EV/EVO's Future

I have been playing escape velocity/EVO since they came out, and thanks to the register hour log on the origional version i have played the origional about 1300 hours. I did, thanks to the upgraded CH, register EVO and have devoted at least 400 hours to this venture. Despite my devotion to the game i do have a series of complaints, simple things that i belive would vastly improve the game play. i have listed them below in a non-prioatized order. Please feel free to comment on my suggestions, and expand upon them
1). As you modify ships, the extior should change. IE the additon of turrets or performance upgrades should be availble
2). The AI must cease being so incredibly stupid. That the Monty Python methods works so well, and it's effectiveness has transcended two versions of the game is quite sad.
3). The AI vessels should have the ability to upgrade, differant renegades and government vessels should be modified to make the game more interesting
4). While EV provides players with a vast aray of choices and unlimited game play there is no room for the player's personality to exhist. There aught to be muliple choice missions, so that your story can be more personlaized
5). The Universe should change without the needed presence of the pilot. Once all the missions are completed... the game is essentially dead. (this does leave out plugin developers but i will address them shortly) Planets should change hands while the pilot is away, and governments should be activly battling each other
6). Plug-in's, though they have added an incredible amount of game play to EV and EVO, have chronically horrible endings, this does not include all plugs, but a majority of them.
7). While the pilot is raised to the highest echelons of society, he never is invovled in that world beyond killing stuff. if an EV3 is ever released two things (in my opinion) cannot be neglected: 1. The ability to control planets, and develope them economically, politically and otherwise. This would add a stratigic element to the game play, but still allow the joy of being albe to fly one's one vessel and accomplish things individually. 2. Most importantly THE POTENTIAL FOR A MULIPLAYER INTERFACE. I Cannont stress enough how much I belive this would add to the game... the possiblities would be endless, and the game would finially have unlimited playing potential. In regards to how the interface would funtion I would suggest a server that moniters the location of the ships in the universe, but allows the actual graphics and battles of the solar system to be driven on the player's computer. Think of the possiblities of EV muliplayer when the planet ownership aspect is taken into acount. No longer would you be running missions for a simple name, but a person, working with them, or leading other players. I'm not certain what the best way to manage the interace is, but a multiplayer game with people constantly creating mission strings to achive their own ends, would truly give EV/EVO unlimited game play, and gratification.

Sincerly A devoted Loyal EV/EVO fan,


I've seen posts like this before, but be careful. Some of the mods are sick of some of the things you listed on your post. (Like multiplayer. That will NEVER happen, unfortunately...) Try reading the FAQs before making anymore posts. Thanks!

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

SkyBlade: i have rear the FAQ's and my intention is not to upset anyone with my post, however i do not think that simply because multiplayer is not easy it should be ruled out. the Mod's may indeed by tired of hearing rants like mine, but perhaps that speaks somewhat for the attiutudes of the EV players. To the moderators, i say this not in spite of you, but because i think this aspect of hte game has the potential to make if far greater than it is, and to kill an idea because it is trite, or difficult seems... well, somewhat wrong to me.


I'll comment on #2 and #7.

  1. If you're looking for a challenge, and change in AI, try the "Demand Tribute" button when hailing a planet. I reccomend starting with Gadzair, the Council Station, because you seem to be wanting a major challenge. I won't tell you what happens when you demand tribute from the Council Station, but believe me, it's a challenge!

  2. There is an Escape Velocity 3. It's called Escape Velocity: Nova. Check out the web boards and other parts of Ambrosia's Website for more information. Note it is still in the making.

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

Stud: thank you for the info regarding nova... perhaps it is not too late to lobby ambrosia for some changes to be inserted 🙂 However, i am not simply looking to kill thousands of dumb computer ships, lord knows i did more than enough of that when i took out 5000 ships demanding tribute from luna in EV.

btw ambrosia is located in my home town of Rochester NY, anyone that would like to visit their office is more than welcome ehhe.



Originally posted by UUBOO:
**SkyBlade: i have rear the FAQ's and my intention is not to upset anyone with my post, however i do not think that simply because multiplayer is not easy it should be ruled out. the Mod's may indeed by tired of hearing rants like mine, but perhaps that speaks somewhat for the attiutudes of the EV players. To the moderators, i say this not in spite of you, but because i think this aspect of hte game has the potential to make if far greater than it is, and to kill an idea because it is trite, or difficult seems... well, somewhat wrong to me.


