Arada = Perfection?

I've been noticing that there are a lot of Arada fans on this here webboard (I've seen plenty people, including myself, claiming to live on their Aradas), and so I just want to ask a simple question. Is the Arada the perfect ship? Early in the game when you make your first million, the Arada is a plenty nice ship right out of the lot with no upgrades. It excels as a blockade runner, courier ship, etc. Later on you can deck it out with all the goodies and turn it into either a heavy fighter or a light warship. I usually put on the following:

•take off the 3 phase canons and add 4 swivel phase cannons
•dospect armor
•shield enhancher
•thrust, engine, or RCS upgrades

Its a pretty powerful ship when properly upgraded. I swear by my Arada, the S.S. Skittles, and use it most of the game.

Now, anybody here have any other favorite ships that can be decked out in similar ways? I'd like to hear. Thanks. 🙂

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What's so great about the arada? Sure it's good in the beginning but even upgraded u really can't take on anything more then a UE destroyer with that piece IF that. There's much better ships out there in my opinion.


With some brains and some patience and Arada can take out any ship in the game. Besides, I think the Arada style of play is much more fun than the cruiser style of play, where you just sit still and let your guns fire away.

Renegade Infestation?
Meet me in the bar.

I can deck out a Lazira to become an incredible light warship. I swear by that thing with all the neccessary upgrades. It is one of the most customizable ships in the game and is by far my favorite. The Arada is my second favorite...

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It really depends on personal prefrence. I personally perfer stratagies of cruisers and fleets. But then again I'm on my first pilot. Also, it depends whos side your on because of upgrades availible to each side (i.e. a person on the side of the UE and Zidgar probably wouldn't choose an arada). But to sum it up, it really depends on your favorite strategies. If you perfer agile skimrishes, go arada. If you perfer full on offensives with heavy firepower, go with cruisers and fleets. And if you perfer freighters, you haven't played long.

(Sorry if I rambled much, sleep deprived)

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner.

No, the Arada isn't the perfect ship, there is no perfect ship, including the Dreadnought. Like Fest siad, it depends on what you want. If you want a ship that can blast its way out of everything, you want a Crusier. If you want a fast courier ship that packes a punch, an Arada is good for you. It seems that people like a combo of both, like a UE Crusier or Igazra with Engine, RCS and Thrust Upgrades and a @#$%load of cargo space. I prefer big guns with a nice ammount of cargo space to trade with.

A big disavantage with the Arada is fleet action. With its whopping crew of 4, it can't get anything short of a Cresent Fighter. In the Cresent, I find fleets the best to have for firepower, thus losing very little money for ammo or fighter losses.

Three things that I look for in a ship are speed (or the ablilty to upgrade speed), heavy weapons and heavy defense. Without those, I hate the ship a lot. Even though I painted a perfect picture of the Igazra, I don't like it because of their shape among other things.

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(This message has been edited by DeadMan (edited 03-06-2001).)

Yeah, the Arada is the perfect ship....

Until you can get the Voinian Cruiser or Igazra, which are just as good as the Arada if note better. 😉

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DeadMan - If you are a smart Arada Pilot, you don't need escorts. I have hired escorts ONCE in my pilot's lifetime. That was when I assaulted Council Station.

I will defend my Arada and it's ability to the end of the world if I have to. I don't know what you people expect out of the Arada, but it is a DAMN good ship. With mine, I've been able to take out hundreds of ships, Voinian Cruisers, Renegade Crescent Warships, and all the big boys. Hell, I even tried to dominate Gadzair, I was able to take out quite a few of those Crescent Warships. Here's the secret behind the Arada:

It's shields aren't great. Fine, do the Azdgari Missions, and slap on 4 Shield Enhancers, and the Experimental Shield Generator, along with another one. Problem solved. I am able to take quite a beating from Voinian rockets and neutron fire, before going down to my armor. The armor isn't enough. Fine. Slap on a layer of Dospect (sp?) armor. Problem Solved. It isn't a good freighter. Fine. Slap on 1 or 2 Cargo Expansions, and you'll have enough room for weapons AND your freight deliveries. Not enough weapon space. Fine. Slap on 1 mass expansion, and you should have enough. Not enough fuel. Fine. Slap on 2 fuel tanks and 2 fuel scoops. Problem Solved. Too slow. Fine. Get RCS, Thrust, Engine, and Azdgari upgrades. Problem solved.

Three major forces have stopped my Arada:

  1. Council Station's Defense Fleet

  2. 3 Igazras grouped together. Hey, thats 15 Phase Turrets. Longer than my Swivel Phase Cannons can reach.

  3. 4 Voinian Cruisers and 6 Voinian Frigates, all grouped together.

