What's Your Favorite Ship?

As some people know I consider the Arada the greatest ship (one of these days I'll steal an enhanced one and take on the Galaxy) but when I feel lazy I fly a CW, UE cruiser or V. Cruiser depending on my affiliation. They require less effort.

Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.


Originally posted by Knifeblade Nick:
My favorite ship's da Lazira, with the right upgrades 'n' weapons, it's the best ship ya can buy!

Would this be under version 1.0.0? Or using the (cheat plug) EV fixer? Since 1.0.1, the Lazira can only have 3 guns or 3 turrets (or some combination thereof)... which means that in primary weapons it is weaker than the cheaper, faster Arada.

Personally, I like an Igazra with engine upgrades. Moves like an eel... hits like a sock full of ball bearings.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

Igazras are too slow, so the Adzgari Arada. It's fast, hits hard, and gets out.


Zidara (only for AI, though, because of phased beam).

It's light, compact, has fighters, has the powerful phased beam to use against Azdaraa, has cool colour scheme, the list goes on (but I'm too lazy to continue it)É

For player, Azdgari Warship. Have the Azdaras swarm the enemy while pummeling at the enemy fighters (or helping kill the enemy). Two problems: AI sucks with it, and it can't be used for the Azdgari missions (it makes jumps in two days). Other than that, it's pretty darn good.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)