Ambrosia Needs to move EV Override to P.C.

Hey,Guys don't you think its time for Ambrosia to move EV Override to Windows or P.C?Its been a while!Ok lets see lets have some votes!Who ever says yeah I would say they should move it to P.C.(If they can(or try it)

hey,EVO rocks!its 2001
i wonder if everyone still plays it?

Part of the charm of EV/EVO is that it's Mac only. Besides, Windows are "created from 100% negative energy". It just wouldn't be the same.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

Damn,I am not that much of a programmer...If I was then I'd know that...(I don't know if know programming either,prbaly do right?)

hey,EVO rocks!its 2001
i wonder if everyone still plays it?

Not sure how making a game Mac only has "charm." Most major software now is multi-platform, especially since porting requires changing only a few low level functions. Essentially you double your market with only a teensy bit of extra effort.

Granted, the EV series is entirely reliant on Mac only resource forks, but similar data structures would be simple enough to implement on the PC.

Porting EVO would be a highly beneficial and profitable venture.

If you give a man a match, he will be warm for a day. If you light a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life.

I think it shouldn't be converted to Windows (I won't you 'PC' because some Macs are 'PCs') because it would break Ambrosia's tradition of Mac only software (not including Coldstone and POG. But I'm not too interesting in them anyway).

Recently started playing ROTUE, haven't got too far, haven't seen any new ships.

The people in these forums will beat me up for saying this, but I'm an idiot who needs a spanking... yes you should be able to play EV and EVO on PC, and the great thing is, you can. Get the mac emulator at (url="http://"") and then download EVO. Enjoy, w00t!!!

(This message has been edited by andrew (edited 04-25-2001).)

Hmm... I believe a quick glance at the FAQs will reveal that no EV game will be ported to Windows or any other platform other than Nova being carbonized for OS X. Work on Override has long since ended, and a port would involve a huge undertaking that Matt Burch has absolutely no interest in pursuing. If you want an EVO port, you're out of luck unless you want to ask Ambrosia to let you do one yourself. Escape Velocity will never be ported to Windows, end of story.


The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
What am I doing? I'm Chillin™!
(url="http://"")The WWII Plug-in for EVO(/url), coming soon


Originally posted by StarStrafer:
**Hmm... I believe a quick glance at the FAQs will reveal that no EV game will be ported to Windows or any other platform other than Nova being carbonized for OS X. Work on Override has long since ended, and a port would involve a huge undertaking that Matt Burch has absolutely no interest in pursuing. If you want an EVO port, you're out of luck unless you want to ask Ambrosia to let you do one yourself. Escape Velocity will never be ported to Windows, end of story.




If the cat bites you on the tong, bite it back.

Why port to PC at all?

And why port?

If anything, Ambrosia should negotiate to get another company to licence the game for Playstation 2 - with them taking on all of the development costs and marketing risks.

My 2 English pence.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Personally, I would rather have Ambrosia's attentions focused on making new games like Nova, rather than putting old games on a platform that has no meaning to me.

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. " - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower

Granted a convertion would probably be a quite profitable venture; I mean I have a friend who hates macs.. he really hates them but after playing 2 hrs of ev he said he had found a reason to buy a mac. The thing is I don't think that Ambosia is in this buisiness for the money. I mean they need money tu survive and hopefully they do get a lot of money (they deserve it for all the work they put into their games) but they have a different feel than most gaming companies. I mean look at all the little things that were programmed into EV and EVO. Look at Avara.

I don't know. Someone said that part of the magic of EV and EVO is that they are mac only and that has some truth to it. The mac gaming community is a little different from the PC one. Granted not all PC gamers look at EV and say "yuck, you are playing a 2-D game". (My roomate last semester) The people that follow EV are into the little things. EV is cool the same way Myth and Myth II are cool. (the base community for Myth and Myth II has a very disproportionate amount of macs) Well those are just my thoughts. I wouldn't like to see EV turned into diablo II... Diablo II is very fun to play for a while, but after that it just gets boring. EV/EVO, Myth/Myth II.. those are never boring. Well just my 2 cents.

