Need help, EV:O Runs slow,help me please

I have a 68040 non PPC and EV:O runs a little slow on my computer. I set game speed to 250% and it helps a little bit but not much. I dont have Virtual Memory on, I gave EV:O 24k to run with, and I tried hitting 2x speed but that makes the game choppy. EV ran fine on my computer with no problems, and I have EV:O version 1.02. Is 1.0 any faster? Any tips for improving speed would be appriciated. Or will I just have to live with the slowness? Thanks


It's pretty marginal, but consider getting hold of the plug 'disable smoke trails'. This should make things run quite a bit more smoothly if the Voinians and UE Navy are slugging it out where you're trying to fly.

v1.0.1 didn't have smoke trails, but did include a few bug fixes that are worth having. I'd go for that if v1.0.2 is unacceptable. Where you'd get it nowadays, though... hmm. Somebody here must still have a copy.

Use 2x speed (caps lock) only when on long flights in safe areas. Keep the function in reserve for that. As for increasing speed on the options slider, it's not a terribly bad thing to do, since it has a side-effect of increasing the range of your guns... but you're really only changing the frame rate; combat against Azdaras and other fast fighters could become a bit of a nightmare.

Uh... otherwise, you seem to be doing all the right things to speed up your Mac. Try changing screen resolution to 640x400 maybe? Assuming you're playing at 800x600... which is easier because you can see hostiles from further away, but must require some effort on the part of the '040.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

How can I change my screen resoloution down? I'm not really sure


From the apple menu when on the desktop, select 'control panels'... Within the control panels, it's probably called 'monitors & sound'. From the list available, select a low resolution and try EV:O again. The exact name of the appropriate control panel really depends on which version of the OS your computer runs. Late versions of '7' have a control strip for changing screen resolution. Anyway, you should find it reasonably easily, and it'll be a useful thing to know.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)


Originally posted by Type R:
**How can I change my screen resoloution down? I'm not really sure


Control Panels -> Monitors (and Sound, in some instances). There, you should find "resolution", which will have 640 x 480, 800x 600, etc. Select the resolution you desire, and you're good to go.



Originally posted by Type R:
I have a 68040 non PPC and EV:O runs a little slow on my computer. I set game speed to 250% and it helps a little bit but not much. I dont have Virtual Memory on, I gave EV:O 24k to run with, and I tried hitting 2x speed but that makes the game choppy. EV ran fine on my computer with no problems, and I have EV:O version 1.02. Is 1.0 any faster? Any tips for improving speed would be appriciated. Or will I just have to live with the slowness? Thanks

I think you mean 24, 000 k. But alowing it to take more RAM won't do anything, if you don't have any left.

Anyways, there's one, simple, fix-all, solution to getting EV: Override to run faster: Buy a new computer.


Well, I just downloaded EV:O version 1.0 and it runs a lot faster than 1.02. It runs pretty smooth now, and i figured out how to change my screen resoloution. Do you guys just change the resoloution before you play the game? Anyway,thanks for all the help, I'm able to play again!



Originally posted by Type R:
**Well, I just downloaded EV:O version 1.0 and it runs a lot faster than 1.02. It runs pretty smooth now, and i figured out how to change my screen resoloution. Do you guys just change the resoloution before you play the game? Anyway,thanks for all the help, I'm able to play again!

All considered, the main reason it runs faster, is probably because there are no smoke trails. Hell, they slow down my computer! (PowerBook G3/250) Anyways, you should still get a new computer. Not only because you can run newer versions of EVO, but a lottof other games too. (Most notebly, EV: Nova) Aside from that, you won't have to wait aslong, you'll have more RAM for memory hogging aplications, more HD space, etc. etc.. You'll just be much happier with a newer mac than the one you have, even if it's only a few dozen mhz faster. Trust me.

In a Nutshell: Buy a cheap used or refurbished Mac, or a Brand-spankin-new one if you have the money.


I would buy a new Mac but don't have the am stuck with this one for a little while longer.


As I said before, you can still use EV:O version 1.0.2 and enjoy a number of nice features... just add the plugin 'disable smoke trails' to the appropriate folder of your installation.

