I know we all have heard this before... but listen!!

Eirik, shut up and stop ranting lik a stupid child, you're making me sick. You sound like one of those an immature morons who beat the **** out of each other for the hell of it. People have their own right of opinion, and just because they say a few stupid things doesn't mean you have to go off on them. I personally believe that an ev-3d would be too much like starfleet academy. All of the ships would have to either be too maneuverable or have a helluva lot of shields, and that would severely limit Amborisa's creative ability for new ships. I think Ev3 should be a complete overhaul, like Ev:O. I think a continuation in the EVO universe would be a big waste of time and energy. That's what plugins are for. I'd love to see new ships, new races, new weapons, new systems, and new governments. I think their should be a new class of ship "berserker". It should use really powerful weapons and put up a "berserker shield" which makes it invincible, but the shield only works once after every landing and the weapons will suck down fuel like mad. Just a thought.


Originally posted by Vice Admiral Jon:
**i also have 2 new weapon designs, the first is an EMP, which should eat away at shields, but do no damage to armor. The second should be an autocannon, an ammo weapon with an EXTREMELY high damage rating, but mostly to armor.

those can both be done in plugs (and actually, i have both ideas implemented in plugs i have sitting around on my hard drive for my use). about the stars and such, i think gravity would be nice but stars that continuously do damage would shift the balance of power even further to the gigantic ships. that would make the game a lot more challenging in the beginning (where you want a bit of leeway) and much easier towards the end (when you start getting bored and want a new challenge)

if tin whistles are made of tin, what's a fog horn made of?

Yes, an EV-3D that is just like the game would suck.

However, making a game that is 'inspired' by EV that was 3D would be cool. Especially if it allowed for EASY "plug-ins", where the user can modify most of the 'in game' data...

tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - gwii@excite.com - Labor conquers all


Originally posted by andrew:
**Some games gain something by being 3D first person, other games lose something. EV is one of those games that would lose something, IMHO.


I agree very much. Alot of people wonder why Blizzard still makes 2D games in this "only 3D games are popular world". Isn't it amazing that 3 of some of the best selling games are 2D.

I can't imagion Starcraft "3" being 3D. Gawd, that'd suck.

tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - gwii@excite.com - Labor conquers all

I agree with El Presidente. EV 3D would lose the flavor that it has come to have standard. It would become, to put it simply, yet another first person shooter. I think the main concentration and ultimate strength of EV was the plot issue. To make an open ended game that allowed for varying plotlines, with the ability to choose the plotlines, and then with the major implementation of having those plotlines alter the universe in EVO, it truely is the focus of the game. The battles are a side note.

From an instructors comments on a paper written by a student who had repeatedly used the word burro instead of burrow.
"Dear sir, it appears you do not know the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground."

(url="http://"http://boards.gamers.com/messages/overview.asp?name=jivesboard")Official Resistance Webboard(/url)

My final thought on this topic:
EV3D would rock.
HOWEVER, it would not be a replacement for regular EV.
Games like Starcraft and Diablo rock.
Diablo II Rocks.
Marathon Infinity Rocks (although this is a case where 3D WOULD be better)
These are all 2D games as well.
3D or 2D - there is no better. It just depends on the game engine.

Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"http://www.meowx.com")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

Ok, first, Eirik, STFU. Getting into a pissing contest is not the way to express your opinion. If you had dont this before EVO came out, you would be sitting behind your monitor staring vacantly at a "banned" message.
Ditto with Sick of Complains. I'll listen to your opinion when you tell us your name.

Now, has anyone here played Terminus? It is the closest thing to EV3D on the marked. And it is darn good, in my opinion. Now, EV would need some tweaking to make it owrk well in a 3D evironment, but that is possible. So yes, EV3D could be coded, and probably be a good game.

However, EV3 is going to be a 2D game. At his point, I seriously doubt that can be changed. So stop trying, and if you must try, do so in an intelligent manner.


Why don't we use this forum to submit ship, government, and outfit ideas here? I know that next to none of them will be implemented, but it'll be still fun to discuss our ideas. I have an idea for a weapon. It will do damage to any ship in the system you choose, but will do an equal amount of damage to you. This will be handy to big-ass Cap ship users who keep getting annoyed by those !@#$ing little fighters that you can never #!#$ing hit beacuse they found that %^(&ing; blind spot in your %^&*ing turrets!!!!! :mad: Just a thought.

(This message has been edited by Zebetrious (edited 08-27-2000).)

Cool, I made the hole topic go ****ing psycho! No offence to ya all but I really started a fight this time.. Last time was 4 months ago when I was better known as MaRvIn and I made the mistake to critice El Presidente's opinion on something, cant remember what it was but it had to do with Escape Velocity. I think all the registered users on these boards replied to that message in a non-positive way and I decided to change name to --Eirik--. I'll never do that again.....

"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."

