EVO Webboard Challenge

Sounds good. I'm slowly working on it so I can't give an exact date and it probably won't be really soon. So just hang in there! 🙂

"I'll get the brute squad!"
"I'm on the brute squad."
"You ARE the brute squad!"

I'll help e-mail me at jmfh77@hotmail.com

Bugaduplo, try changing:
You ARE the brute squad
You are the brute squad

(url="http://"http://www.yaromat.com/macos8/index.htm")Doing the Right Thing(/url)
"A terrible darkness has fallen upon us, but we must not surrender to it. We shall lift lamps of courage and find our way through to the morning."
-Member of Emalgha Resistance

Count me in. The silver ship is always ready for battle. Whatever you do, it will be fun.

Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!