Reverse Places for "Apocalyptic Night" - Webstory

HEADER: I'm hoping all Reign of Chaos players will join! Although I doubt RMA will...

Once "Reign of Chaos" has been finished" - probably when one of the three alliances
in it is destroyed, I'll be designing a new one called "Apocalyptic Night". I thought
I would open this so that anybody could say if they wanted to join, and if nobody did
I wouldn't have wasted too much time.

Please just say if you'll join and who you want to play as, and ask any questions you
wish to. Diplomacy for the most part is still neutral, with the exception of the Imperium
and Orion Union, who are at war.

I'm going to make a map ASAP, and will give everyone a link, and the map will
be necessary, as it will be unique to this game. The map WON'T be in typical EVO
fashion as I don't have a Mac - instead I'll draw it myself.

Also, once I open the actual topic would you please decide on what ships your race uses
(make them up) but please keep to the general idea.



Zorian - A quiet, friendly race of mouse like aliens. Zorian's possess strange ships and weapons that are in some ways more advanced but tend to lack brute power. Their speciality is espionage. (Miranu & Zidagar techs, Zidagar ship type)

Imperium Navy - The human superpower, controlling Sol, Sirius and Centauri. The Imperium use slow ships with powerful weapons, and their speciality is technology. (A combination between UE techs and Igadzra ship type)

Orion Union - A rebellious group of humans, the Orion Union build ships and an incredible rate to outnumber the Imperium's forces. There ships have heavy armour but little
shielding. Their speciality is mass production. (UE techs, fast ships, but heavily

Capellan Confederacy - A group of neutrals in the Imperium - Orion war, also including various other races. Capellan ships have hundreds of man and computer hours put into making everything on them just right. They have few ships but the ones they have are extremely well designed. They use cloaking devices on some ships, and use deadly weapons.
Their speciality is engineering. (UE techs, ships like EV Lightning and Kestrel, with lots of gadgets)

Haldazar - A group of extremely remote aliens who specialise in producing huge ships - both mass produced craft and one or two truely phenomenal cruisers. Their speciality is power. (Igadzra techs, Igadzra ship type)

Deltion - The Deltion are a widely spread group of aliens who use fast, often cloaked, ships. They have few ships but they are organised well into shapeless ranks. They are diplomats for the most part, and they excel at mind games. Their
speciality is manipulation. (Azdgari techs, Azdgari ship types but tend not to use fighters outside bays as cloaks can't fit on fighters)

Deltion Rebel - The Deltion's ethics weren't for every Deltion in existance. Since the
Deltion had such an advanced government, which allowed the people to do much of whatever
they want, many Deltion formed another group. These Deltion are better in battle but
lack ethics or diplomacy. They are the raiders of the galaxy, with the same ships as
normal Deltion. They have less resources than normal Deltion, and although they aren't
at war with normal Deltions they aren't friendly either.Their speciality is raiding. (Azdgari techs, Azdgari ship types but tend not to use fighters outside bays as cloaks can't fit on fighters)


Each player must choose from one of these. They may choose to be independant but they must select a race which they belong to, and they begin on the homeworld of that race.

There is only one war going on, between the Imperium and Orion Union. A peace treaty may be organised with sufficient reason, but remember that one side must be dominant. If the Orion Union are dominant they will demand the end to the Imperium's dominance, and if the Imperium are dominant they will reduce Orion rule to perhaps one or two planets and take control of the rest.

The beginnings of wars or alliances must have a reason, and some alliances can be truely incredible. For example, an alliance between the Capellans and the Orion Union would result in very well designed ships in large numbers. If all the humans ally, they will have an incredible force.

Technologies are to be researched slowly, and the building of a "supership" such as one 8km long would take about 8 posts, with no posting twice in a row. The Haldazar can build superships SLIGHTLY faster, and the Imperium can research SLIGHTLY faster, but neither have an enormous advantage over the others.

Where it says "few ships" I don't mean 1/5 of the normal number. The Capellans perhaps have 75% of the average, the Imperium 100%, and the Orion Union 125% - there are no incredible differences.

I'll be Capellans!

PS: Sorry for getting "reverse" and "reserve" mixed up. 🙂

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

Deltion Rebels all the way.


I wil be Supreme commander of the Deltions.

"The Lord loves you, and you, and YOU make the Lord very nervous!"

Aw crap. I go asway for a little while and all the good spots are taken.
Well, I guess I'll be an independant deltion.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Arada Pilot, you can be secound in command of the deltions.

"The Lord loves you, and you, and YOU make the Lord very nervous!"

People really do like the Deltions.........

