Galaxy's Edge Bar

Celchu walks into the bar and says to Mr. Man, "Good luck getting some service here." :rolleyes: He then tosses a grenade over the bar and leaves while the bar explodes around him. Oh, and he also steals a Dr. Pepper. 🙂

If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten.


Originally posted by Celchu:
**Celchu walks into the bar and says to Mr. Man, "Good luck getting some service here.":rolleyes: He then tosses a grenade over the bar and leaves while the bar explodes around him. Oh, and he also steals a Dr. Pepper. 🙂

Giule activates the robo-bartender.

Download Galaxy's Edge for EVO at (url="http://"")

Mike blow the roboserver up and uses the spare parts to begin constructing a killer Von Neumann self-replicating bot.

-Mike Lemmer
"Welded to death... bad
way to go."

Mr. Man then warps Mike's supplies to another dimension


😕HELLO!!! 😕
