EVO Government Plug

Here's my government
Name: the bbatch Confederation
Comm Name: bbatch confederation
Target Name: bbatch conf.
Systems: 5
Capital system: Lekia
Capital planet: New Sallia
Location: SE of voinian space
Allies: UE
Enemies: Voinians & Renegades

Description: a young traveler named bbatch put together a heavily armed exploration and colonisation team then set out just below voinion space. Together them and the UE stand a better chance against the Vionians.


1. use the UE Juggernaught from webboards ships
2. most common trade ships in UE and independant space.
3. Voinian stronger ships to balance power.


Captain Contaur, are you going to include my govt?

What else do you burn than witches?
More witches!
"The Holy Grail", Monty Python

To Titan: Yes. I am including your government. Don't worry.

To bbatch: I might not be able to include your ship. Two reasons. One, I can't use ships from other plugs. Two, there might not be enough spaces for ships. If I can add your ship, I'll tell you. If I can't, you'll have to make up another government.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

What about mine?


I would include my goverment... but it would require a great deal of outfit changing to many ships... anyone feel up to it?

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
SEARCH..... THEN...... ASK!!!!


Originally posted by bbatch:
**What about mine?

Read my last post here. I don't think I can add any more ships. I also can't add ships from other plug-ins WHICH I DID NOT CREATE.

And Alien, no changes to new ships and right now no new ships. If you want a government, no new ships. Sorry. I'll make an update in the future (which is gonna be BIG!).

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

I have not seen any posts regarding this topic in a while. Is the project still on? I can't wait until it comes out?

God bless,

UE Patriot

Allrighty then...

Space- West of Voinian space... 15 sectors, tightly packed.
Goverment- Hinwar Alliance.
Ships- All Voinian ships, mostly cruisers and frigates.
Agressive to Voinians and renegades.
Overall personality- very agressive.

Alas, I have begun to lose my faith in macs. I wonder how much longer until I succumb?
AIM: StrikerDragon

How do you make the graphics for your ships? I have just been doenloading tons of plugins and stealing their pics. 😄 If you make your own ships what do you use to make them?

Macs Work!
At least mine does.

Sorry. I've been VERY EXTREMELY busy lately, and I haven't been able to finish it. However, It WILL come out, sometime. I'm not sure when.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Heh, we'll wait...

Alas, I have begun to lose my faith in macs. I wonder how much longer until I succumb?
AIM: StrikerDragon

Is it too late for another government? If it isn't, then it should be called Apple Computer Holdings, Inc. A group of 4 systems just 2 jumps east of the Azdgari. The system furthest to the east would be New Cupertino, with a planet of the same name. You can pick any Mac-related names for the other systems and planets, I don't care. The ships would be the Miranu Courier, the U.E. Fighter, and the Igazra. No criminal penalties whatsoever, as the government is heavily business-oriented. Friendly to U.E. and Miranu, incredibly hostile towards Voinians. If I forgot anything else, you can make it up. MAC'S RULE!!!!!!!!!!!

The new slogan for Microsoft: Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis - Latin for, "When the damned are confounded, and consigned to sharp flames."

If there's space, I'd like to add a small version of a govt. from one on my plugs that will never see the light of day.

Govt: Steveists
Location: Just one system off of one of the western DSN systems beyond Voinian space
One planet, Steve-A
Weak jamming for all types.
1 outfit/weapon: The Armageddon Beam. It's essentially a magenta version of the Mth'ky beam from Quantumire. Same range, but you can tone the damage down to what you see fit.
Ally of the Iggys. (I can't spell the name off hand)
Enemy of Voinians.
Very high tech. If possible, sells all outfits and ships which can normally be bought anywhere in the galaxy.
1k defense ships. Equal parts Igazra, Arada, UE Cruiser, and Cres. Warship. In waves of 5.
Ships that may appear in sys: Voinians, Iggys, Stellar Corp, and of course Steveists.
Also a link to the Iggy home system or an uninhabited system near it would be nice.
Low tolerances.