I have more info which may change your mind, but will even up the game:


Efficiency of Cloaking Devices:
Deltion cloaking devices don't drain shielding like Capellan ones, but if their ships travel within a certain range (the range of something called Regional Sensors or RS) of another ship they will be detected. They may enter a system belonging to an enemy and not be detected, but they can't fly up a warship's fuel tanks and blow it to bits, or travel so close to a ship that they appear and blast it to hell. Deltion ships must exit cloak just before they enter firing range or they will be detected by RS.

Capellan cloaks drain shielding down to 0% while under cloak, and shields are at 50% right after leaving cloak. Fuel is also drained, but Capellan ships can be set to automatically enter cloak just before they enter range of PS (planetary sensors, with the longest range). LRS (long-range sensors) can detect that a cloaked ship is present, but not the direction, and RS can cut down the direction a bit, but still can't provide a solid lock on the craft.

Haldazar Warships:
Haldazar warships are specifically designed to fend off numerous ships, often fighters. These warships have tractor beams and repulsor beams in large numbers and can quickly eliminate fighter threats, unless the fighters come in very large swarms.

Advancements on sensors are not as minor as in other webstories, and should take five or so posts. Cloaking devices should take in the region of eight posts. Things like my StarLances in Reign of Chaos might take something like 13 posts to complete and many more to put on ships.

You can't just say "I developed a cloak, and now all my ships have it". It takes a long to build new models and place them on new ships. If you've just designed a new weapon, it might take half a dozen or more posts before all your ships use it.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

NOTE: Please can we avoid second in commands until we have a commander for each
government. It will be no fun if EVERYONE chooses Deltion. 🙂

Oh, and also:

Just so you know, Halcyon are I are friends. If you feel this will effect the
gameplay, please tell me.

I'm on quite often on AIM, so feel free to message me if you can to ask any

Other new stuff:
Capellans use various beam weapons that work in different ways.
Imperium Navy ships possess equal armour and shields.
All humans use some degree of armour - about 10 armour to 25 shields.
Most other ships in the galaxy have little armour.
Non-human ships mainly use phase weaponry, which means weak against armour.

Please try to think how the government would react. Normal Deltions are very
diplomatic - they aren't like Azdgari raiders in that way. Deltion Rebels are
quite ruthless, but a lack of resources can put them at a minor disadvantage.

PS: I just realised there aren't any Voinian-type sides. I can't make the Haldazar
use Voinian techs and armour because then they'd have too much advantage over other
nearby races <Haldazar are close to Deltion and Deltion Rebel, and not far from Zorian>.

I think we can just skip that part. Voinians are rubbish anyway. 😉

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

Zorian!Zidgar ships is good.If there a little to the peaceful side that perfectly fine.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Great Rima!

But remember, it's Zidagar ship TYPE. You get to decide on the ships yourself.

Invent away <but wait until the actual topic before telling us>


Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

Gives me plenty of time to make up ideas, forget them, remember them, and write them down.Fun.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

That's a good point. The longer we spend designing ships the better they'll be.

Also, Haldazar may start off with perhaps two ships with a total length of 5km -
and that's a regular 5km long, with no "oh by the way it's 100km wide"s. 🙂

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

I'll be Orion. Why not give Orion good armor? seems loike they could take it, and not upset the balance....

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

Okay, Redchigh, I've made that change.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

I'll play as a Zorian, I guess. I'll be an independant player unless Rima wants me to be a second-in-command or something. I'm open to either option.

A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."

I'm going to act as moderator in this, so understand that I will reject posts
if I feel it's necessary.

I'm suggesting Thunder as co-moderator, which will give him the same rights.

Of course, if Thunder doesn't want to act as moderator, I'll look for
somebody elseto act in that position.


SUPERCRUISER LIMITS: No ship may exceed the length of 3km, and it's width and
height must be standard <i.e, length should be highest of the three?

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-07-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-07-2001).)

Okay, I've decided that when you're ready you can post info on your ships here.

You may also posses 1-2 unique techs, but they must not be incredible or anything
such. Deltion may only choose one, since they already have a great advantage.

Mine are a) Guided missile, just another missile, fast and accurate with marginally
less power than the hunter missile, 🆒 my laser array, which allows me to knock
out shields if I know the shield frequency.

You may also add bits and bobs about the ships, but I don't want anything that
is TOO good.

Here are 3 of the 4 ships I will use <I'll update this soon>:


Capellan Industries A-18 "Viper" Light Interceptor
This is one of the more basic Capellan ships. Vipers are popular among militia, and of all the humanlight fighters available to the public the Capellan model is the best. Vipers are also used by pirates, and they are readily available to any human government that wish to purchase them, and indeed any other government.

While not matching the fighters of some other alien races, the Viper is still a powerful ship. It is the smallest known human ship to have variant shielding, which allows the power of the shields to be manually or automatically changed in certain places to greatly increase the ships survivability, and is very well engineered. The shape of the Viper, a thin triangle, increases the ships ability to dodge rockets, as very little movement is required to ensure that it won't hit.

