All the Strands hate each other because...

Hehe, there are a lot of good ones in here!

-Captain Carnotaur

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

42.) An Azdgari once told a Zidagar that he couldn't hit a high "G" in his opera

43.) A billboard on Dames carries the words, "Gross as a Purple River Eel"

44.) An Azdgari leader once called an Igazra a "Bannana Cruiser"

45.) The Zidagar once played a long opera on the Galactic News Network, till all the characters were slaughtered by an Igadzra, who was given a medal of honor back at his home planet.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

(This message has been edited by Samurai (edited 11-18-2000).)