The EVO missiles (again)

Actually, the few places where graphics DO matter is in an EV plugin. How many people out there open the plug with res-edit before you play it and look over the graphics? I trash it if the ships look like colored paper. Graphics can make a game fun. I don't touch marathon anymore, (unless a new scenario comes out) regaurdless of how cool the story was. The graphics engine is hindering, on the other side, half-life doesn't have great graphics, but people still like it. Unreal has a nice singleplayer game like marathon, and I still play it. Because the graphics are amazing. That is the only thing (other than ai) is has over marathon, yet I play it. it's the graphics that prevent a game from getting old and boring! Does anyone here still play doom? A few of you might, but almost all of you don't! Because the graphics make it stupid! It has no plot either, so I can't tell you why anyone in their right mind would still play it! Plot may make a game interesting the first time around, but graphics keep it.

Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

Era, an huge plugin for EV: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
**Hey, Necromicon! When are you going to submit the next part of the "Tides Of War" story?


Well the Tides of war has been put on the backburner while I sort me life out. First there's this girl, second my education is going to pot, I've got 1KW to think about so once all that is done, I'll finish it. I'm hoping to have it novel length so I probably won't be posting each chapter one by one, instead, I'll ost the whole thing (sorry Jude :)).

Homer: A women is a lot like a beer, they look good, they taste good, and you'd step over your own mother to get one!

(url="http://";=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=25&article;=000024&startpoint;=")The Tides of War(/url)

Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: DJ Vadim - Life from the Other Side