The engines on the Viper are also very reliable, and it is well known to leap off in short bursts from the afterburner, which propel it far and fast. It has a maximum range of five jumps.

Viper's are coated in a special compound which provides some impact protection - although the same damage is received from a rocket or missile, the impact is less.

The Viper is armed with four modified blaze cannons. The modified cannons do not have any damage increase, but they are mounted on the ship's "wings" and can twirl round as the end of the wing moves (which was originally
designed to provide better flying in atmospheric conditions) allowing the firer to hit in a 180 degree angle horizontally and 90 degree angle vertically.

As of yet the Viper doesn't have any other weapons. There has been some consideration into giving them a needle launcher, as there is just about enough space left, but most Capellan officers agree that it would be better to design a shorter ranged secondary weapon, with limited guidance and higher attack - a guided javelin rocket launcher.

Speed: 500
Accel: Very good
Turning: Excellent
Shields: 20
Armour: 5
Crew: 1
Mass: 12
Weapon space: 15
Cargo space: 1
PRICE: 400,000 credits

Capellan Industries C-5 "Dragoon" Fighter Bomber
Dragoon is one of the greatest achievements of the Capellan Industries Shipyards. It is used only by exclusive militia groups and trusted buyers, and has not fallen into pirate hands like the Viper.

The Dragoon is a very heavy fighter, almost verging on being classed a light destroyer, especially when you consider it's armanent.

Five blaze cannons, with room for one more, two rocket launchers and eight rockets, one hunter missile launcher and five hunter missiles are the main weapons on the Dragoon, and it also includes a Capellan laser array, which requires detailed programming into a targets shields, but can deal stunning damage if the shield frequency is known, knocking out a ships shield instantly. This heavy weaponry is what makes it so devastating - it cuts through standard fighters, especially light, fast ones, and in packs of two or three they can pull down warships.

The Dragoon has all the basic upgrades - variant shielding to increase the ship's longevity in battle, reliable engines and weapons, with coolant systems on almost everything to prevent overloads. The ship even has a single laser turret on the inside to prevent enemies boarding it, although this is mainly to keep it from being stolen and reproduced.

The range of the Dragoon is five jumps, placing it at the Capellan standard, and it is specially designed to enter hyperspace straight from cruise speed, and the normal vulnerability of most human ships when they enter hyperspace does not exist with the Dragoon.

Like all Capellan fighters, it has a fast turn rate to prevent it from being outmanouevred. They are also launched from large carriers, although only two of them in each carrier.

The only downsight to the Dragoon is it's cost. All Capellan ships are expensive to produce, but at 2m credits the Dragoon might be going a little over the top.

Speed: 325
Accel: Good
Turning: Very good
Shields: 55
Armour: 25
Crew: 2
Mass: 35
Weapon space: 20
Cargo space: 10
PRICE: 2,000,000 credits

De L' Vaunt T-9a/b "Falcon" Light Assualt Cruiser
De L'Vaunt are a well known shipbuilding industry, that is part of the Capellans industries, but is so famous as to be assigned it's own name as the prefix to the full ship name. De L'Vaunt specialise in producing warships, and they are very good at it, with the T-9a and T-9b being their most successful ships yet. They are working on the T9-c, but it will not be introduced for a while. Falcons are available to trusted buyers, and are the ultimate goal for most civilians, although the restrictions are high and all Falcons have auto destructs and auto guidance, which pilots Falcons without a certified captain back to Capella.

Falcons combine speed and firepower to result in an almost undefeatable combination. T-9a's are equipped with a fighter bay that holds three Vipers, and the more advanced T-9b holds two Dragoons within a slightly different bay.

It also uses the Capellan cloaking device <mentioned earlier>.

They use variant shielding, and can vent energy from fuel tanks to emergency shielding. They also have frequency shielding, which automatically changes the frequency of the shielding to match the frequency of the weapon being fired. This, while not being perfect, tends to render every fifth consecutive blast from a weapon
harmless. The system does not work perfectly as the signals changes each time.

The Falcon's shape - a sleek main body and two wings that hold most of the weapons - is similar to that of the Dragoon, and like the Viper it isn't very tall, giving it a greater chance of avoiding targets.

The Falcon packs three blaze turrets, two rocket launchers and fourteen rockets and three guided missile launchers with ten guided missiles. These guided missiles are unique to the Capellans, and only available on
Capellan worlds. They provide almost as much damage as hunter missiles and are faster with increased guidance.

Falcon's take a long time to construct. They have very efficient engines, with many contained sections to prevent and lock down explosions. They are also made of a special metal that isn't magnetic and his extremely dense. The metal is also, perhaps better known, for the chrome glimmer it gives off, which is one of the Falcon's main attractions.

