Emalgha Bar


1. everyone is allowed except vonians

2. you can't destroy my bar or kill me.

NOTE: I have security

starts polishing the tables

As Some Guys first costumer, Athena walks in and orders her Devil's Breath. Athena leans towards Some Guy and asks, "So were exceactly is your bar?...." Athena grins in embarrasment "...I know its a dumb question, but I kinda got lost when I flew through a nebula."

No one gets what they wish for,
They get what they work for.

Hmmmm... this bar looks like it's getting alot of customers...

Do you serve Azdgari drinks? I'll have one sprarkling Zaphraia


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

"Oh nice bar. Not that crowded at North Tip bar seems to be," Wratho then relaizes that it means that it's nobody here he can shoot at save for Azdara. Wratho blows Azdara into pieces but relaizes this bar is boring and leaves.

EV is the best game ever. But EVO is better.

WarBeast enters the bar and bumps into Wratho who decides to start a fight. A fight that quickly ends with a neutron shot to his legs. "Nice bar, not quite as nice as the one I normally go to on Fridon though." WarBeast says to the barkeep. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a Emalgha ambassador make his way towards him, "WarBeast, we're aware your people are also fighting the Voinians, and having a good deal more success. Would you take me to Earth to negociate an alliance?" he asks. The only answer he recieves is a shap laugh and a neutron shot to the head.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

"I wake, I work, I sleep, I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life has passed and all I've been, shall never touch the Earth again." - Ballad of skyfarm 3. - Alpha Centuari

Adolf the viking strides in after testing his newly aquired Emalghian cannons and turrents and orders and old Earth dring the Vampire Kiss. Those turrents make the nasty enamy look so much like swiss cheese if only my ship had more space would buy more. Nothing better than boarding a dreadnaught in the heat of battel. When the raid alarm sounds he smiles howing off his fangs. Yummmm freash meat off to battel.

Hail Odin,
where he gose victory and
glory follow. The old
gods are not dead and are

I wish I was a mod! Then I could lock these topics

People!!!!! Go away!!!!!!!! You don't start a bar until the bar in use reaches 200 posts!!!!!!!!!! And Jess get's to start the new bar!!!

My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable" Then "What Happened to Huron" finally "Ontario the Azdara"
What do you think?

Out of curiousity, where did that rule come from?

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

"I wake, I work, I sleep, I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life has passed and all I've been, shall never touch the Earth again." - Ballad of skyfarm 3. - Alpha Centuari

From the depths of darkness!

"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."
"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead."


My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable" Then "What Happened to Huron" finally "Ontario the Azdara"
What do you think?

Overrider, you can just go away already. There is no said rule about only having one bar on a forum. You just wan't to have a monopoly wchich isn't going to happen. Give up already.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-


Originally posted by Overrider720:
**And Jess get's to start the new bar!!!


Absolutely! I never get to start a new bar!

If you have any complaints about my behavior, please direct them to a brick wall.

I don't care about a ****** monopoly! there are to many bars and I don't know where that Council station bar came from so why don't you go away

My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable" Then "What Happened to Huron" finally "Ontario the Azdara"
What do you think?

SECURITY!!!! get overrider out of here out of here!

who! what! where! when! why! I like pie.

Have you ever noticed how many members comment on posts? Left and right I'm hearing members saying "This topic should be moved" or "This topic should be closed" or "This topic was posted twice". Well here's a hint for ya, most people figure that out own their bloody own!! So leave that sort of thing for the mods and stop spamming the posts with it!

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

"I wake, I work, I sleep, I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life has passed and all I've been, shall never touch the Earth again." - Ballad of skyfarm 3. - Alpha Centuari

Overrider throws the stupid securiy out the window and starts kicking tables and chairs then flys off to the North Tip Station Bar

My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable" Then "What Happened to Huron" finally "Ontario the Azdara"
What do you think?


Originally posted by Overrider720:
**So why don't you go away?

I was here first.
Hah! 😄

Foolish child


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Everbody starts cheering after Overide leaves.

No one gets what they wish for,
They get what they work for.

Skippy walks in as everyone cheers
Well, since this place is so festive I'll stop in here. It's nice to get a break from eating four Voinian frigates with a modified Crescent Warship.
"Emelghian Space Slushy pleaze."

WarBeast relaxes into a barstool once Overrider leaves. He wipes off some of the ambassador's blood still on his hands and takes out a small holo-cube. "Normally I wouldn't pull Lightning Squadren down here, but I've heard reports of a relic somewhere in the galaxy. The rumors say it's a bunch of credits, but I know it's some sort of weapon. A powerful one." WarBeast says while sipping his drink. "Thing is, the only clue about the thing is in the holo-cube, and it's protected. I heard someone here on Emalgha could unlock it. Anybody have an idea?"

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

"I wake, I work, I sleep, I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life has passed and all I've been, shall never touch the Earth again." - Ballad of skyfarm 3. - Alpha Centuari