Reverse Places for "Apocalyptic Night" - Webstory

I'll take the Haldazar. I kinda like the idea of power.

They say the Devil's name is the most unholiest.
They are wrong
There is one who's name is even worse. His name is Bill Gates

I've added my fourth ship to my old post - the Icarus Heavy Bomber.

And about my saying "don't make your ships stronger". That's perhaps a bit
unfair. I just don't want anybody to think "I have to make my fighter better
than his".

Because you don't because I have less ships.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**I've added my fourth ship to my old post - the Icarus Heavy Bomber.

And about my saying "don't make your ships stronger". That's perhaps a bit
unfair. I just don't want anybody to think "I have to make my fighter better
than his".

Because you don't because I have less ships.



The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

  1. The portsion torpedo: An amazing weapon, standard on many ships of the Haldazar. Similar to those of the Alpha Proxmians in EVGE. They use less fuel though, and have great tracking system and damage. However they work at half potenial in nebule and aren’t that great agianst cloaked ships.
    Ion Turret: Special brand of particle weapon. Not much stronger then the neutron turret but with faster rate of fire but are very weak against armour.

They say the Devil's name is the most unholiest.
They are wrong
There is one who's name is even worse. His name is Bill Gates

Zorian weapons
Slinkyl: little waves that come in packs ripping into armor.Recharges slow but there are 10 in a pack.Shoots one pack at a time.If they miss they go back to the ship that shot them and are put back into stock.Expensive and hard to find.Only the larger ships have them.

Lusd turret: made out of a substance that was found first on the Zorian moon of Lusd.It is the only planet that holds this substance.It is dangerous in it's pure liquid form.Good on sheilds but very bad on armor.When shooting out of the ship it looks silver.slightly slow recharge and good range.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Great, everyone!

I cheated a bit, since I add bits and bobs in my ships. My main ones are:

Guided missile - Slightly weaker than a hunter missile, but faster with more
range and accuracy. Mass is 1 ton.

Laser array - If the frequency of the target's (planet, station, ship) shields
are known, this breaks through the shielding.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

I think I'll take control of the Imperium Navy, seeing as how no one else has taken that role yet. Technological superiority rocks!

By the way Captain, in your Signature, just wanted to let you know that those two names are synomous!

When did I go Insane?

(This message has been edited by Igor Rigadaz (edited 04-08-2001).)

Thanks Igor! I was worried no-one would take the Imperium.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

Edited some problems. Some ships are weaker, but cost is still high. Glad you accept most of this SD. Sorry it wasn't what you were expecting.
The Imperium Navy, super-power of all human forces, has possibly the slowest ships known in the galaxy. On the other hand, there ships are widely acknowledged as some of the most destructive, not to mention expensive, ships ever created. They use their superior technology to crush Orion Union forces.

The Imperium controlled ships, decorated in the navy’s trademark colors, blue, orange, and white, are unique among all other ships in the galaxy. The bridge of all their warships are located at the very center of the vessel. The Supreme Command of the Navy believes that the lives of their command crews are too important to waste. Also, their are more than enough escape pods to evacuate twice the amount of crew compliment. As a result, cargo bays, secondary weapons, and hyperspace fuel tanks surround the hulls of the Imperium Navy’s ships. Also, the Imperium lives are not often lost. Unfortunately, shield recharge rates are very slow. Top scientists are working on fixing that problem now, but no breakthroughs are expected. Also, Every ship produced at the Imperium Navy Shipwrights (INS) contains the INS symbol, A gold crown with a platinum ring surrounding it. This severely compromises espionage missions, so, as a result, the Imperium rarely performs such missions. The INS doesn’t produce fighter bays, since the IN believes this to be a waste of space. The Hyperdrive engines are extremely primitive on INS vessels. It takes several minutes to jump and three days elapse before returning to normal space, no matter the size of the ship. Currently, not a lot of research is going into hyperdrive engines. Civilians in the IN are not allowed to own ships with hyperdrive engines or weapons, a safety precaution against defection. The warships of the navy are extremely expensive, so high war taxes are the only way to keep a large number of them in service. The citizens of Imperium worlds generally accept the tax.

The Imperium has always had a technological advantage in the Imperium-Orion war. They utilize that advantage very effectively. Scientists are believed to be treated like royalty, and for a good reason. The two most recognized IN weapons are the SAM and the Spherical Pulse gun. The SAM is an extremely slow, disk-like module, which does hardly any damage to shield or armor. SAM stands for Shield Admonisher Module. Instead of actually effecting the shields, the weapon targets and destroys the recharger. However, this weapon doesn’t work as well as hoped, as most ships with higher recharge are too fast to be hit by it, not to mention the unheard of cost. A SAM Launcher costs upwards of 3M credits, and the SAM’s themselves are half a million. The spherical pulse gun isn’t really a gun. It’s a highly technological device that fires a “wave” of energy out from a warship. The gun, which fires in all directions at once, is especially effective at destroying armor. However, like all IN weapons, the SPG has it’s downfalls. It is extremely short ranged, and the reload rate on it is horrendous. It is only available on the Imperium Cruiser, but has an estimated cost of 5M credits. Their general weapon is a Phlaze Cannon, which is available at all Imperium planets. However, it is reported that the Orion and Capellean forces have stolen the designs. Phlaze weapons have the damage and accuracy of blaze cannons with the speed and range of phase cannons. Fairly expensive too. The Flagship, Mammoth, contains an SD, completely new Technology. Reliability is not confirmed yet.

