
I agree, the Dreadnaught and Aradas were kinda ugly, except for the Zachit Arada. That looked pretty cool.

However, my favorite ships in MAGMA were the Azdgari Warship, the CW, and the Voinian Crusier. They all looked TOTALLY awesome.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**I agree, the Dreadnaught and Aradas were kinda ugly, except for the Zachit Arada. That looked pretty cool.

However, my favorite ships in MAGMA were the Azdgari Warship, the CW, and the Voinian Crusier. They all looked TOTALLY awesome.


The Zachit Arada always looks cool! The color does it, I guess. Flat blue makes it look aggresive. 🙂

The Arada was ugly in Magma. Not only that, but it looked just like a Voinian ship. The grey color on it matched perfectly with the Voinian ships...Not much of a big deal, but the makers of Magma should have given the Arada some green, like it did in EVO.

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

I really liked all the UE and Voinian ship modifications in MAGMA. I thought they were much improved. I thought the Lazira really looked much better too.

The ax looking thing on the Dreadnaught is something that the Eclipse Star Destroyer from SW had. The CW was modeled after a Hapes Nova Battle Cruiser.

The ones we love and the life we grow from


Originally posted by Miyun:
**I really liked all the UE and Voinian ship modifications in MAGMA. I thought they were much improved. I thought the Lazira really looked much better too.

The ax looking thing on the Dreadnaught is something that the Eclipse Star Destroyer from SW had. The CW was modeled after a Hapes Nova Battle Cruiser.


I might have not liked the Dreadnaught and Arada all that much, but I agree with the Lazira. The Lazira was probably the best improvement of the whole plugin. When I was working for the Voinians, I flew one of those, just because it looked so awesome in Magma. 🙂 The Crescent Warship also gets a point from me. It is large, very awesome, and looks much more aggresive.

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

Ok here's ace's way:
At the time i did not have my favored gunship. I have beaten it two ways.
The first time was with an Igadzra (sorry ESPilot lol) and the second was with a UE carrier. I sat around and destroyed anything that came at me (IE: interceptors and frigates, cruisers, whatever was in the system) until it was just my wing and the dreadnought. I then (not very nice of me) let my destroyers go at it until they died the honorable death. I move in for the kill phase turrets firing (in both cases) and got myself right ontop of the sucker. With my 8 defense systems, i began to spoil the dreadnought with defense pods. YOu would not believe how quickly it disables. I actually captured it with my carrier once after dropping the mission while it was disabled.

Ace Battlepilot
"My contract is simple. Give me a Miranu Gunship, give me upgrade funds, and turn this mad dog loose, cus once I'm let out, there's no hope for you..."


by Ace Battlepilot:
I actually captured it with my carrier once after dropping the mission while it was disabled.

i beat the dreadnought every time by simply getting a frontier raiding mission to the same system as the dreadnough. get one of the supply ones if possible, then you get another 4 destroyers, and all you have to do is kill fighters and keep them off the UE ships backs. this may be cheating in some ways, but i dont' find my fun in dizzily circling large grey blobs.... 🙂



Originally posted by UUBOO:
**i beat the dreadnought every time by simply getting a frontier raiding mission to the same system as the dreadnough. get one of the supply ones if possible, then you get another 4 destroyers, and all you have to do is kill fighters and keep them off the UE ships backs. this may be cheating in some ways, but i dont' find my fun in dizzily circling large grey blobs....:)


Dosen't sound like cheating to me, in fact, sounds like a good idea. You'll have a lot more ships helping you get rid of the Dreadnaught, but you also have to remember there will be a lot more Voinian ships as well. =/

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Dosen't sound like cheating to me, in fact, sounds like a good idea. You'll have a lot more ships helping you get rid of the Dreadnaught, but you also have to remember there will be a lot more Voinian ships as well. =/

~Captain Skyblade**

most of those new vionicn ships are supply ships thouhg 🙂 remeber, there is a cap to how many ships can be in a system at once, and i know from expirance that hte supply ship escorts often get left out =). in addition, the last time i tried this... i didnt' fire a shot except to distract fighters, UE killed everything.



Originally posted by UUBOO:
**most of those new vionicn ships are supply ships thouhg:) remeber, there is a cap to how many ships can be in a system at once, and i know from expirance that hte supply ship escorts often get left out =). in addition, the last time i tried this... i didnt' fire a shot except to distract fighters, UE killed everything.


Ooohh...A fair deal if you ask me. Sounds like it makes the mission a little easy, though. I love big battles, anyhow.

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)