Question: Would you like a guide to all the missions in EVO?...

With all these mission questions, I wondered what everyone would think if I made up a guide, "Mission Log" of all the non-repeating missions in EVO. It would explain all the information about how to get the mission to how to complete it.

Should I bother?

Any people that are less powerful than their government are slaves.

You could do it, but it would only be the regulairs who would use it.
It would be like the Search, all the newbies (iยดm still one) would post questions anyway, but for the regulairs i think it would be a good idea

Wise words are not the same as a wise mind, cause maybe they have the text from somwhere else...

It sounds good.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

I like it.

Shikata ga nai.
"...maybe God is on your side..."-The Hawk

Sounds Good!

Why must we fight to achive heroism?

i'd do one myself, yet i dont have the time, experience, or .... money...... cause u know... "time is money"; yadda yadda yadda......

but, go ahead- u'll have my download! ๐Ÿ˜‰

-later man

NOTE: Dont Send your shuttle w/ all of your Saalian Brandy alone into space; u'll be sober for weeks

Good idea, Mikee. Want some help? I've done most of the missions already, and even considered making a guide myself.

Cool idea!


Sounds good

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

I would like to make a mission guide, but I don't have the time to make it. I'm already overstretched with the stuff that I'm doing right now (2 plugs and 2 stories).

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Yes. Sounds good. I would be interested.


The Mac Gaming Bboard:

I wouldn't use it myself, but I say full speed with the idea!

Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get!
Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma!


I'm I the only one who thinks its a bad idea? Yeah I know it wouldn't affect me to much as I would have the choice to look at it or not. But if someone showed me all the missions in EVO before I played it the game would almost be ruined. I dont know if I would have looked at it then or not but everything would be revealed. If you have to do it please make It so newbies dont accidentaly see the ending of the game (is it possible?).

Live every day like your first

Hmmmm.... You do have a point there...

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Yeah, the point of EVO is to find and play missions..... a guide would make it quite pointless. I, for two, am against it. It's a nice idea, with good intentions and all, but it'd ruin the game for newbies.

BTW: what prompts Hector to start attacking you?

I think a mission guide could be a very useful resource if it were implemented carefully. It should make it possible for the user to search for a limited piece of information (such as "Where do I pick up mission X?" or "Do I need to destroy that ship, or disable and board it?") without inadvertently coming across other spoilers.

Question authority. That's an order.


Originally posted by Asc:
**Yeah, the point of EVO is to find and play missions..... a guide would make it quite pointless. I, for two, am against it. It's a nice idea, with good intentions and all, but it'd ruin the game for newbies.

BTW: what prompts Hector to start attacking you?**

I think using the game beyond the shareware licence's demo time. You are only allowed to play it for 30 days, then you are required to register or delete it. That's probably it.

Any people that are less powerful than their government are slaves.


Originally posted by FreakOfNature:
**I think a mission guide could be a very useful resource if it were implemented carefully. It should make it possible for the user to search for a limited piece of information (such as "Where do I pick up mission X?" or "Do I need to destroy that ship, or disable and board it?") without inadvertently coming across other spoilers.


Ah, that's a good idea. I think I'll set it up like basic a "offline" web page. Nothing fancy, quick download. I'll try and work on it when I get the time. Shouldn't be too challanging. Thanks for the offers, but I won't need any help. It would be easier to do it myself probably.

As for the cheaters who abuse it, they will only be hurting themselves and they'll cheat anyways. Too bad I can't set it up as a program that requires and EVO registration code, that would help weed out some of the newbies and cheaters ๐Ÿ˜‰

Any people that are less powerful than their government are slaves.


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Ah, that's a good idea. I think I'll set it up like basic a "offline" web page. Nothing fancy, quick download. I'll try and work on it when I get the time. Shouldn't be too challanging. Thanks for the offers, but I won't need any help. It would be easier to do it myself probably.

As for the cheaters who abuse it, they will only be hurting themselves and they'll cheat anyways. Too bad I can't set it up as a program that requires and EVO registration code, that would help weed out some of the newbies and cheaters ๐Ÿ˜‰

Who still has their registration code? What if you bought the game froma magazine? (me)

Live every day like your first

Good idea..........wait a mean the game ends? Oh no!

Ya but anyway I am having trouble with one of the missions, won't say which one but please check with someone that you definatly have covered all the no repeating missions because it's really getting boring, the UE carrier sucks against a fleet of turncoats!

Sacrafice escorts for the
better good!