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

I like the Arada as well as anyone, it has really good specs. But I think it is the UGLIEST ship in the game, It colors are wierd and its design is quite strange. But that's just me.

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Aradas are great cos they are fast but i usually go for a Lazira as soon as I can because you can really upgrade them.
As for the ship graphic: i really like it cos it looks sleek and obviously fast
As for the UE ships: I don't like the Destroyer or Carrier cos of the three day hyperjump, although with the Cruiser I will have to make exceptions.
As for escorts: Don't like them, except for when I am doing cargo or when I am killing Voinians (or of course I am in a hard battle) b/c i like to board ships and loot them, and in most cases I forget to stop the escorts from attacking and they destroy it

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I suppose the reason I don't perfer aradas is because I don't like doing things the majority of people do.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner.

The Arada is the perfect ship. Easily. Look at stud beefpile's post. I like:
Remove all phase cannons.
2 phase turrets and 2 swiv.phase cannons
all 4 maneuverablility upgrades
shield regenerator (or whatever its called) & exp. shield generator
2 Mass exp.

Sometime I get MH Freighter escorts if I need $ fast, do the munb leaves route or one of the other good ones. If I capture a ship, I usually keep it, but I've only got 4 crew. (You can get a Lazira or M Freighter).

The Arada can do ANYTHING. Its esp. good against voinians because, even though it takes a while w/ phase, rockets dont hurt shields much and the arada is so much faster that it can just pound away without any danger.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

I'm actually shocked that the Arada is so popular. I thought a lot more people would go for the bigger, badder ships like the VC, UEC, and the CW. I'm glad people recognize that the littler guys can pack a big punch! 🙂

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

The best arada is the enhanced azgardi arada. With a shield generator it has the fastest recharge rate in the game. This includes the azdara with both shield enhancers.

True, but Jubee, you can't buy it. And, if you're with the Azdgari, I don't think they would appreciate you attackign one of the ships. And, you can't make the ship, because the exp. shield generator you get, doesn't do as much as the real one.

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation


Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
**True, but Jubee, you can't buy it. And, if you're with the Azdgari, I don't think they would appreciate you attackign one of the ships. And, you can't make the ship, because the exp. shield generator you get, doesn't do as much as the real one.


I like the Zachit Arada best...It has the coolest color. 🙂 As for power however, the Azdgari probably do have the best Arada.

~Captain Skyblade

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Skyblade - I agree. Hey here's a thought: How about a mission string, where a few Zachit Engineers meet up with Azdgari Engineers, after hearing about the success of the Enchanced Shielding. In the end, the product would be an enchanced Azdgari Arada with the paint job of a Zachit Arada! Perhaps buyable for say 1.5 to 2 million.

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation


Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
**Skyblade - I agree. Hey here's a thought: How about a mission string, where a few Zachit Engineers meet up with Azdgari Engineers, after hearing about the success of the Enchanced Shielding. In the end, the product would be an enchanced Azdgari Arada with the paint job of a Zachit Arada! Perhaps buyable for say 1.5 to 2 million.


Sounds good, but the Zachit and Azdgari would be total enemies, I'm sure. The Zacha are totally devoted to getting rid of renegades, and the Azdgari can almost categorized as renegades for their ruthless destruction of any ship they can get their hands on. It's a good idea, anyhow.

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

Here's one way your Zacha/Azdgari Arada could happen. The Miranu love to make money, and will sell anything they think can make them a profit. Now, the Enhanced Arada can be sold for huge profits because it is so powerful. However, the Azdgari aren't about to just let the Miranu have the technology because it's their big advantage. After all, they won't even let the player buy one, and they have more reason to trust you than to trust the Miranu.

But we also know from the Ski Resort missions that the Miranu Trading Corporation is willing to do some pretty underhanded things to get its way. It would certainly consider hiring the player to meet an agent on Veltes and smuggle an Enhanced Arada back to Station Pybin in the holds of some large cargo ship. Then the Miranu scientists could try to duplicate the engineering. They aren't the masters of shield tech that the Azdgari are, though, so the Miranu version would be slightly less powerful (important in order to retain some balance in the game). The Miranu would then outfit the Zacha with the new Aradas, and the Zacha could use them to annihilate the NT renegades. Of course, the Azdgari would be pretty annoyed with the Miranu...

Overall, I think there are some interesting plug possibilities there, especially for missions.



i am surprised at the lack of support for the good old Cresent Warship. with upgrades, it's fast enough to avoid long range ordiance, like SAE's, and pretty much any other guided missle thing. plus it's got the fast jump time gotta love that. add plenty of cargo/weapons room, and the needed 3 turrets and you got a sweet machine

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