Centuari-Class Fighter (looks like a small Arada with sphere at the larger end)
This is a fully automated ship. Not a single human on-board. The cone shaped ships are never found far from the Imperium cruiser, whose sensor array controls this ship. The speed and maneuverability is terrible on all Centuari fighters, but the weapons make up for it. 2 rocket launcher with 4 rockets, a single SAM Launcher with 2 SAM’s and three swivel Phlaze cannons . Normally found in packs of three, they are the closest thing to a fighter in the IN.
Speed: 300
Acceleration: 400
Turn: 90ş/ second
Shield: 20
Armor: 20
Fuel: 3 jumps
Crew: 0
Mass: 50 Tons
Weapon space: 30 Tons
Cargo Space: 0 Tons
Cost: 6M Credits

Sirius-Class Gunship (Resembles an extremely smaller and smoother Igazra)
This is one of the better ships in the Imperium. A good range of weapons, and slightly slower speed then the Centuari Fighter, make the Sirius Gunship a deadly vessel. They complement other IN warships very nicely, especially with the high numbers of hunter missiles on-board. Gunships carry 1 hunter launcher, 10 missiles, 1 SAM Launcher, 6 SAM’s and 2 Phlaze turrets. The Gunship makes up the largest part of the Navy’s fleet.
Speed: 200
Acceleration: 250
Turn: 60ş/ second
Shield: 60
Armor: 60
Fuel: 5 jumps
Crew: 105
Mass: 100 Tons
Weapon Space: 30 Tons
Cargo Space: 20 Tons
Cost: 10M Credits

Sol-Class Corvette (UE Carrier without the gap in the middle)
The Second largest ship in the Imperium is also the second slowest. Overall, this boxy-vessel would be an extremely effective ship, were it not for its slow speed and acceleration. The IN refuses to verify the numbers, but close to a fourth of these are destroyed within their first year of service. The weaponry is still nice though. 2 hunter missile launchers, 20 missiles, 2 SAM launchers, 6 SAM’s and three Phlaze turrets. The corvette does most of the courier and shipping work for the IN.
Speed: 150
Acceleration: 200
Turn: 60ş/ second
Shield: 150
Armor: 150
Fuel: 5 Jumps
Crew: 208
Mass: 150 tons
Weapon space: 20 Tons
Cargo Space: 50 Tons
Cost: 12M Credits

Imperium-class Cruiser (Think UE Cruiser)
The most powerful ship in the fleet is also arguably the best. It has some advanced engines, but speed is still beyond horrible. This is the largest ship known to man, and not many can match it. Many smaller ships could effectively team up on it, but the IN has prepared for this eventuality. This ship contains a control signal for Centuari fighter, 2 SAM Launchers, 10 SAM modules, 1 Spherical Pulse Gun, and 5 Phlaze turrets. The flagship also contains a sensor disceptor, which can disguise the cruiser to look disabled, fully charged, or anywhere between on a normal scanner...
Speed: 50
Acceleration: 75
Turn: 30ş/ Second
Shield: 250
Armor: 250
Fuel: 10 Jumps
Crew: 512
Mass: 300 Tons
Weapons Space: 50 Tons
Cargo Space: 30 Tons
Cost: 20M Credits

When did I go Insane?

(This message has been edited by Igor Rigadaz (edited 04-09-2001).)

It ruins what I was thinking, but I don't mind.

Sounds like a cross between the Capellan and Haldazar <Capellan for expensive
and Haldazar for big>.

You might want to cheapen up the ships and weaken them a tad. The Falcon, by
design, could destroy a Corvette, I believe, so you can lower the Corvette to
12m or so so you don't lose too much money. 🙂

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

Is there anything left? I would like to participate, but I don't wanna be an independant or second-in-command.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

Whitehawk told me he was out of the game in AIM, so you can be Haldazar,

Have fun when it starts! (soon, I'm posting the ending to Reign of Chaos
today, in about two hours)

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

Nobody else like to join as independant, mercenary or government independant?

Oh, and so you know:

The Viper would get killed by almost anything.

A Falcon would beat an Imperium Corvette.

Four Dragoons could either defeat or seriously damage a cruiser.

One Dragoon would beat most other fighters, but would probably lose against
an Imperium one - the five Guided missiles would almost destroy the Imperium
Fighter, but the Dragoon would usually lose.

The Icarus would do serious damage to an Imperium Cruiser, as it's bombs would
hit such a slow ship. The Icarus probably has an even chance of winning, but the
Icarus is harder to build even though it's the same cost.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)