, Waiting for Godot , Samuel Beckett