If you could fit this in, it would be greatly appreciated. If not, It's ok.

"Now you've gotten my forklift angry...."
Cpt. SteveVo8a
Cabin 124, Zachit Station


Originally posted by Iron Fist:
**Is it too late for another government? If it isn't, then it should be called Apple Computer Holdings, Inc. A group of 4 systems just 2 jumps east of the Azdgari. The system furthest to the east would be New Cupertino, with a planet of the same name. You can pick any Mac-related names for the other systems and planets, I don't care. The ships would be the Miranu Courier, the U.E. Fighter, and the Igazra. No criminal penalties whatsoever, as the government is heavily business-oriented. Friendly to U.E. and Miranu, incredibly hostile towards Voinians. If I forgot anything else, you can make it up. MAC'S RULE!!!!!!!!!!!

That would be cool. And there's a landing PICT that would be PERFECT for New Cupertino- in F-25 there's a landing pic of a large window (no walls but a bean in the middle) looking over a gigantic metropolis. From F-25's readme I think it's OK to use it.

God bless,

UE Patriot

"Turn me over, I'm done on this side."- St. Lawerence at his martyrdom
"The glory of God is man fully alive"- some saint whose name I can't remember
Voinian lovers are ignorant of the UE marines taking over Borb Station.
Reign of the UE: Coming this year!

(This message has been edited by UE Patriot (edited 01-04-2001).)

Uh, has anything further been released about this? It sounds very neat, and I'm anxious to try it. 😉

"Now you've gotten my forklift angry...."
Cpt. SteveVo8a
Cabin 124, Zachit Station


Crime Tolerance:0
Smug Penelty:10
Disable Pen.:10
Board Pen.:15
Kill Pen.:25
Shoot Pen.:0

Target name:Arion
Com dialog Name:Arion

Xenophobic: No
Big bribes: Yes
Freighters take bribes: No freighters
Planets take bribes: No
Plunders Ships: Yes
Start disabled: No
Can't hail: No
Warships take bribes: Yes
No escape pod: No
Not a good samaritan: No
Retreat when shields <25%: No
Always attacks: No
Never attacks: No
Attacks in non-allied systems: Yes
*Location: Slightly above Zidagar territory. One planet and one station
Ships:Arion Arada, Arion Lazira, Arion Warship (The Arion colors are black and pale green)
(Arion Warship is same as crescent warship, except in arion colors)
Speed:Faster than normal ships of type
Accel:Faster than " "
Turning:Slghtly Faster than " " (Arion Warship is Much Faster Than " ")
Shield: Slightly better than Zachit Arada/ Better than Lazira/ Better than crescent warship)
Armor: Slightly better/Better/same
Max Guns: 5/4/6
Max Turrets: 2/4/6
Mass:Slightly More/Same/Slightly Less
Crew:Slightly more/more/slightly more
Recharge Rate: Faster/Slightly faster/much faster
Weapon Space: 40 tons/50 ton/90 tons
Cargo Space:30 tons/ 50 tons/60 tons
Availability: Not purcaseable unless youdo missions (if you make missions)
AI Warship/Warship/Warship
Death Delay: Same/Same/Same
Price: 2 million/ 8 million/ 13 million
Desc: Forthcoming...
Weapons- 4 swivel phase cannons+ 10 pursuit missiles/3 phase turrets+ 1 rear phase turret+25 pursuit missiles/ 5 phase turrets+ 50 pursuit missiles

These guys are sort of bounty hunters/law enforcers. Unlike the Zacha, their paycheck stems from the renegades they plunder.

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

It would be SO nice if you could somehow squeeze my ships in...

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

As I have said before, NO new ships! Only new governments which use ships already in the game. However, I am really stressed for time (I'm working on two other plugs and a website) and thus this plug is coming along slowly.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).