-Quote from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov.
The best UT site on the net
The best macgamer site on the net
Email me at: (url="http://"mailto:psycho_e@excite.com")mailto:psycho_e@excite.com(/url)psycho_e@excite.com

I agree with you on the EMP weapon suggestion, but what was your other weapon suggestion. EV-3D would be okay because it would require a graphics card, a much faster processor, and a lot more stuff that some people don't have



Originally posted by --Eirik--:
**Cool, I made the hole topic go ****ing psycho! No offence to ya all but I really started a fight this time.. Last time was 4 months ago when I was better known as MaRvIn and I made the mistake to critice El Presidente's opinion on something, cant remember what it was but it had to do with Escape Velocity. I think all the registered users on these boards replied to that message in a non-positive way and I decided to change name to --Eirik--. I'll never do that again.....


Maybe if you were a little more considerate to people's opinions everyone wouldn't get mad at you. Constructive criticism is better than "no, that sucks, you stupid idiot, my idea is better...". If you can't learn to give constructive criticism and at least be a little civil on these boards, you have no place posting here.


Thanks for that, Lobster, you gave me something to think about. Maybe my uncle will start speaking to me again if I change my attitude.... heheheheh...
But seriously, I have thought of what you said..

"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."

-Quote from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov.
The best UT site on the net
The best macgamer site on the net
Email me at: (url="http://"mailto:psycho_e@excite.com")mailto:psycho_e@excite.com(/url)psycho_e@excite.com

Normally I wouldnt involve myself in a stupid little post like this, but I have to say that I am deeply offended that no-one on the board has mentioned to you that your use of the word woman as a term of abuse is well out of order.
Im sure there are plenty of women who may read this board and I am ashamed as a board member that they may read comments such as yours, and that we all accept it without comment.
Perhaps as you mature you will one day meet some of these women and then you will realise what immature remarks you have made in the past.
Stop it now to avoid yourself the embarrassment.

Who cares not whether he is considered a newbie.


Originally posted by --Eirik--:
**Thanks for that, Lobster, you gave me something to think about. Maybe my uncle will start speaking to me again if I change my attitude.... heheheheh...
But seriously, I have thought of what you said..


That is good, at least you listen to reason when you hear it. Apparently you've already made some enemies here, in fact, a lot. Maybe its time to start repairing your reputation.


Can we please get back to the sunject of ideas? I have another idea for a ship. It's called a blind-fighter. It is an ordinary fighter with less shields and armor but more weapons. Now this is the fun part, it's called a blind fighter because the AI purposefully moves it into your turret's blind spots. Now THAT would be a pain in the ass!!!! I have another idea for a weapon. It would be called a multi-gun. It would shoot in more than one direction. Like you could have one that does tri-shots, and one that shoots bullets every which way randomly, and one that fires a sort of bullet shield:a circle of bullets around your ship that expands fast. I know that some of these ideas aren't too original (cough:supershipsII:cough), but I just want to get this forum going. By the way, stop insulting Eirik, you're just provoking him. Some idiots you just have to ignore.

(This message has been edited by Zebetrious (edited 08-29-2000).)

I just got another idea for a weapon, it would be a flak cannon, basically its a weapon that spreads out its damage in a 90 degree area infront of your ship, but it would be all at once so it wouldnt be like a swivel cannon. ahhh whatever. tell me what you think. oh and by the way, almost no one commented on my autocannon idea, i think its pretty good, comment on!

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon

(AIM- ViceAdmiralJon)


Originally posted by Zebetrious:
**Can we please get back to the sunject of ideas? I have another idea for a ship. It's called a blind-fighter. It is an ordinary fighter with less shields and armor but more weapons. Now this is the fun part, it's called a blind fighter because the AI purposefully moves it into your turret's blind spots. Now THAT would be a pain in the ass!!!! I have another idea for a weapon. It would be called a multi-gun. It would shoot in more than one direction. Like you could have one that does tri-shots, and one that shoots bullets every which way randomly, and one that fires a sort of bullet shield:a circle of bullets around your ship that expands fast. I know that some of these ideas aren't too original (cough:supershipsII:cough), but I just want to get this forum going. By the way, stop insulting Eirik, you're just provoking him. Some idiots you just have to ignore.

(This message has been edited by Zebetrious (edited 08-29-2000).)**

Well, I know I'm provoking him, but I'm also trying to help. He's pissing people off and I'm a rabid idealist...and ideally, we should all get along on this board; however impossible that may be, I'll still try to help strive for it.

Anyway, I like that multi-cannon idea, that would be...ahem...ideal for getting pesky fighters off your back.



Originally posted by Vice Admiral Jon:
**I just got another idea for a weapon, it would be a flak cannon, basically its a weapon that spreads out its damage in a 90 degree area infront of your ship, but it would be all at once so it wouldnt be like a swivel cannon. ahhh whatever. tell me what you think. oh and by the way, almost no one commented on my autocannon idea, i think its pretty good, comment on!


Actually, there is a plugin for EVO that gives you a flak cannon. It is an awesome plug, if you haven't already, I suggest you download it. I use it all the time, the flak turret is good against the Voinians (or at least I like to use it against them). 🙂
