brag about your ship

Good ships, wanna brag about yours?

its not kids in the backseat that cause accidents, its accidents in the backseat that cause kids. y'all come in here and check this out before I flush it. computers let us do stupid things faster.

uh, yeah I have a ship, voinian dreadnought what else do you need to know?
do I have have to say any more?

its not kids in the backseat that cause accidents, its accidents in the backseat that cause kids. y'all come in here and check this out before I flush it. computers let us do stupid things faster.

Type: Crescent Fighter

Equipment: Swivel phase maxed out, non-Azdgari shield upgrades, speed upgrades,
Zidagar ECM, repulsor beam, IFF decoder, density scanner, systems upgrade - stuff
like that.

There isn't a ship in EVO, or any number of any ships in EVO, that I can't beat.

So why have a bigger ship?

Fear not the dragon,
Fear not the wolf,
Fear not the warship,
Fear my Crescent Fighter.

I have an azdara like that It took me a while but i beat the voinian dreadnought in it I wasn't a UE but all I had to do was attack my escort after I released him, escorts are to much of a hassal... I usually let them go any way...

its not kids in the backseat that cause accidents, its accidents in the backseat that cause kids. y'all come in here and check this out before I flush it. computers let us do stupid things faster.

I have a UECruiser.
I like it cos it's big.
I can kill anything.
I am sooo good!

"Things that try to look like things often do look more like things than things, well known fact."
-Granny Weatherwax

Most powerful ship I've had, UE Dreadnought from ROTUE.

Armorment of:

6 phase turrets
10 enhanced neutron turrets
2 neutron beams
200 pursuit missles
5 UE Fighters
4 UE Destroyers (in the UE Destroyer bay)
3 Crescent Fighters
A space mine layer + 10 mines
All speed upgrades
All shield upgrades (minus the exp. shield generator)
1 kit of Dospect armor
A regular ECM system
A Zidagar ECM system
A needle jammer
A marine compartment
A sensor enhancement
2 Fuel Scoops
And a phased beamer

Just the basics 🙂 .

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

"I wake, I work, I sleep, I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life has passed and all I've been, shall never touch the Earth again." - Ballad of skyfarm 5. - Alpha Centuari

My ship.........

The Imperial Phoenix.

An Imperial Republic Cruiser(a UE Cruiser).

Engine/RCS/Accel Upgrade

5 Phase Turrets

Layer Of Dospect

Sensor Upgrade

I can take on any ship in the galaxy with that ship.

I also have a Dark Arada for those times when I need to melt into the shadows.....

P.S. By the way, compliments on your new behavior VE.

"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."

(This message has been edited by Imperial Phoenix (edited 05-14-2001).)

IF you are playing a fair game with no plug-ins, using a Dreadnought kinda sucks.

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**IF you are playing a fair game with no plug-ins, using a Dreadnought kinda sucks.


I agree. When you land, all of the nice weapons disappear. I myself use a Miranu Heavy Freighter. It's a nice little ship fully adequate for smuggling.
2 Phase Turrets
1 Mine Layer
50 Space Mines
1 Zidagar ECM
1 ECM System
1 Zidagar Systems Upgrade
UE CLoaking Device

There's probably some other stuff, but I don't feel like posting it all. There are 100 tons of Cargo Space left after all the mass expansions, and it's defeated crescent fighters, warships, UE cruisers, the Dreadnought, and many Voinian vessels. On rare ocassions, I've taken out Zidara's, Igazra's, and small packs of Azdara's. It may look weak, but for not cheating, it can rival most other ships in the game.

When did I go Insane?

I have two pilot files, one that's "finished" and the other that's still in progress. In the first, I have a (url="http://"")Crescent Warship(/url), and the second file has a (url="http://"")regular old Arada(/url).

The first ship has a lot of stuff, including half Emalgha, half phase turrets (I don't remember how many -- the max, whatever that is), a thrust and RCS upgrade, Dospect armor, IFF decoder, afterburner, Anything I could get my hands on. As for secondary weapons, I sold the SAD launchers and replace them with other launchers as needed -- pursuits, dispersals, SADs, anything that I fancy. 🙂

On the Arada, I have maxed swivel phase cannons and phase turrets, afterburners, an Azdgari upgrade, an IFF decoder and afterburner, and pursuit missiles at present It can kill most any non-Voinian dumb enough to annoy me. 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"If an infinite number of computer programmers programmed for an infinite number of years, they would eventually come up with a working operating system. Bill Gates, being impatient, gave them two days and took the first one that was finished." -- Anonymous

You all think your ships are so good well I have an invincible azdara (not enhanced)

An Azdara

One shield enchancer, neutron cannons and the usual stuff. Kicks arse anywhere

This is an example of truly subversive humour. There are, in all societies (including those which boast of having "free speech"), certain truths known by everybody but that everybody keeps quiet about (e.g., the government is robbing us blind).

Fear the Z.S.S Ullysis

shipclass: Zidara


two pfasebeams
a zidagar fighterbay
two zidagar fighters
two pfase turrets
a zidagar EMC
a regular EMC
4 shield enhancers
en engine upgrade
2 external fueltanks
2 feulscopes
2 dr launchers w.ammo
an autorefuler (YEAH!)
and the extra 20 tons weaponspace upgraded by the zidagar tecnishians

oh and did i mantion the greatest pilot known to man (and alien)?

Prepare to die Cap'n Hector!


Originally posted by sadE:
You all think your ships are so good well I have an invincible azdara (not enhanced)

sadE quit copying me that's my ship don't listen to sadE he's just someone i know

You have been overriden by Overrider your computer is dead!

(This message has been edited by Overrider720 (edited 05-15-2001).)

Arada, 2 phase turs and 2 swiv cans, all stuff from the azdgari, and pursuits. if i happen to have space i get needles. theyre horrible, but they take up no space. I just wish i could get the cool green paint (or maybe the zachit blue, thats ok too).

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Voinian dreadnoughts dont suck, ok. They are very good in fighting strand ships.
the only bad part about the dreadnought is the time it takes to jump.
it has a hell of a lot of guns and its speed isn't bad. It's basically the equivelent of three Voinian cruisers.

Don't give me that "there's no 'I' in team" crap. There's no 'U' in team either.

does this include ships re-created from resedit? if not, i have a maxed arada. max guns (photon) maxed shield upgrades, and dospect armor.

titan's new board click (url="http://"")here(/url) to enter


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**...max guns (photon)...


What are 'photon' guns in EVO? Do you mean 'Phase' guns?

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

The Dreadnought isn't exactly bad , it's just that it's so slow most
people don't want to be stuck in it. After all, sure you can blow any other ship
apart in seconds, but you sort of need to rely on them walking right up to you
and standing as still as they can.........


"Sir, there's some sort of large grey triangle in the distance!" the cadet

"How large?" the captain asked.

"I'm guessing about the size of half a dozen Voinian Cruisers!"

"How fast is it coming at us?"

"We're now opening microscopic movement scanners....." the cadet replied.

"Anything?" the captain enquired.

"Err....... Switching to nanoscopic......" came the reply.

"What now?" the captain asked.

The cadet shrugged. "Nothing, sir. It appears to be completely motionless on our scanners...."

Fear not the dragon,
Fear not the wolf,
Fear not the warship,
Fear my Crescent Fighter.

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-16-2001).)


In keeping with the middle ages theme of today's Blue Peter, we'll be learning how to make our own Iron Maiden.
You will need: Some Thick Cardboard
Some Kebab Skewers and
A bicyle chain.