The Whip Manoeuver

So now it's the "whip" manuever, eh? I've been using that since I got ev three years ago, mainly to get Cap'n Hector off my tail.

Do you the the LOTR movies will stick to the book? I have a feeling that they'll cut off the very end of the Return of the King, because it's not hugely important.

(Lies are in your head.)

I've noticed that the whip manouever does not work as well in EVO 1.0.2

I tried evading Voinian Heavy Fighters in my shuttlecraft - I had speed
advatage, and I used the whip, but they chased me down and blew me up with their

Can anyone help with that?


Yeah, it always DID seem like the enemy ships had been flicked off , like the tip of a whip...

I confess, I often use this when I don't really have time to annihilate the attackers.

It just doesn't seem glamorous, so I don't mention it...



KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!
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I don't even notice when I do it.

I just turn, and the enemies lay off my back. I often wonder "why did they do
that?" but never really think about it seriously.

This is Esponer reincarnated after an accident with a phased beamer and a shipment of Saalian brandy.


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Well, Titan was close enough.:) I've read the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy four times, and I'm just about finished reading "Return of the King" for the fifth time. Definately the best series of books ever written. Anyway, I've always loved that quote.

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website!

Absolutely. The best High Fantasy ever (I've read it at least 8 times, probably after Fellowship of the Ring comes out I'll reread it again).

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."


Originally posted by The_virus:
**This is another tactic that I always use, it is kinda similar to the Monty Python, I just wonder if anyone else does this.
This move only works if your ship is fast. It works in many situations, I use it mostly when I want to land on a planet and there are hostile ships around.
First you get all the ships behind you chasing, as if doing the Monty Python, this works well with other fast ships like fighters. Anyway, you lead them away from the planet and suddenly make a sharp turn, not a 180, but more of a U-turn, you then are jetting towards the planet, and the chasing fighters "whip" way far away from you, because of the inertia of the chase. This gives you time to land on the planet without being mobbed by fighters, it works like a charm!

Yeah, I use it all the time.

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."