Voinians are the BEST!!!

I can take out 2 V. Cruisers with my Emalgha Freighter too, its those stupid cresent SAE that give me problems. I would really like to know what hat guys who said Emalgha ships were drawn in Kid pix was thinking? That is just stupid! No offense but the Emalgha ship look bery cool, and detailed, I mean they drew in the metal reinforcements and little spikes for the fighter, heck you CAN'T do that in Kid Pix, then again I also don't think the Vionion ships look like Kid pix works, what DOSE look like KId Pix work is the explosions, they are kinda dumb looking (Note: I am still running 1.0.0 so I don't know if they fixed it.......)

~Disco Patton

"A terrible darkness has fallen over the people of Emalgha, we must lift our lamps to find our way throught the darkness, may God save our poor world"
-Member of Emalgha Resistance

Download EVO Stellar Objects today. It has completely redone the planets and landing pics and they look awesome. It doesn't change the explosion pics though. Now, back on topic, Thanks for the tips VoinianAmbassador and UE Crusader. I still have yet to try dispersal rockets but I hear they are quite good.


"No! Try not! Do. Or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

"Impossible is a word Humans use far too often." -Seven of Nine


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**Go Nadekim!

Well, playing as a Voinian makes a change... very few people around here played against the UE, their first time around!

Rocket turret problems: your Reign I spec 'supercruiser' starts with more turrets than it's actually allowed to have. If you start removing any of those 10 turretted weapons, you can't put any back until you have less than six. It's still worth taking out the turreted rocket launchers, though, because...

(A) they always miss
(🆒 you won't be able to plunder UE ships for suitable ammo

Ordinary rockets will server you much better. For excursions into the Crescent, consider getting some dispersal rocket launchers.

...and may I say: welcome to the Smart Party. Borb Lives; Voinia Rules.


Okay, okay! Stop your bitching already. The damn cruiser will be fixed.

Just out of curiosity, having done two Voinian plug-ins, does that make me their king, or what? I can certainly hope not.


To note, it's interesting how many people copied the "~" I used to use before my name. Very strange indeed...

This goverment kicks ass. The only thing is that i wish the ships were faster and more like the a-something fighters that have the fast sheild regentrition.


Originally posted by Drednougt:
This goverment kicks ass. The only thing is that i wish the ships were faster and more like the a-something fighters that have the fast sheild regentrition.

I desided if I am gonna cheat for fun will get myself a dreadnought. So I traded in my cruiser and bought one suped her and boy oh boy she is sweet. I mean hey if ya gonna cheat why not have the coolest looking, most awsome ship around??

Hail Odin,
where he gose victory and
glory follow. The old
gods are not dead and are
regaining rightful
places!! Hail the old Hail the new and hail the futur.