Which one?

I'm making a plug in that's set about 10 years after EVO and I'm thinking about having the strand wars over but can't decide which strand should win. I'm having a war betwwen the winning Strand and the council(govenment plots and stuff)
Which strand do you think should win over all?

Need public oppinion to finish plug.


Burning cow said:
I'm making a plug in that's set about 10 years after EVO and I'm thinking about having the strand wars over but can't decide which strand should win. I'm having a war betwwen the winning Strand and the council(govenment plots and stuff)
Which strand do you think should win over all?

Hmmm... tough question. You have to take into consideration the capabilities of each strand. The Zidagar are way too weak - they can be easily defeated by either the Igadzra or Azdgari. Since EVO 1.0.2, the Igazra and Azdgari Warship are pretty equal, but many times an Azdgari Warship can beat an Igazra (this usually only happens with the AI, though - a good pilot in an Igazra can win over the Azdgari Warship almost every time). In the end, I think the Igadzra should be pitted against the Council, because the Iggies seem pretty detached from the Council, and the Azdgari don't. Igadzra territory also encompasses more systems than Azdgari or Zidagar (I think).

Q: How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None. They declare darkness as a new standard.

Oh, and one more thing...

Maybe you could make a plugin that decides the winning strand by which strand they joined (e.g.- If I did the Igadzra missions, the Igadzra would win).

What do you think?

Q: How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None. They declare darkness as a new standard.

I should vote for Azdgari. With their new Enhanced Azdaras, they can each beat an Igazra by themselves. They should be dominant by logic.

I trust you Ubbie baby-Pam
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
You know Harry, I used to like you-Ubermann

Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
'Nuff said

Gene pools need their own lifeguards.

I think the Igadzra should win, although the Azdgari are my favorite I just don't think that they have strenght in number or enough ambition or good enough tactics to win a full war.


I agree with Gekko and CelticStarbase, the Igadzra should win. The Zidagar are too weak, and will soon be crushed. The Azdgari have good ships and weapons, but so do the Igadzra, and, in my opinion, the Azdgari would lose to the Igadzra. Plug sounds cool, Burning cow.

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

So far it's:

Igadzra - 3
Azdgari - 1
Zidagar - 0

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

make that Azdgari-2, and like Ubberman said, 1 enhanced Azdara can defeat an entire Igazra by itself, and enhanced Azdaras are much cheaper than those big old
clunky Igazras, so naturally the Azdgari will win

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and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

hey pig, yeah you, hey pig piggy pig pig pig


Originally posted by Oedipus:
**make that Azdgari-2, and like Ubberman said, 1 enhanced Azdara can defeat an entire Igazra by itself, and enhanced Azdaras are much cheaper than those big old
clunky Igazras, so naturally the Azdgari will win

If you're talking AI battles...NO FREAKIN WAY...

An Igadzra can smash just about anything, AI vs. AI...in exception to Voinian ships.


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There are many reasons the Idagrza will win.
1)they have the most systems
2)they have the political advantage
a.they are insane making them do late-minute sacritices which wins wars
b.they are the most detached from the council because the adzargzi follow Council orders and the zidager also do
3)they also have a military advantage
a)they have one of three crusiers in the game
b)their only weakness-fighters- and they will figure out in time to devlop fighters which would make the igarza invincible against non-voinian ships
c)they have guided weapons
d)you have to finish missions to get the Azadgrzi to have enhanced aradas
which isn't equal
d)two words: plasma siphon
4)they are the strongest strand
a) most systems
b)strongest military
c)will and technology to use weapons of mass desurstion(hint!hint!(i.e. nuclear,biological,chemical,EMP,antimatter))
5)just because!!!!!!!!!!

This my first long post

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser

Stop comparing a suped up Azgara fighter to an AI warship. Thats the computer enhanced vs. the computer, or a player vs. the AI

Instead, compare a suped up Igazra to an Azzy warship, the Iggy winz hands down. For me, if i get myself an Igazra warship fully loaded, I can take out ANYTHING that moves. The Dreadnaught, no problem, heck, all the Azzy systems with their fighters were easy to defeat, one pass with my phase turrets took care of em.

Vote another for the Igazra's, they kick a$$



"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser

O'k the Iggies seem to be the strand that should win due to what you've all said and I personally agree with you but for other people who like the other strands I might have the odd surviveing Aggie or Ziggie (I just can't spell the names :mad: ) so that everyones happy.
The destiney of the strands is still up for discussion as the plug won't be done for a while and I could be persuaded to change.

Oh and one last thing: Gekko good idea I might do that but you'll have to wait and see.



Originally posted by Gekko:
**Oh, and one more thing...

Maybe you could make a plugin that decides the winning strand by which strand they joined (e.g.- If I did the Igadzra missions, the Igadzra would win).

That would have to be three plugs. So, Burning cow would have to make an Igadzra plug, a Zidagar plug, and an Azdgari plug. I don't know how drastically that would effect the plot, but it would certainly be more work. Good luck, though, Burning cow. Can't wait to see the results.

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

Go for the Igadzra. I have always liked big powerful ships, and the Azdgari don't have any. So there. 😛

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Texas Words Of Wisdom: 1. Don't squat with your spurs on.

heh, actually, every time i see it, an Aggie warship beats the crap out of every igazra it sees, so, unless your playing the outdated 1.00, then you find the same thing

New Windows version 98, now with 400% more bugs and error messages than windows 95
(just $199.99)
and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

hey pig, yeah you, hey pig piggy pig pig pig

The outcome of Azdgari Warship vs Igadzra depends on your combat rating. If it's really high, then the Azdgari wins, but if it's really low, then the Igadzra wins.

Some people have a way with words, while others... erm... thingy.

this is in ten years!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the iggzies will develop fighters by then

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser

I never actually thought of doing that. ( the iggies having fighters that is)
I'll have to do that, thanks for pointing that out.
But that brings out anouther question I mean would they have Cresent fighters( like the ziggies) or their own sort( like the aggies)



Originally posted by Burning cow:
**I never actually thought of doing that. ( the iggies having fighters that is)
I'll have to do that, thanks for pointing that out.
But that brings out anouther question I mean would they have Cresent fighters( like the ziggies) or their own sort( like the aggies)

They should definitely have their own. Since they will be the winning Strand, they should not be using that old outdated Crescent Fighter. That's probably why the Ziggies lost.

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.