Emulator Problems


Originally posted by Captain Boxcar Joe:
**Unfortunately im stuck with a damn PC and an emulator (Executor) to play EV/O. But i cant get EVO to work


I said it on the Developer's webboard and I'll say it again... YOU JUST CAN'T EMULATE THE MACINTOSH!

Enough said. I'll leave you in peace.


Hey moron, I sure won't leave you in peace. You can emulate the Macintosh if you're smart and patient enough. check your email for some screenshots and links to Mac emulation sites. Some lousy developer you are. (By the way, my Apple Developer Connection ID is staind_soul, and I'm developing my own additions to the very successful Basilisk II emulator for Windows, along with speed enhancements to older Mac OS versions to make them run faster on Basilisk. Develop THIS!!!!!!!!)

"I'm better at toying with people cerebrally than I was a few years ago. I'm better at f**king with your head."
-Chino Moreno, Deftones lead singer
Bill Gates Must Die!

alright, how about my thoughts on emulators? i have...softmac, fusion, basilisk II, executor (a couple different versions). after many hours of painstaking labor, executor is the only one i can actually play ev and evo on. softmac is slower than crap (demo version, only lets you use 14 meg of ram) and i can only get my ship to go one direction; fusion and basilisk are alright speed, but THE MAP DOESN'T WORK!!!!! actually i take that back--basilisk won't run them, says an error ocurred while trying to open the monitor tool. anyway, executor crashes sometimes when it just sits there for a while, when i try to hail planets, and whenever else it feels like it. no sound in evo, sfx in ev, but hey, it runs. if i had a hundred bucks, i probably would buy an old mac. but, i don't. so unless someone can help me (either with my emulators or by sending me a mac) i am stuck with executor.

oh, and about the preferences alt-shift-5 thing, i think it has to be one of the alt keys, not either...i mean the right OR the left, but not either will work...one is set up as command, the other is option. i think (key word) that the left one is command, and right is the option...not sure though. if you read the tips.txt or something like that in executor's directory it should tell you.

anyway, i put in my two cents, so i will now shut up. happy easter y'all!

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/6584/fc.jpg")See my Sig!(/url)
Yes, I have to get a new sig. What's your point?

Are you sure Basilisk II won't launch EV/EVO? There may be two problems here: either your disk images with EV/EVO may be corrupted (unlikely), or you don't have the screen prefs in the Basilisk GUI set to 256 colors. If you get a message about the game not being able to open the Monitors Tool, then all you need to do is change the screen settings. Make sure you don't use the Windows GDI option, as (at least on my PC) it causes the display to seem jumpy (Use DirectX (Full Screen) instead). The same settings should apply for all current Ambrosia games, since the all run in 256 colors. Hope this helps.

"I'm better at toying with people cerebrally than I was a few years ago. I'm better at f**king with your head."
-Chino Moreno, Deftones lead singer
Bill Gates Must Die!

Oh almost forgot, Happy Easter guys!!!!!!!!! (How the hell could I have possibly forgotten?) Also, wish me luck, I'm applying for a job at my local amusment park, and I need money so I can but a new band instrument (probably $1000 if i get it new...) Thanx guys!!!!

"I'm better at toying with people cerebrally than I was a few years ago. I'm better at f**king with your head."
-Chino Moreno, Deftones lead singer
Bill Gates Must Die!