As for using an older Mac... excellent! They deserve to be used, not just thrown away, the way you have to with obsolete PCs. Even OS6 was pretty user-friendly... I went all the way through university with a Classic II. It was used just about every day, and it never let me down. It worked right out of the box, from 1992 to late 1998, when I replaced it with an Apple machine which wasn't half as impressive in terms of reliability. That machine won't remain useful for six years... In fact, if it wasn't for the Kyoto Summit business, I think I'd have bought a new machine already.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

I had to use a 68040 33Mhz, and it ran really slow. however, last summer I worked tons and got myself a new G4. needless to say, it runs perfect, but it also has in an imac and a 5500/225 at school. my conclusion is that power pc enhancements help the game speed quite a bit. so if you can manage it, get a semi decent, if old, ppc. another problem i had (on my 68040) was that there was no sound whatsoever in EVO. this problem might only be because of the abysmal speed or the thing. (btw, mine was a performa 630CD)

You really shouldn't play EVO unless you have a PPC processor.

I used to run EVO on a Quadra 700, it was usable, but not very fast.

Allocating more RAM won't help it. It will only go faster by being able to do more calculations per second (as in, a better CPU).

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy | 'Linux Geek'
"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny"

EV:O runs fine now. And I didnt need a new computer either 🙂


Money shouldn't be an issue. You can get an old PPC Mac, several times faster then what you're using, for under $200. That's including shiping and handling, and a monitor.



Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**As for using an older Mac... excellent! They deserve to be used, not just thrown away, the way you have to with obsolete PCs. Even OS6 was pretty user-friendly... I went all the way through university with a Classic II. It was used just about every day, and it never let me down. It worked right out of the box, from 1992 to late 1998, when I replaced it with an Apple machine which wasn't half as impressive in terms of reliability. That machine won't remain useful for six years... In fact, if it wasn't for the Kyoto Summit business, I think I'd have bought a new machine already.

I agree old Macs shouldn't just be thrown away in the trash, but no one should have to suffer by trying to use them as a gaming machine. (at least not ones that old) Instead, set them up as word processing/printing machines, juke boxes, network servers, or some other that doesn't require much processing power. I believe in using old computers until every last bit of life has been drained out of them, and then scraping them for parts. (the latter of which I haven't practiced because all of my other macs aren't quite dead yet)



Originally posted by MadFax7:
**All considered, the main reason it runs faster, is probably because there are no smoke trails. Hell, they slow down my computer! (PowerBook G3/250)

Nah... version 1.0.1 (no smoke trails) ran very slowly on my old Performa 631CD with a 68040. I think, as people have been saying, PPC processor might be the most important thing. I remember also on that computer if I tried to recall fighters (option-C) it would freeze. Not fun.

If you don't have the money for a new Mac, you could just play Original EV on the computer - it runs a lot faster.

Whop w1ll 0wn j00!


Originally posted by Joolzman5:
**...PPC processor might be the most important thing ... you could just play Original EV on the computer - it runs a lot faster.

My old Powerbook runs EV okay, with its puny 100MHz PPC chip, and you know how anaemic a laptop is, compared to a desktop of the same vintage. I've never tried EVx on anything slower than that, though. I don't think any games produced in the nineties would appreciate my Classic II's 1-bit graphics!

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)


Originally posted by Joolzman5:
Nah... version 1.0.1 (no smoke trails) ran very slowly on my old Performa 631CD with a 68040. I think, as people have been saying, PPC processor might be the most important thing. I remember also on that computer if I tried to recall fighters (option-C) it would freeze. Not fun.

I think you may have missunderstood me, I meant the reason that version 1.0.0 ran fast er on Type Rs computer than 1.0.2, is because there were no smoke trails. (speaking of smoke trails, you can download the fixer, that will enable the "disable smoke trails" check box in your preferences dialogue, (url="http://";=plugins&display;=rating&file;=DisableSmokeTrails.sit.hqx")here(/url))

However, I think PPC does matter, EVO runs reeeeeeaaaaally slow on my old PowerBook 540c. (68040/33mhz) My 6100/60 runs EVO alot faster than my 540c, like 6 or 7 times as fast, and even my 6100 doesn't compare to my G3, and I'm sure my G3 probably doesn't compare to a G4!

Although, both my 6100 and 540c run the original EV just fine, so I would take Joolzmans advice, and just play it for now.



Originally posted by MadFax7:
**I think you may have missunderstood me, I meant the reason that version 1.0.0 ran fast er on Type Rs computer than 1.0.2, is because there were no smoke trails.

Nah, that's exactly what I meant - I was contradicting what you said. 1.0.1 has no smoke trails, but it ran almost as slowly on my old comp as 1.0.2. (I think.)

Whop w1ll 0wn j00!


Originally posted by Joolzman5:
**Nah, that's exactly what I meant - I was contradicting what you said. 1.0.1 has no smoke trails, but it ran almost as slowly on my old comp as 1.0.2. (I think.)

Try running 1.0.2 on a non-G3 machine with smoke trails on, and lots of rockets on the screen.
