
I just cant seem to beat that dreadnought what IS the best ship to take it on with?

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Have you seen Mac OS girl?


Originally posted by Bursar:
**I just cant seem to beat that dreadnought what IS the best ship to take it on with?


OK. If you have access to it, get an Azdara, then (you SHOULD have this if you have an Azdara) get a shield enhancer, and then an exsp. shield enhancer. Or you could do this with a UE Fighter, which is what I did it with. I had both shield enhancers. Then what you do is this: Take out the bulk of the fleet, then the destroyer backup will go for the dreadnought. Let them do all the damage they can while you finish off the voinian ships. It's easy to do this by maneuvering around them while facing towards the ships staying out of the rockets' way and if your ship is fast enough, you'll be faster than the turrets can turn. After that the destroyers should still be firing off their blaze turrets at the dreadnought which shouldve lost its shields mostly by now. So then, you go in and use the same stategy as with the other ships, but be much more careful because of the salvo rockets which are fired in clusters. After a while the destroyers should be dead, but hopefully you won't be because of the shield enhancers, and the dreadnought should be at about 30 percent armor. All you do is keep up a steady pace of fire while avoiding the dreadnought's fire for about 3-5 minutes, and it should be disabled. Finish it off, and return to...wherever you're supposed to return to.

(A quote from my earlier days when I had the S.S. Serpent, a Crescent Warship)
static Cap'n whatr my orders? static ESPilot: "Get half the fighter wing, fly behind the Igadzra, and fire phase cannons at full power up that ship's ass!!" static "Uh, cap'n, whaddya consider a ship's ass?" static ESPilot: The engines!! The engines!!" static "Oh well that makes sense at least" static

In Irish folklore, there was a giant called the Giolla Dacker. He was a lot like the Dreadnought in many ways, right down to skin colour, I believe!

The brutish Giolla Dacker was all but invincible - despite his simplistic sense of tactics he could chop heroes in half with a swipe of his rusty iron sword. To make matters worse, he could only be killed by a blow from a particular club. He owned that club, and kept it chained to his belt.

Apologies for this foray into folklore. The thing is, the Dreadnought also carries the weapon which will secure its own destruction, and you must use that weapon against it. Those who know the Dreadnought's secret enjoy this mission and win through every time; those who don't know the Dreadnought's weakness have a very hard fight on their hands.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

I've taken out the Dreadnaught (along with the UE forces in the system) with my Igazra, one CW escort, one Voinian Cruiser escort, and four Igazra escorts. That time it was quite easy.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Normally I take on the Dreadnaught in a UE Destroyer. Load it with as many hunter missiles as you can. (I think I can get around seventy in it) And get two blaze or phase turrets (on second thought, don't get phase turrets...no damge to the Voinians), not three, so you'll have extra room for the hunters. (And make sure you have only one hunter missile launcher) Usually, the UE escorts will give the Dreadnuaght enough damage so that by the time you start firing your missiles, he should be disabled by the time you're down to twenty missiles. Or you could take him down the easy way...Load your ships up with rockets and pull the monty python. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

Just about any ship that is moderately fast and has decent firepower can take out the Dreadnought. If you Monty Python you can do it in an Arada, Lazira, Crescent Warship, UE Destroyer, etc. Just take out all the Frigates and Interceptors before you get into Python position.

Renegade Infestation?
Meet me in the bar.

I first did it with an Arada using Monty Python and four phase guns, it took forever.
The second time was with a crescant warship with four phase turrets, much faster.

Hope this helps.
GL and HF

Who am I? I am the darkness which lies within your soul. I lie between Good and Evil. I am the Dark Dragon Within. Fear Me.
Always capitalize Dragon, or you'll find yourself as a pile of ash.

To VoinianAmbassador:

Would that magical club be the salvo rocket launcher?

Or perhaps its slow speed - highly susceptible to Monty Pythoning.

The ones we love and the life we grow from

Not really, because those Enhanced Neutrons have a VERY long range which I discovered the hard way.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by jubeeondiffcom:
To VoinianAmbassador:
Would that magical club be the salvo rocket launcher?

I have never had a ship outfitted with such a thing. (I suppose somebody who likes cheat plugs may have.) I was thinking of the fighters that the Dreadnought carries. When the Dreadnought launches them at me I disable them, taking care not to kill them off. I board them, take their rockets and attempt capture. The captured fighters die pretty fast, but they charge right at the Dreadnought, firing rockets and neutrons, both of which are brutal to Voinian armour. Even if the fighter is snuffed out in seconds, every little helps.