"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."
-Pink Floyd


Originally posted by UE Carrier:
**Hey,Guys don't you think its time for Ambrosia to move EV Override to Windows or P.C?Its been a while!Ok lets see lets have some votes!Who ever says yeah I would say they should move it to P.C.(If they can(or try it)


you spam!! you should read the faqs and stuff before posting!!! it has been asked before, the ev series will never be for p.c.s!!! besides, windows are p.c.s. posting this could make your karma drop too!! SPAM!!!! :mad: oh yeah, there are some types of programs that will make ev(o) run on p.c.s

Ultimate Rebel-Rebel General who led the Confederates' Demise

It's never going to happen. Stop posting here.

"Things that try to look like things often do look more like things than things, well known fact."
-Granny Weatherwax


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**I think it shouldn't be converted to Windows (I won't you 'PC' because some Macs are 'PCs') because it would break Ambrosia's tradition of Mac only software (not including Coldstone and POG. But I'm not too interesting in them anyway).


And Maelstrom now runs on Unix and Linux (which it has been for a while).

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**besides, windows are p.c.s. posting this could make your karma drop too!! SPAM!!!!


That doesn't make any sense. PCs run Windows, but you could port EVO to a PC OS like BeoS or Linux or UNIX, but not Windows. Hell, maybe they could open source the old EV engine and let someone port it to Linux... it worked for Maelstrom =D

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**, maybe they could open source the old EV engine and let someone port it to Linux... it worked for Maelstrom =D

That idea ain't half bad. Don't know how ambrosia would feel about it, though.

I never conquered; rarely came

Kill Windows!
Kill Bill Gates!
Kill Microsoft!
Kill all Windows user! <oops, I use Windows :frown: Darn it - an iMac will soon be mine!>

Linux = Good. I have no problem with an EV/EVO conversion for Linux, myself.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Kill Windows!
Kill Bill Gates!
Kill Microsoft!
Kill all Windows user! <oops, I use Windows :frown: Darn it - an iMac will soon be mine!>

Linux = Good. I have no problem with an EV/EVO conversion for Linux, myself.


Hmm... that last comment about Linux barely redeems this from being spam. I would also point out that even if someone were to kill you, one of the other you's would take his place, so you have little to fear.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
What am I doing? I'm Chillin™!
(url="http://"")The WWII Plug-in for EVO(/url), coming soon

(This message has been edited by StarStrafer (edited 04-25-2001).)

Me, spam? No way!

They were all valid comments, that quite quickly summed up my opinion. I shall
rephrase it, if you wish:


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**I do not think that EV or EVO should be released on any Windows running computer,
and Windows computers in general are unreliable.

EV and EVO are unreliable enough <for me anyway, and I don't just mean the always
crashing Frozen Heart> but with WINDOWS added you'd never manage to do anything
in the game.

Also, EV and EVO deserve to be Apple. There may be more graphically enhanced
games out there for Window, but EV and EVO equal them for one reason:

They're more fun.

Now take Windows and AppleOS. In some aspects (mainly statistics, although don't
trust them because Windows statistics are untrue to actual capabilities) Windows
can be said to be better. This "statistic" advantage is surprisingly similar to the
"graphical" advantage other games have over EV and EVO.

In conclusion, I believe that EV and EVO are made for Macintosh, and should remain

PS: Kill Windows! Kill Bill Gates! 😉

Oh, and I apologize for what you saw as spamming.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff


Originally posted by wes:
**That idea ain't half bad. Don't know how ambrosia would feel about it, though.


I always got the impression that Matt Burch didn't like the idea. He is obviously not anti-open source though, he did do exobattle. Part of the code, such as certain sound components were owned by Ambrosia and Matt did the rest iirc. So I am not sure exactly whose permission would be needed to open source it, probably both Matt and Ambrosia.

Maybe now that Nova is coming out and EV is so 'outdated' maybe they might consider it sometime in the future. I will point out this has been brought up before, the last time it was regarding open sourcing it to make it multiplayer. Andrew and a few others said, however, that the whole thing would need to be rewritten anyways, so open sourcing for multiplayer would be pointless anyways.

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus