captains of freeport plug-in

where can i get the original captains of freeport plug-in? i got the 1.1 updater. any help would be appreciated.

D-Generation-X for life!!
Defy Authority!!!!
Break it down!!!!!
If your not down with that I got two words for ya.....S*CK IT!

Well, I was going to tell you, but I just saw your sig and have now decided not to do so. Maybe somebody else will state the obvious answer.

One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

Time is visible in all places.

Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

In this world, a second is a second is a second.

Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

Time is an infinite ruler.

Time is absolute.


Originally posted by forge:
**Well, I was going to tell you, but I just saw your sig and have now decided not to do so. Maybe somebody else will state the obvious answer.

Translation: "I don't know." 😛

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

(This message has been edited by skyblade (edited 09-23-2000).)

what's wrong with my sig?

D-Generation-X for life!!
Defy Authority!!!!
Break it down!!!!!
If your not down with that I got two words for ya.....S*CK IT!

Have you read your .sig? :rolleyes:

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

I swear, if anyone tells him were to find it, I will iKill him!

Wrestling Sucks. Its rigged. It has no place here.

I bought a Venus Fly Trap today. I was going to name it 'Republican', but the fly trap is beneficial to the enviroment. I'll save that name - someday I might find a plant that eats poor people and minorities.
(url="http://"")October Development(/url)
(url="http://"")A Thousand Worlds(/url)
(url="http://"")A Thousand Worlds Public Webboard(/url)


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**I swear, if anyone tells him were to find it, I will iKill him!

Wrestling Sucks. Its rigged. It has no place here.


Can you tell ME? Just click the E-mail button at the top of the page to send me the info.


I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.

i don't agree with your signature

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser

Thanks for sharing everybody

D-Generation-X for life!!!!!
Defy Authority!!!!!
Break it down!!!!!
If your not down with this signature then I got two words for ya.....S*CK IT!

Thanks for sharing everybody

D-Generation-X for life!!!!!
Defy Authority!!!!!
Break it down!!!!!
If your not down with this signature then I got two words for ya.....S*CK IT!

Change thou sig and the answer shall be yours

I bought a Venus Fly Trap today. I was going to name it 'Republican', but the fly trap is beneficial to the enviroment. I'll save that name - someday I might find a plant that eats poor people and minorities.
(url="http://"")October Development(/url)
(url="http://"")A Thousand Worlds(/url)
(url="http://"")A Thousand Worlds Public Webboard(/url)


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**I swear, if anyone tells him were to find it, I will iKill him!

Wrestling Sucks. Its rigged. It has no place here.


I agree,wrestling does suck, everyone knows (should realise) it's fake, and badly faked at that so why does anyone watch it?


I personally agree with everyone's feelings on wrestling. I stopped watching when I was about ten. However, give the guy a break! I'm sure each and every one of you has some stupid hobby that we all would make fun of and find disgraceful. Like me, I manually masturbate monkeys for artificial insemination. Yuck it up.

"Sir, victory of the bladder over the mind is inevitable"-James T. Farrell


Originally posted by Captaintripps:
**I manually masturbate monkeys for artificial insemination. Yuck it up.


LOL. 😛

(url="http://"")1000 Worlds(/url)
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Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: Busta Rhymes - Extinction Level Event


I bought a Venus Fly Trap today. I was going to name it 'Republican', but the fly trap is beneficial to the enviroment. I'll save that name - someday I might find a plant that eats poor people and minorities.
(url="http://"")October Development(/url)
(url="http://"")A Thousand Worlds(/url)
(url="http://"")A Thousand Worlds Public Webboard(/url)


Originally posted by Captaintripps:
**Like me, I manually masturbate monkeys for artificial insemination. Yuck it up.


A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

skyblade, the translation should be: People should look in the section marked "Add-on Files" before asking questions such as that.

I looked in the addon section and it only has the update. If you don't belive me then download it for your self.

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.


Originally posted by forge:
skyblade, the translation should be: People should look in the section marked "Add-on Files" before asking questions such as that.

The Add-Ons section has only the update, that's what Space Pirate got. 😛

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

i went to the plug-in page got the updater only. i was wondering if somebody knew what the homepage for it is.

btw i know wrestling is fake but it still is fun to watch plus there are hot chicks that occasionally get naked. it is just like a sopa opera in case any of you watch that.
p.s. octoberfost- if you don't know anything about the topic then just say so. i'll understand.

D-Generation-X for life!!!!!
Defy Authority!!!!! Break it down!!!!!
If your not down with this signature then I got two words for ya.....S*CK IT!
RENEGADES WILL RULE THE GALAXY!!!!! Death to the UE!!!!! Death to the Miranu!!!!! Death to all traders!!!!!