What do they look like?

What do you think the Azgari, Zidagar, and Igazra people look like?

For some reason I have the idea that the Azgari look like giant insects but that can't be right because all the strands are related and the Zidagar and Igazra are definatly not insect-like at all. I think the Zidagar people must have blue skin. It goes with the whole drama thing.

Use your imaginations! What do you think they look like?

(I bet the Emalga look like Ewoks)


This has been (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum8/HTML/000649-2.html")discussed(/url) before.

I apologize, I just discovered the web board yesterday. I haven't really read into entries of the past.



Originally posted by Divine Gigi:
**I apologize, I just discovered the web board yesterday. I haven't really read into entries of the past.


Well then, welcome to the boards! Make yourself at home...

I've always thought the Voinians looked like Klingons, and as for the Azdgari, Zidagar, and Igazra, I've never really pictured them. Would be interesting to find out, though. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

The Voinians I picture as being reptilian having thick grey scaley skin. Hair would absorb Voinia's toxic chemicals and make survival difficult for a mammal. They are almost certainly tall, muscular, and powerful.

I see the Miranu as being almost aquatic looking, kind of like the Zoras from Legend of Zelda if you know what they look like. This would be supported by the fact that Mira seems to be mostly covered by water.

The Emalgha seem like they could be mammals, although I don't see them as looking like Ewoks as Divine Gigi suggested. They seem like they would be taller, though certainly not intimidating from the outside. I almost see their personality as being similar to the alien race from Galaxy Quest that Tim Allen and the crew try to save-- trusting, maybe too trusting, and overall unaware of all the trickery and evils in the galaxy. They also wear brown robes with hoods.

The Strands and Strandless are a puzzlement. I know that the Azdgari like to show off their sharp teeth and long tongue, but not much other info is given. The Strands were all originally one race, but evolution and isolation has probably caused some minor mutations to take place in each case due to the difference in environments.

The Kayans seem like they would be Avian, almost like the Alkari from Master of Orion if you what they look like. I have no real evidence to back this up, I guess the name Kayan just sounds kind of bird-like to me and that's how I've always pictured them.

The Hinwar? Dunno.

Happy Saint Patty's Day!

Renegade Infestation?
Meet me in the bar.

(This message has been edited by Captain Wittenberg (edited 03-16-2001).)

Its nice to know that all people who post replys aren't always so cold. (-:

I think the Voinians must look like gigantic bunnies. With really big eyes! Pink Bunnies!
I bet beneath their hard, mean, isolationist exterior they are just big furry animals that are thirsting for love.



Originally posted by Divine Gigi:
**Its nice to know that all people who post replys aren't always so cold. (-:

I think the Voinians must look like gigantic bunnies. With really big eyes! Pink Bunnies!
I bet beneath their hard, mean, isolationist exterior they are just big furry animals that are thirsting for love.



Renegade Infestation?
Meet me in the bar.


Originally posted by Divine Gigi:
**I apologize, I just discovered the web board yesterday. I haven't really read into entries of the past.

Hey, I'm not blaming you; I know how annoying it is to look through all those old topics for relevant ones. I'll be glad when the search feature is finally re-enabled. (It normally exists right next to the 'faq' link.)

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 03-17-2001).)

Nobody knows what the alien races look like, but the one thing almost everybody seems to agree on is that the Voinians are big and grey.

Aggressive techno-elephants? I hope not.

It's a bit odd judging the appearance (or other characteristics) of an alien race by the appearance or performance of their ships. Humans aren't red, just because their ships are (or blue, or stark white).

Still, if that rule did hold true, things could be embarassing if Igadzra were pink. 😄

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

Hmm, I'll throw in my opinions.

Humans: Uhh...DUH!

Voinians: I've always seen them as a greyish bulky race. Perhaps weraing armor all the time to add to their rough skin. No major details on them, but they are NEVER humorous, always keeping a straight face, and showing only 1 emotion if any. What emotion? Anger ofcourse. I've never been able to imagine a happy, sad, laughing, or anything else on a Voinian.

Azdgari: Kind of Dragon-like, with VERY long teeth, sharp too. Kind of like the evil gremlin dudes from Gremlin (remember that movie) except entirely light-greenish. No hair.

Igadzra: Big. Plain. Yellow/Orange. Never really thought of how they look.

Zidagar: Purplish face and body. Wear purple cloaks all the time, this idea came from their pride. Mainly purple, kind of a spiked head, no hair.

Emalgha: Smaller than humans, brown, wear uniforms ALL the time.

Hinwar: A swift race. This came from "a Hinwar strides in" Wear many cloaks as well. Some yellow, some white, some green. Greyish face and body.

Kayians: Savages. I mean come on, SKULLS HANGING AROUND?

Miranu: Tall people. Very human-like. Most human-like out of all the raaces in the Crescent. Taller than humans.

Also, there is a primitive alien race on some planet between UE space and Miranu space. I forget the name of the planet, its like F-11576 or something, but they always made me think of the Alien Warships from the original EV.

Did I miss anyone?

