What are all the EVO Central Objectives?

hi, im new here, and i would just like to know all the central objectives so far all i have been able to accomplish is the explore the nebuals and thats it

Im the captain of the Red
Destiny VI, don't mess
with me i cheat!

1. Explore the Nebulae 😉
2. Push back the Voinian Frontier
3. Tip the balance in the Strand War

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. " - General George Patton
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allright thanks dude

Im the captain of the Red
Destiny VI, don't mess
with me i cheat!

Iwould like to know the pre-requistiques of the NPD missions and where to start them, and where to start Zidagar missions.

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

The Zidagar missions start on Pozdag-3, where you have to...do a mission :D.

The Nebulae misions are for the Miranu, so you have to complete the "diplomatic relations" misson, the one after it, and is it the mission that starts on Kitrak with relations with the Igadzra...Not sure about thet. But sure that the Zidagar is on Pozdag.

--Do Not Be Mad... 🙂

I thought the NPC missions started at Mirava.
The Igadzra missions start in Kitrak.

What do I put in here?

You're both wrong they start at Station Plybin :rolleyes:

Actually, the NPD missions can begin at any of the Miranu worlds near Mirava. I have recieved the mission at Mirava, Station Pybin, and Kitrak in different files.

What in the world is going on? Just keep looking it has to be out there, now that I found it what do I do?

(This message has been edited by UE Savior (edited 05-19-2001).)

I'm stuck on the NPD missions actually...you have to enter the Prox. Nebula, but from what angle do "new systems" appear? I tried South Tip, but that doesn't go anywhere...

suspecting a game problem, I used EV Edit and made the NPD purchaseable in a plugin...sure enough, there it was, quantity 1.

So I undid that, started a new pilot and checked out all the stuff around the nebula...it looked identical...

My furthest-inmost objects are (in order from left side to right side)

South Tip

I cannot complete this mission by visiting any of these locations...do one of the DSNs have a planet or something I need to land on?


Originally posted by Doppelganger:
**I'm stuck on the NPD missions actually...you have to enter the Prox. Nebula, but from what angle do "new systems" appear? I tried South Tip, but that doesn't go anywhere...

suspecting a game problem, I used EV Edit and made the NPD purchaseable in a plugin...sure enough, there it was, quantity 1.

So I undid that, started a new pilot and checked out all the stuff around the nebula...it looked identical...

My furthest-inmost objects are (in order from left side to right side)

South Tip

I cannot complete this mission by visiting any of these locations...do one of the DSNs have a planet or something I need to land on?**

On the first mission, you'll only find one new system. You return to that F-xxxx planet and Nathis will tell you he needs to perform some more adjustments. He'll do them, but before you can do anything more, a few emergencies occur and you are forced to move back to Station Pybin. You can do the mission string and find out the rest... 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"If an infinite number of computer programmers programmed for an infinite number of years, they would eventually come up with a working operating system. Bill Gates, being impatient, gave them two days and took the first one that was finished." -- Anonymous

thanks, but approx. where is this system? just a "lower left" or "lower right" or if you can name the 'parent' system would be great.

where do you get the mission to help the rebels rebell out of voinian space? and the mission to destroy avvan station?

Im the captain of the Red
Destiny VI, don't mess
with me i cheat!

Do the UE Missions and Emalgha type missions and hang around any stations you take over. The Hinwar may look you up...........

"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."

and the mission to get a ue cruiser? (Even though i already have one..bwahahahahaha cheating rules)

Im the captain of the Red
Destiny VI, don't mess
with me i cheat!

I beg to differ on your last point.

Go into UE space closer to the Strandless/Strand territory.

You may find a mission on one of the worlds between independant space and Sol space.

"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."


Originally posted by Hunter Renegade:
**hi, im new here, and i would just like to know all the central objectives so far all i have been able to accomplish is the explore the nebuals and thats it

Actually, push back the Voinian frontier, and disturb the strand balance are only a few of the main objectives. I know, we usually dont tell newbbies this, but telling them is better than giving them wrong information- the main objectives are:

-Disturb balance in favor of one of the strands (3 here, because it is possible to do all three strands w/o cheating)
-Push back voinian frontier
-Destroy UE Verril Prime (voinian mission string)
-Destroy outpost Zachit (nt renegades)
-Destroy the Rock (Zacha string)
-NPD (ya know...)
-transport Miranu MD to New Calcutta (Miranu string, i believe..)

I have the strangest feeling there's another one, but cant think of it...
Hope that helps.

Oh, strings..
I believe the NT renegade string starts on some miranu station, Zacha string begins in outpost Zachit, Voinian string starts on Pax, i dont know the rest.

Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.
--- Tim Hansel

There is also a South Tip renegade mission string, but I don't know where it starts.

Hang around Knox for the UE Cruiser mission. To get this mission you have to complete all UE missions against the renegades.

There are also Emalghian missions, which start on...Emalgha.

For NPD missions, go to the planet you set up with Nathan. After exploring one planet, there will be an Igazra emergency, and then you can continue from there.

The NPD missions start on a Miranu planet, UE missions start on Earth, and Miranu missions start on Mira. Azdgari missions start on South Tip Station, Igadzran missions start on Kitrak, and Zidagar missions start on Podzag-3.


What's all this cheating I hear about 🆒?
In my early days of EVO i looked every where but alas i could not find my true lov........
OOPS Sory rehersing shakspear heh heh:O.
so where are cheats and what are they?

Cheats -> (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evo&category;=cheats&display;=date&page;=1")'cheats'(/url) section, (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/evo/addons.html")EVO Addons(/url)

You should find LOTS of cheats there. My personal opinion of cheats is to use them only when stuck for 3 days - 1 week


originally posted by -REDCHIGH-
-transport Miranu MD to New Calcutta (Miranu string, i believe..)

Miranu string, I believe it too 😉

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
--- Albert Einstein

What do I do once i click get it? 😕