Like the Dragoon, the only downsight to the Falcon, other than it having ever so slightly under average shields (compensated by a fast recharge rate) is the price.

Speed: 200
Accel: Good
Turning: Good
Shields: 200
Armour: 50
Crew: 79
Mass: 150
Weapons space: 50
Cargo space: 60
PRICE: 12,000,000 credits

Astrotech X-12 "Icarus" Heavy Bomber
Of all the Capellan warships they produce, the Icarus is arguably the most powerful. It is available only to Capellan officers and those who have worked for the Capellan Militia and are well trusted. One of these was once available for public auction, and it was eventually sold for twenty five million credits. Astrotech, the designers, are a sub-department of the Capellan shipyards that mainly produce large, unique ships, but the power of the Icarus could not be limited to a single one that would be sold at auction.

The Icarus is larger than the Falcon, and is shaped in a semi-circle. It is only one deck tall, to help evade rockets, and has various small wings on the top to give it the nickname "Armour Hedgehog".

However, in combat the Icarus is not to be underestimated. It's role as a heavy bomber means that it is armed with four space racks and thirty space mines, which are also excellent at planetary bombardments. It can be optionally given a payload of atomic warheads or Stinger X-3 flash missiles, which excel at taking down ships on the ground.

Outside of it's bomber weaponry, the Icarus has a Dragoon fighter bay with three Dragons, which sufficiently protect it even from warships. Four blaze turrets, two hunter missile launchers and fifteen missiles and a laser array complete it's basic weaponry, making it a very difficult ship to take down.

Variant and frequency shielding, as well as the ability to provide emergency shielding from fuel stocks, help defend the ship, and a wide scale emergency lockdown prevents individual explosions from compromising the ship. Even if the bridge itself suffers a hull breach containment fields will be set up and the ship will continue to function, even though the main officers will have been sucked into the vacuum of space.

The Icarus has little armour, but very well developed shields, and the ten of them currently in production can easily cause devastation to any planet if they are properly escorted.

As the Icarus is obviously entirely designed to protect Capellan space, and the Capellan's don't want the Imperium to realise that they have a military strength as they fear being annexed by Imperium warships, only ten Icarus's have been produced. However, no doubt the Capellans will continue building these powerful heavy bombers the moment they work up the courage to defy the Imperium.

Speed: 165
Accel: Good
Turning: Average
Shields: 300
Armour: 50
Crew: 112
Mass: 225
Weapons space: 75
Cargo space: 40
PRICE: 20,000,000 credits

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-07-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-07-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-08-2001).)

My Weops will be:
-Proto Beam- does really good damage to shields and armor (like a phased beam), and no fuel use, but has an less than average range.(like the beam on Audemedon Carriers in Ares)
-Proto Beam Turret-the beam on an turret. can't change direction once fired, so keep moving, and you won't get too hurt...slightly weaker than the cannon.

Flash Orion Class light fighter-maneuverability of an Azdara, with a little more armor than an interceptor. just one proto cannon. Cost: 900,000

Fire Bird Orion class fighter- maneuverable, with a really high top speed, but pretty slow acceleration.has a little more armor than a VH fighter. 3 proto cannons Cost:1,200,000c

Flare Orion class destroyer- has the speed of a Lazira, the Armor of a Frigate, 3 proto beam turrets, and one proto cannon.Cost:3,800,000

Pheonix Orion class Heavy Warship- looks like a CW, only has the shields of a ARADA, and the Armor of a V. Cruiser armed with five Proto beam turrets, and a bay that carries 6 firebirds. Bays are faster than Crescent bays, but slower than Azdara bays.Cost:7,920,000

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-08-2001).)

Redchigh, please change the following:

Flash Orions should be slower. Deltion ships will have the Azdara's speed, you're
a bit slower. They can be cheaper, too.

Firebird - 3 seems a bit excessive, if the Orion only has 1. As long as you
don't expect too much out of them, I'll allow it, but otherwise I suggest you
make it 2.

No problems with the destroyer.

Phoenix Orion - Shields of a UE Destroyer? You ARE kidding, aren't you? Shields
should be almost nil. And I don't know what you mean about "and the armour of a
Voinian Cruiser and the armour of a Voinian Frigate" but I'd stick with an
armour rating similar to the Voinian Cruiser on it's own. And if this is Crescent
Warship sized 6 fighters is a lot, as is the armour. It should be larger.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

Thunder you can be second in command.if you prefer to be an independent you can.I'll explain Zorians in a little while.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Could everyone please avoid trying to make their ships stronger than the
Capellan ships?

Capellan ships are supposed to be very strong, but slightly lacking in number
and hard to make.


Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post