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

Here's a few of my humble opinions:

Voinians: Large, hulking, gray, bear-like creatures with sharp claws. Wears spiked armor 24/7.
Humans: See that piece of glass over there?
Azdgari: Fierce, green, raptor-looking bird species. Sharp, filed teeth. Tendency to wear eyepatches and earrings.
Igadzra: Thin, wispy. Speak in whispers. Paranoid. Yellow complexion. Only feel safe when behind the guns of an Igzara.
Zidagar: Jolly, purple aliens, fond of composing operas. Witty. Melodramatic. Tendency to be fat.
Emalgha: Massive, powerful race with corded sinews. Tremendous paw to paw fighters, but primitive. Brown.
Miranu: Males are tall and stern-looking. Tendency to wear spectacles. Females are kind and benevolent, with gentle faces. Light blue.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

The aliens in EVO must be fairly close to human-shaped, or it would be impossible for a human (like the player) to fly any of their ships without drastic modifications being made first.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")http://members.aol.c...thur1/talon-ev/(/url)

Hey Samurai, those descriptions are really cool! I've always thought of the Azdgari as humanoid; but with fangs, 3 eyes for excellent depth perception, as well as an oversized crainium for relfexes. They would always wear green cloaks, and have a fondness for jewelry. By the way, their teeth wouldn't be filed sharp. Remember the mission that begins "An Azdgari with unfashionable filed teeth..."

I know people say the strands haven't been separated long enough to evolve differently, but remember that they have individual homeworlds.

Azdgari, in the Azdgari system, poisoned by the Zidagar.
Zidagar, in the Zidagar system; has very high gravity.
Igadzra, in the Igadzra system; lush, temperate, tropical.

Isn't it far more likely that they evolved on their homeworlds, and that "Zidagar, Azdgari, and Igazdra" are new names, perhaps decided at Gadzair?

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 03-17-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 03-17-2001).)

Thanks Blackdog! 🙂 Good catch 'bout the teeth. I guess I was trying to enunciate the fact that teeth are very important in Azdgari social circles. 😄 Ha! Even typing "Azdgari social circles" makes me chuckle.

Interesting thought about the Strands, BTW... I only conjured up those descriptions up from my own mental scrapbook. But you're right, the strands would have probably evolved differently due to the conditions of their homeworlds.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

Yeah, Voinians are definately grey in my opinion......

I think all the Strands are lizard-lype, but not grey-green lizard, instead, a sort of beige-white lizard.

Igadzra I imagine as extremely tall, always hooded.

Azdgari, slightly bent over, thin limbs, extra lizard like.

Zidagar, merging with those "aquatic" Miranu, not very lizard like at all anymore

Council, tall, very typical alien - Mewtwo?

Draw the line with fire,
Cross it with ice,
Banish the fiery sun,
And bring on the silent moon.

No! No! NO! Voinians are not gray! The only reason you think that is because theirs ships are. I like my big fuzzy pink bunny idea better. Besides bunnies aren't mild tempered. They can be quite aggressive. You should see mine.

Divine Gigi, Patron Saint of Large Collasped Stars

I haven't in a while, but I think the first Voinian says they are big and scary, doesn't it? Who's scared of bunnies?

Plus, rabbit would have to have fast ships, not slow ones.

Draw the line with fire,
Cross it with ice,
Banish the fiery sun,
And bring on the silent moon.

I think of Miranu as tall, orange like humanoids. Why? In the descriptions of the Miranu Courier, it says that these may have been the ships that people called "UFO"s that came and abduct people on earth long ago (that's present day, today). According to some abductees, the aliens actually, well, mated with them. This is why i think the Miranu are humanoid-like aliens. And the tall part? i dont know, Imir in EVO is described as a tall miranu.

P.S. Blackdog's suggestion is a great one. What if all the Strands do look alike? What if the Council just label the strands by the homeworld they are born in? What if the council have warped the minds of the strands so that they hate each other, because i don't see any strands complaining about the Council. Hey, since EVO happened before the original EV, what if the Council are actually the Aliens in the original EV? THIS WOULD MAKE A SMASH-HIT PLUGIN!!!

"There's only a thin line between a foe and a friend, so blast 'em anyways..."
"There are 12 inches in a foot; there are 2 feet in my shoes"
"Forgive and forget, unless you forgot to forgive.



Originally posted by PyroQuake:
P.S. Blackdog's suggestion is a great one. What if all the Strands do look alike? What if the Council just label the strands by the homeworld they are born in? What if the council have warped the minds of the strands so that they hate each other, because i don't see any strands complaining about the Council. Hey, since EVO happened before the original EV, what if the Council are actually the Aliens in the original EV? THIS WOULD MAKE A SMASH-HIT PLUGIN!!!

Awesome idea, Pyroquake.

I think the Voinians are a shade of orange inbetween dark yellow and grey. Built for brute force and water retention.

I've always imagined the Emalgha as mole-like creatures, with weak eyes that cannot stand brightness. Prehaps subterainian, although their misty, foggy homeworld would protect them. That's why their ships have dark windows, to block out the sun.

Whoever said the Zidagar are "fat" is probably correct. Their homeworld has high gravity, they would need a strong build to survive. But they arn't jolly, they are VERY melodramatic, especially when it comes to bad things.

You're just jealous that the voices talk to me. **
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