What is the best race overall?

What about the dragon people?
Give me your prospective on it all

May aliens yet rule the galaxy?

The Azdgari and Voinians. Great ships, great causes, great technology, great race.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Once they were one- a proud race.
Now they are three- Zidagar, Azdgari, Igadzra. All use the same letters, all thinking that they themselves and only themselves are in the right.
Soon they will be none, if the war continues.
But if you look at all of the Zidagar, Azdgari, and Igadzra systems, and combine them... You will see how powerful the Gadzair were.
They were the strongest race in the galaxy.
Now they are lost...

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

The Igadzra are my favorite race, because I like warships more than fighters (Azdgari), and I just don't like the Zidagar, never did. The Humans are far too weak in the game for my liking, the same with the Emalgha, and the Hinwar don't even have their own ships.


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The Azdgari and Voinians. Great ships, great causes, great technology, great race.

'A fool fights a war on two fronts.' The Voinians are fighting a war on three fronts (Human, Emalgha, Hinwar). And I wouldn't exactly call total domination of everything you see a 'great cause,' either. But that's just my opinion.

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(url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/ma3/skyblade/omega_conspiracy/index.html")The Omega Conspiracy(/url) - An (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/evo")EV Override(/url) Novella
(url="http://"http://www.marijuana.com")The Internet's Answer to the Drug War(/url)
" I may look like Jesus, but I can't walk on water." - Jay Berndt, (url="http://"http://www.giantrecords.com/kilgore/")Kilgore(/url).

(This message has been edited by skyblade (edited 01-15-2001).)

But the truly great fight a war on three fronts and win. I'm goin with Voinians and Azdgari. When friendly with them I can get my great lumbering hulk or my speedy fighter. Whatever I feel like piloting for the day.

Remember that thou art dust and to dust
thou shalt return. And while your creation is forgoten your death you still spurn


Originally posted by skyblade:
**'A fool fights a war on two fronts.' The Voinians are fighting a war on three fronts (Human, Emalgha, Hinwar). And I wouldn't exactly call total domination of everything you see a 'great cause,' either. But that's just my opinion.


The hinwar have ONE ship pop up, every year, at most. And besides, have you notices that the UE is fighting on 2 fronts, too?

Any way, I would chose either the Voinians or the Igazdra. Why? Fighters suck, warships rule.(to me, at least)

(url="http://"http://pub29.ezboard.com/b20")Don't click here.(/url)
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.

My objective is to live forever. So far so good.

Yo- I gotta agree with LoneVoinian on this one. The Hinwar don't count as a front. In fact, the Emalgha are a bit iffy as well. I mean, a huge fleet of heavily armored ships vs. 2 system's worth of crappy wooden ships? The Voinians are only fighting a real war on one front.
However, that remark about the UE fighting a war on 2 fronts: what is the second front? Renegades? I would hardly count that...

This is all soooo unimportant...


Originally posted by Captain Matt T:
**What about the dragon people?
Give me your prospective on it all


Dragon people?

And yeah, the Hinwar aren't really a "front." The Emalgha suck too. Wooden ships LOL! Although they are fighting as hard as they can, those poor poor people ::glares at Lonvoinian::. The human Renegades are a lot more of a front than the Emalgha.

As for being nice, Miranu definitely win it for obvious reasons.
However, for ships, it's Azdgari all the way. I love shooting around in my little Azdara. 🙂 (Heavily upgraded of course, to be almost invincible.)

Of course, if you were to take the Voinian Dreadnought over to, say, the Chak system.... hmmmm.....

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair whose presence never fails to suddenly kill Mag Steelglass


Originally posted by Joolzman5:
::glares at Lonvoinian::

Why are you glaring like that at poor, poor, Lon? ::Glares at Joolzman5::

(url="http://"http://pub29.ezboard.com/b20")Don't click here.(/url)
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.

My objective is to live forever. So far so good.

(This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 01-16-2001).)


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**...Voinians... ...great cause...

Yeah. Right. Whatever.

Really, do you think that the Voinians have a good cause? And I don't buy LoneVoinian's Message Pod story for a second.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Honestly, if you think big bad ships equals better performance, you're mistaken.

Oh, and about the original Q: you can figure it out 😛
But personally, I wouldn't side with renegades, heh heh, cause they SUCK

"Arthur Philip Dent?" pursued the alien in a kind of efficient yap.
"Er...er...yes...er...er...," confirmed Arthur.
"Your're a jerk," repeated the alien, "a complete kneebiter."

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
(B)The Azdgari and Voinians. Great ships, great causes, great technology, great race.

Exactly what i would say.

Come on, the Igadzra a good cause, plus did you read the planet description on the Adzgari homeworld?

And the Voinians?

Of course they are a worthy cause!

Just because they are patriotic they get discriminated against.

Think of the Emalghia who carpet bombed Romit!
(QUOTE) from planet description
(B)...the Emalghia commander ordered a full scale bombing of Romit, killing thousands including non-Voinian slaves...

You can't justify such massive killings as the evil Emalghia performed.

Don't be too serious or have too much fun. Don't be a hermit.


**Originally posted by Gunsh The Hermit Crab:
You can't justify such massive killings as the evil Emalghia performed.

And the Voinians are ones to be talking? They have killed millions of innocent aliens and enslaved billions. And while that action by the Emalgha was largly unjustified, it was more so than the voinian's reasons.

The voinians are ruthless, egocentric, corrupt, xenophobic, greedy, decayed bastards. That pretty much sumerizes my opinion of them.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

(Damn UBB code...)

(This message has been edited by 21st Century Digital Boy (edited 01-16-2001).)

Emalgha, enough said.

(url="http://"http://www.yaromat.com/macos8/index.htm")Doing the Right Thing(/url) | (url="http://"http://rudystocks.homestead.com") Rudy Stocks(/url)

"A terrible darkness has fallen upon us, but we must not surrender to it. We shall lift lamps of courage and find our way through to the morning."
-Member of Emalgha Resistance

(This message has been edited by ~Patton (edited 01-16-2001).)

Hinwar! Brave little bastards!!

fails to notice the Hinwar behind him when he says 'bastard'

Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get!
Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma!

The Hinwar ARE a front when you do the right missions. The Voinians are trapped, then. To the East- UE, to the South- Hinwar, to the north, Emalgha...

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

All I want are views. Not FLAMES. OK?

I understand some of you feel strongly about some races. I just want you to say it. Don't get ticked off about other races.

If you dislike a race, give rational reasoning. Not just, "That race is a bunch of big bullies that I don't like."

We're all much more mature than that.

May aliens yet rule the galaxy?


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
**Why are you glaring like that at poor, poor, Lon? ::Glares at Joolzman5::


Well, at least I misspelled the "Lone" part, not the "voinian" part. 😛

--Joolzman5, that guy with the red spikey hair whose presence never fails to suddenly kill Mag Steelglass

Hey, this is for the person who said Hinwar are a front when you do the right missions:

I agree with you there, but we're not talking about when you fight against the Voinians and make the Hinwar more powerful. Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't we be discussing the best race overall BEFORE you take enemy missions and severely weaken them? We should talk about races in the standard galaxy, not one that may differ from person to person due to missions.

This is all soooo unimportant...


Originally posted by Joolzman5:
**Wooden ships LOL!
...those poor poor people.

Don't laugh... Jive 320 has a fleet of ships made out of Lego.
(If you don't know what I'm talking about, visit (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/rhowolf/LegoIntro.html")http://www.geocities.../LegoIntro.html(/url) .)

I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!