So far we have begun to debug the coding from Ares and are starting to import similar codes using Code Doctor. I will update this posting as necessary so you will know what to expect of EVO: Multiplayer, and when to expect it.
So far we have begun to debug the coding from Ares and are starting to import similar codes using Code Doctor. I will update this posting as necessary so you will know what to expect of EVO: Multiplayer, and when to expect it.
Good luck you'll need all you can get. No offense intended to your skill levels, but this is a very difficult project, as far as I can tell from previous attempts.
Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
Badminton Overhead Clear: Get under and slightly behind the falling birdie. Have racket ready in backswing position. Extend racket toward sky and contact shuttle at highest point. The racket face should be open. Snap wrist forward on contact. Shuttle should fly to your opponent's backcourt. -- shayborg's tip of the week
As they say on Battle.Net; GL and HF! (good luck and have fun)
' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' ESPilot
yeah good luck!
"Your true value depends entirely of what you are compared with"
Bob Wells
I wish you lots and lots and lots lots and lots and lots lots and lots and lots lots and lots and lots of luck.
Hope fully it works. It'll probably be one of the biggest sellers out!!!!
The Dark Hobbit
Sellers...... Yes......
Are you going to make us pay for it?
Please say no. Please.
Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff
An extra registration fee?
shivers uncontrollably
The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
You wouldn't make us pay would you... not little 'ol me?
I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.
I have lots of faith in a guy who isn't a regular and only has 81 posts.
Seen it before.
mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus
Hey, give him a break! He only registered in march, and he obviously has some kind of a life! Don't dis!
I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.
Originally posted by Jess:
**Hey, give him a break! He only registered in march, and he obviously has some kind of a life! Don't dis!
In the time I have been here and the time before these new boards were created, I had heard these sorta projects pop up constantly. I don't pay attention to anything unless there are screenshots or public builds.
mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus
Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
In the time I have been here and the time before these new boards were created, I had heard these sorta projects pop up constantly. I don't pay attention to anything unless there are screenshots or public builds.
I'm inclined to agree with Mikee on this (what the hell am I saying?). We've seen TC plugs spring up and die, we've seen stuff like this get announced and die, we've seen other funky stuff pop up, do it's thing, and die.
At least with Epsilon there were actually builds of the thing.
Necrophiles just want to crack open a cold one.
Ok first off, of course I wouldn't make anybody pay for it, EVEN is they dissed me. But dont worry I know where your coming from. I still have a ways to go, however. If it does work, which I am hopeful that it will, I have to get Ambrosia's permission to release it, produce, it, etc. But have faith and patience and good things will happen!
We need to find a domain that will host the online game! Anyone here happen to have a really big server???
Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get! Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk! I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma! Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
AIM: StrikerDragon
Good luck guys! Don't give up if it's too hard. Keep on plugging!
Lead plugin programmer, Corsair Development
Originally posted by Alien 5672:
**We need to find a domain that will host the online game! Anyone here happen to have a really big server???
Show me the game, I'll show you a server.
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone."
-Bill Cosby
Star Trek Escape Velocity