I Demand Tribute!

I attempted to conquer my very first planet today(North Tip Station). They sent out their fleet and I must have spent half an hour trying to destroy them all. I killed around 100 before I got bored and gave up.
Is there some secret I missed to conquering planets? Does my status need to be higher? (its at deadly) What do I need to do?




You can't own a planet, once you have dominated it, it just pays you money, and taking over a planet takes a while.

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Ok, Bad wording. I meant dominate. All I want from the experience is to see if the planet changes color from red to something else on my map screen.

All I want to know is how to go about "dominating" a planet.



Yes, the planet changes to green. Remember, some planets are easier to conquer than others. Meria, for instance, or the Voinian refueling station of Outpost Topel, both have minimal defenses. Other easy ones include strandless worlds, and independent planets.

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 03-15-2001).)

Divine Gigi,your status is fine.If the planet your trying to dominate sends out ships and doesn't just say your too weak to be a threat, your combat rating is high enough.Also,
whatever you do, don't try and dominate Counsel Station.

In three words I can sum up all I've learned about life;it goes on
-Robert Frost

Dominating most planets does take a while, even if you are in a big, powerful ship. Don't be surprised to have to kill several hundred ships before it runs out. Then hail the planet and demand tribute again to dominate it. Like idiotSavant said: don't even think about dominating Council Station unless you have a few hours and several escorts on your hands, it's got 3,125 Crescent Warships at its disposal, and they carry three Crescent Fighters each. The toughest worlds are always those of major governments, especially homeworlds.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.

There's no particular secret to it, you just picked a bad planet to start with. North Tip Station is relatively strong in the defense fleet department. (I found this out the same way when I picked Freeport as my first planet to try and dominate... the turncoats just kept coming... and coming... and coming...)

As Blackdog mentioned, some planets have easier defense fleets to conquer. Outpost Topel in Voinian space and Meria (an independant world) would be ideal first targets. Or, if you'd rather try something a little harder, try conquering an Azdgari planet. Some of them only have a few Azdaras as a defense fleet. Or the Voinian planet of Naogza is good too... only something like 10 Heavy Fighters and interceptors if I remember correctly.

Oh... and if you succeed... watch out for bounty hunters. Good luck!


A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 03-15-2001).)

Thanks for all the tips. I am now the proud owner of Meria. They all worship me! Hahahaha!


I tried to conquer Freeport and after about an hour the Turncoats finally stopped.
But now it seems I have a bounty hunter on my back.....
And no matter how often i kill him, he keeps coming back at me...
And a Crescent Warship is no piece of cake in my freight-courier....
(And the damn thing keeps droping in on the most inconvenient moments)



When you dominate a planet Bounty Hunters will try to kill you, and they won't go away.

"Life is like a trade ship going to JamesTown, you never know what you gona get."-Escape from Monkey island


Originally posted by idiotSavant:
**...whatever you do, don't try and dominate Counsel Station.


If you don't have A LOT of time and and an extremely long attention span, don't even think about it. Otherwise, read on.

To pull it off, you need a ship that can absorb a lot of punishment. My choice would be (Believe it or not) an Azdara outfitted with Dospect armor, but any large warship will work if you get a lot of escorts to absorb the damage. If you do get a warship, try putting a CF Bay on it.

Pick up the escorts. UE Cruisers and Igazras work best. You can pick up the Cruiser in the region around Verril Prime (I forget what system that is) after completing the Voinian mission string and you can get Igazras anywhere in or around Igadzra space. Demand tribute from the station.

If you're using the Azdara, you want to pick off the fighters and then separate one CW from the wave so you can fight it one-on-one. Don't let them gang up on you. If you're careful, you can take the CWs down one at a time, sustaining little damage.

If, on the other hand, you're using a warship, the same principles apply. If you got the CF Bay, DO NOT kill the fighters. Disable and board them as your fighters die off. Be very careful. Your shields will not regenerate fast enough to compensate for the endless hordes of ships. Also, you will not be able to outrun your foes.

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
Visit the (url="http://"http://pub40.ezboard.com/bevoverridediscussionarea")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to!
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)


Originally posted by goomeister:
**You can pick up the Cruiser in the region around Verril Prime (I forget what system that is) after completing the Voinian mission string and you can get Igazras anywhere in or around Igadzra space. Demand tribute from the station.


The Cruiser is available at all UE shipyards as soon as you rescue Anna Balashova, you don't have to complete the Voinian string to get it.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.

Eh, dominating Earth is the most fun. It took me over 2 hours and 4 deaths to finally conquer it in my upgraded CW with 6 CW escorts. It was hard but it was worth it. To see green on Sol. It was just great.

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."

Isn't it amazing how much joy a change of color on your map screen can bring? Its so trivial and yet it makes all the difference.

Divine Gigi, Patron Saint of Large Collasped Stars

If you got the CF Bay, DO NOT kill the fighters. Disable and board them as your fighters die off.

A quick question. How can you disable crescent fighters? According to the shipyard dialog, they have no armour at all...
BTW, Council ststion was not that hard to dominate, though it did take a considerable amount of time. You just have to keep working on it. Don't give up!
When did I go Insane?

(This message has been edited by Igor Rigadaz (edited 03-20-2001).)

Well in 1.0.2 you can disable any ship armor or not, just like in EV 1.0.5. I once disabled a Defender fighter in my fancy maxed-out Confed Frigate. I've conquered several planets...Muid....Emalghia...its 2 moons...Meria (god that was easy)....Veletes.....Xarnes.....uhh I forget what that other moon of Azdgari is but I conquered it too....Molar...Chak....Some other worthless Azdgari systems.....and uhh I think that's about all I've conquered. It wasn't really any challenge anyway. Conquering a planet all depends upon patience, strategy, and the shields/shield regeneration to withstand all the enemies' fire. So says ESPilot, Master of the Azdgari.


my favorite trick to dominate planets is to hire six krait escorts. and buy a krait bay, of course. i have not tried it on council station, but it works very well for alien renegades.

and you should not be able to disable crescent fighters.

coming soon: (url="http://"http://thunder.prohosting.com/~vasska/strandwar.html")War Without End(/url), a continuation of the Strand saga

Hmmm, kraits...something I never would have thought. BTW, just where is the Voinian Refueling Station? I've looked almost everywhere.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...

I suppose it is possible to diable fighters with no armor. But you'd have to have the last hit be exactly powerful enough to take out the rest of their shield. Any additional damage and they die.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.


Originally posted by WarBeast:
**BTW, just where is the Voinian Refueling Station? I've looked almost everywhere.

The Voinian refuelling station is called Outpost Topel, and is located past Voinia to the west.