Oh, I know. I wasn't accusing you are anything, I'm just saying multiplayer isn't even worth bringing up anymore. If you asked about that at the Nova web board, the mods, like Matt, might not like seeing that. First, think of how hard it would be to make a multiplayer version of the game...How could you play against someone when you have to worry about jumps, what systems you rule, fleets, the list goes on! It just can't be done...As much as I wish it could, also, but that was a long time ago. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

Like Stud said, try demanding tribute at Gadzair...I never tried it again after first try. 🙂

It would be entirly possible to make muliplayer work, even if it required substaintial alterations to the game's engine. But i again, i cannont belive that they are willing to kill an idea so much of the community wants, and would pay $$$ for, something Ambrosia certainly could use, as none of their games have ever sold at full retail game price. I am just frustrated i suppose....



Originally posted by UUBOO:
**It would be entirly possible to make muliplayer work, even if it required substaintial alterations to the game's engine. But i again, i cannont belive that they are willing to kill an idea so much of the community wants, and would pay $$$ for, something Ambrosia certainly could use, as none of their games have ever sold at full retail game price. I am just frustrated i suppose....


Well please, don't post your last reply in front of a mod...They think otherwise. 🙂 When people are as busy as Ambrosia is, such ideas usually don't come to life. I would definately pay big bucks for a multiplayer version, but it won't happen. Sorry! 🙂

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

2 In EVO 1.0.2 the AI is a tiny bit smarter. What really makes them better at countering the MP, though, is the fact that most all AI ships now have infinite afterburner capability.

Yes, I agree multiplayer would vastly improve the life and fun of EV. It would be very difficult to create such an EV - essentially an entire new interface and engine would have to be built. Ambrosia has basically said NO, plain and simple. However, a long time from now when G9s or whatever are roaming the earth, maybe EV will be multiplayer bliss.

Currently, EV3 has stopped taking suggestions. So just hope that there is something akin to the rest of your ideas in the final version (as I have for mine).

The ones we love and the life we grow from


Originally posted by Miyun:
...now when G9s or whatever...

G9s?! Goodness, I've been reading up on the G5, and it already sounds like heaven to me. It's a shame (to Intel) that a 500 mhz G4 processor is faster then a 1.5 gig Pentium 4...Apple will always be the king of computers. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**G9s?! Goodness, I've been reading up on the G5, and it already sounds like heaven to me. It's a shame (to Intel) that a 500 mhz G4 processor is faster then a 1.5 gig Pentium 4...Apple will always be the king of computers.:frown: btw: i have posted a message similar to this one on the EV3 board, although it was slightly more aggressive, it may br of some interest to all of you to find out how long it takes for them to clear it off the board to limit the degree to which it is discussed


A brave soul you are. 🙂

The ones we love and the life we grow from

(quote)Originally posted by Miyun:
**A brave soul you are.:)

i am starting to consider a visit to the ambrosia office with a black face mask on... i think i'll whip the game creators with my blaster until they are subdued enough to give in and get to work on our muliplayer version 😃 ehehe j/k i'm a nice boy!


LoL! "ha"

The ones we love and the life we grow from

(quote)Originally posted by UUBOO:
**lol! we shall not be censored!!!;)

~Cap'n Skyblade


i am starting to consider a visit to the ambrosia office with a black face mask on... i think i'll whip the game creators with my blaster until they are subdued enough to give in and get to work on our muliplayer version 😃

Better watch out! If the real Ambrosia staff is anything like their EV Override alter egos they'll blast you to smithereens in seconds. 🙂

Renegade Infestation?
Meet me in the bar.

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Wittenberg:
**Better watch out! If the real Ambrosia staff is anything like their EV Override alter egos they'll blast you to smithereens in seconds.:)

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)


Originally posted by Captain Wittenberg:
**Better watch out! If the real Ambrosia staff is anything like their EV Override alter egos they'll blast you to smithereens in seconds.:)


ehehe the mighty cry of the lonely, muliplayer desiring, EV cult shall crush their spirits!

i wonder if we could get a petition for mulitplayer going, not necessarily for ev3 but for a long term project... anyone that would like a mulitplayer version of EV please write to Muliplayer_EV4@yahoo.com


I think the game is pretty damn good as it is, but a version for PC would still be nice.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner.


Originally posted by UUBOO:
**ehehe the mighty cry of the lonely, muliplayer desiring, EV cult shall crush their spirits!

i wonder if we could get a petition for mulitplayer going, not necessarily for ev3 but for a long term project... anyone that would like a mulitplayer version of EV please write to Muliplayer_EV4@yahoo.com


Well sure, we would all love a multiplayer version of EVO, but that does mean that Ambrosia would have nothing to do with it...I do recall someone making a multiplayer version of EVO called "Helian Wars," I don't think it ever got out of beta, though.

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)