As for looting the fighters' ammo, I have obtained about eighty 'free' rockets in this way... and fired them all into the oncoming Dreadnought. After that, you could finish him off with a peashooter.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

To Voinian Ambassador:

The reason I said the salvo rocket turrent is that if you get right on top of the Dreadnought every rocket it fires it gets hit by also. It's like when you fire a rocket but an astroid is under you so it impacts and hurts you. Well, this time you are the astroid. So you split the dammage on the salvo rocket turret. Since rockets hurt armor more than shields the dreadnought gets hurt more than you. It's like taking its secondary weapon and spliting it for free. This tech actually works on all voinian ships. The more R. turrets they have the better. I was also refering to your earlier comment about using someone's own weapon against them. The only ship that has the rocket turret is the V. Dread. and you lose that weapon when you try to outfit. P.S. This tech. can be used on disp. rockets too. Primary weapons and I am pretty sure plasma siphons do not have a blast radius so they are not going to split damage up close.

Sorry, I meant to say that the only ship that carries the salvo rocket turret is the V. dreadnought.


Originally posted by Jubee on diff com:
Sorry, I meant to say that the only ship that carries the salvo rocket turret is the V. dreadnought.

Salvo rocket turret? Is that a different weapon then the normal rocket turret? I've never noticed anything different between the Dreadnuaght's rocket fire and a Voinian Cruiser. Does the Dreadnuaght fire its rockets in pairs?

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

If you watch the dreadnought closely it fires 3 rockets at a time instead of one at a time. It fires the same way as a SAD launcher.


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Salvo rocket turret? Is that a different weapon then the normal rocket turret? I've never noticed anything different between the Dreadnuaght's rocket fire and a Voinian Cruiser. Does the Dreadnuaght fire its rockets in pairs?

~Captain Skyblade**

The Salvo Rocket Turret fires rockets 3 at a time, and the Salvo Rocket Turret actually rotates the full 360 degrees, making it able to shoot rockets at you even if you're directly behind it! And also, VoinianAmbassador would this 'club' you speak of really be the V. Interceptor? I would think it's the Voinian Neutron weaponry and rockets, which ARE devestating to Voinian ships, as said earlier. I'd pick, say an Igazra, sell the phase turrets since firing that at the dreadnought is like trying to knock over a mountain with a peashooter, and replace them with Neutron Turrets, and then fit the thing with a Rocket Launcher and some Rockets. Hunter Missiles are also good against Voinian armor. If you had an Igazra with that firepower, you could say it would be an invincible...well...you know what I mean. The thing that Igazras look like.

I'm the captain of a mercenary fleet, which has a very good deal of versitality. The ships include: A Voinian Cruiser (my own ship), a CW, and the capitol ships of each of the three Strands; a Zidara, and Igazra, and an Azdgari Warship.

I went up the against the dreadnaught in an Igazra, however, I had no secondary weapons, but me, my escorts, and the UE ships make quick work of that monsterous Voinian dreadnaught. Man, I should've tried to capture it.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Three rockets at a time, and a full 360 degree of fire!? Wow...If someone makes a plugin with new outfits and missions for the Voinians, someone needs to make the slave rocket turret available to buy, only it is very expensive and takes a lot of missions to complete before you're permited yo buy it. Might make the game a lot funner...

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 02-28-2001).)


by Captain Carnotaur:
Not really, because those Enhanced Neutrons have a VERY long range which I discovered the hard way.

I took out the Dread not using the Monty Python and phase turrets in my Lazira. It took a looong time, but it was very easy. I think I did this in EVO 1.0.2 (smarter AI), because I was using 1.0.2 by the time I was using the MAGMA plug (graphics make over plug - I really recommend it), and I remember the Dreadnaught looking like an Eclipse Star Destroyer (because of MAGMA). It really looked quite cool - as do the rest of the ships.

The ones we love and the life we grow from


Originally posted by Miyun:


by Captain Carnotaur:
Not really, because those Enhanced Neutrons have a VERY long range which I discovered the hard way.

I took out the Dread not using the Monty Python and phase turrets in my Lazira. It took a looong time, but it was very easy. I think I did this in EVO 1.0.2 (smarter AI), because I was using 1.0.2 by the time I was using the MAGMA plug (graphics make over plug - I really recommend it), and I remember the Dreadnaught looking like an Eclipse Star Destroyer (because of MAGMA). It really looked quite cool - as do the rest of the ships.


The Dreadnaught in Magma reminded me of a Star Destroyer from Star Wars...Only it was ugly. 🙂 The wedge shape of the front section of the Dreadnaught really looks sick. Makes it look like an axe head. The same goes for the Arada...It has the same dip-nosed look to it. Anyway, that's my own opinion. Besides that, Magma is the one of the best plugs I've used.

~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)