multyplayer EVO

Is Amrosia ever gonna come out with a multyplayer version of EV? !!!
They need to get with the times...

I think Ambrosia want to keep EV like a 1-player game because the controls requires the hole keyboard and if its playable on the Internet, what would it be like? It wouldnt be fun at all........

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

Third parties "may" (hehe) be working on:
EV 3 <-That's how Nova was started
EVMP <-Two third parties currently
EVMP (arena style) <---Tycho
EV3D <- Wouldn't you like to know...

tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - - Rip the System!

Probably not, an idea for on-line EV has been suggested many a time and has been rejected each time. But hey, if you wanna give this idea a hoot go right ahead.

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

I think they should. It could be like those online role playing games. I know EV3 won't be
but maybe EV4. Most charge like $10/month but given the fact that this is Ambrosia maybe
they could do something like $5/month or an outright fee of like $40 (since there'd be a lot
of overhead for Ambrosia like server(s) and having someone constantly updating the universe
and plotlines). I'd love to play an RPG style EV. I think it'd be great.

It isn't infeasable, it just requires time being put in to actually make it, and that probably means a third party will need to step in and make at least a basic engine that would be usable and then contact Ambrosia about it. Check the Developers Board, it's a common topic and several people are in the process of brainstorming such a thing.

All things are possible
except skiing through a
revolving door


Originally posted by Anon:
**It isn't infeasable, it just requires time being put in to actually make it, and that probably means a third party will need to step in and make at least a basic engine that would be usable and then contact Ambrosia about it. Check the Developers Board, it's a common topic and several people are in the process of brainstorming such a thing.

Well, there are two groups working on a full EVMP and one guy working on an arena style one.

You might be suprised.... they all may be done within a year to two years....

More Oppressive than ever! • AIM: g2uidehatr •

Doubt it...

Seriously guys, get over it. Its over. Stop dreaming, and get ready to enjoy EV3 when it comes out.



Originally posted by Captain Scurvy:
**Doubt it...

Seriously guys, get over it. Its over. Stop dreaming, and get ready to enjoy EV3 when it comes out.


Oh shut up! You don't know anything about multiplayer EV! Kberg is working on it, if you were on his development team you might realize how clueless you were!

191 posts! Ha! Maybe if you weren't a newbie you'd know more =p


tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - - Rip the System!

He's not a newbie... I know that and I know you know that, but a true newbie who reads your post might believe you, despite your use of smilies. Before I read you were the poster I though you meant it.


/me knows something you don't know!!

and as for "ambrosia getting with the times", that's just arrogant. implying that the company that released one of my most fav games of all time is behind the rest of the gaming market...

"the bathroom ain't preety, let's keep it that way." - Adam Corrola

(url="http://"")Calcwire: Ti-EV(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Third parties "may" (hehe) be working on:
EV 3 <-That's how Nova was started
EVMP <-Two third parties currently
EVMP (arena style) <---Tycho
EV3D <- Wouldn't you like to know...

Really? Really really? You must tell me where the websites are, most importantly the 2 groups working on EVMP.

Darn, I started drooling on the keyboard again...

When oppurtunity knocks, make lemonade!

A ^ wise man

(This message has been edited by Captain Bob (edited 08-07-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Bob (edited 08-07-2000).)

Bah! I think Mikee's just making that up. He has mush for brains anyawys.

I mean, he's callling me a newbie 🙂

Still, i want to see some proof mikee 😛


Reasons why the UE and Voinians hate each other...
€Voinians prefer SPAM, while the UE likes SPAM light....
€The heads of both governments were trying to figure out which wife was
€Tomato, Tom'aaa'to, is there a difference? Aparantly so...
€Two Voinians accused the UE of using IBM computers...
€A UE Cruiser accidentally blew up a Voinian planet...
€Two words: name calling

You're joking again, aren't you? Why are you putting on the newbie act?

"Apple does not recommend allowing an elephant to operate a Mac in any environment."

I think ambrosia should it would give people a chance to show off there ship and skill.Also that would Kick Ass


Originally posted by X704:
I think they should. It could be like those online role playing games. I know EV3 won't be
but maybe EV4. Most charge like $10/month but given the fact that this is Ambrosia maybe
they could do something like $5/month or an outright fee of like $40 (since there'd be a lot
of overhead for Ambrosia like server(s) and having someone constantly updating the universe
and plotlines). I'd love to play an RPG style EV. I think it'd be great.

if ambrosia make a multiplayer game and starts charging a monthly fee for it, i'll get a hacker after them!

paying a mothly fee to play multiplayer games is the lamest thing a company can do, ambrosia is cool, they wouldnt do that tho 😉


(This message has been edited by Whurp (edited 08-10-2000).)


Originally posted by Captain Scurvy:
**Bah! I think Mikee's just making that up. He has mush for brains anyawys.

I mean, he's callling me a newbie 🙂

Still, i want to see some proof mikee 😛


Hey newbie, pick either mikee or Mikee, but not both!
Maybe if you were actually involved in the community you might know a little bit about what I know! You are such an uninvolved newbie, that you probably doubt EV3!

I know everything about those, and you know nothing! I can't tell you HOW I know about them because that would reveal the I am an ereet haX0r! pH3aR mY sk1llz!

So shut up you stupid, clueless newbie!

tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - - Rip the System!


Originally posted by Captain Bob:
**Really? Really really? You must tell me where the websites are, most importantly the 2 groups working on EVMP.

Darn, I started drooling on the keyboard again...

I don't believe any of those have public websites or servers. You can, however, find quite a bit of info about those on the EV boards.

tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - - Rip the System!


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Hey newbie, pick either mikee or Mikee, but not both!
Maybe if you were actually involved in the community you might know a little bit about what I know! You are such an uninvolved newbie, that you probably doubt EV3!

I know everything about those, and you know nothing! I can't tell you HOW I know about them because that would reveal the I am an ereet haX0r! pH3aR mY sk1llz!

So shut up you stupid, clueless newbie!


Me the newbie? You have to be the newbie! You can't even prove what EV3 even is, let alone who you even are. What? Split personalities, don't you need some help?

I mean, after all, look at my status! I've been here since july of 99. I'm an old geezer. You should be bowing before me, praying that I don't strike you down with false and embellished accusations!

So you shut up! Your the ignorant newbie 😛


Captain Scurvy: Dont take this as a insult but you got to have a better insults than that!