Strand Names

Azdara wrote

Hmmm... here is a crazy out there idea. Maybe, just mmaybe the two systems were randomly the same. Like the emhelga word for "Dog food" and the gadzairian (Whatever) word for "This is a system." Or maybe the two copied each other. Is that planetary plagerism?

I think that the EVO team made two kelmaons on purpose to make the game seem more mysterious and to give plugin makes ideas



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**< laughs> Whatever, Jess. Come on then - try it. You'll TRY to say something sensible,
but you'll end up spelling "FLIRT". <grins>


Actually, that would be quite a good name for a race... <grins>

In keeping with the middle ages theme of today's Blue Peter, we'll be learning how to make our own Iron Maiden.
You will need: Some Thick Cardboard
Some Kebab Skewers and
A bicyle chain.


Originally posted by spoonbender:
**Call me slow, but although I have known since the game came out that the Igadzra, Azdgari, and Zidagar use the same set of letters in their names, It only occurred to me about five minutes ago that those letters can also be rearranged to spell Gadzair.

I don't know if other people have discovered this, but please tell me if you have or haven't.



Do you know what else that spells? ( Nudge Nudge, 😉 😉 Hint Hint ) Look at my username!

When did I go Insane?


Originally posted by jubee on diff com:
I am not making fun of spoonbender but this is a good example of why we need the search back. He could have easily searched that question out if he had the chance.

Wht the heck do you care you arn't even registered just do it it takes 5 seconds and you can have a signiture

You have been overriden by Overrider your computer is dead!