Global Thermonuclear War, Game 22

I think I was voting for Darwinian before I was persuaded otherwise.

Well, I'm under a vicious band 'n' wagon onslaught. Oh dear. I apologize if my reasons seem absurd to you all, but I'm sticking with my guns.


@lnsu, on Apr 23 2008, 05:35 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War, Game 22:

Unfortunately , I will change my vote to Templar98921 in self-defence. I was hoping to watch the templar/darwinian argument last a few more rounds.

Edit: You brought this on yourself templar.

LNSU. Retracted. Congratulations, you managed to put yourself and me in a similar position to me and xander. xander, I apologise for shifting my concentration, but LNSU has just pulled a me, and has opened the (metaphorical) floodgates of suspicion.

If I die, brave comrades, take all the police down in my name, as well as SoItBegins's.

This post has been edited by Templar98921 : 23 April 2008 - 07:07 AM

My count:
Templar 98921-5
Not guaranteed to be correct. I'd like to think that I can count but in reality that was just a quick tally done by spotting bold stuff on the page.
Still, it looks like Templar is in big trouble here. If two people voting for Templar were to change their votes to LNSU, the tally would be swayed in his favor.
However, unless there's a serious motive to do so I would not be too optimistic about Templar's chances of survival.
Overall, this doesn't mean much to me, it's just an objective observation of what's going on.

Uhhh If we kill you that obviously means we think you are a cop so are you saying you want us to attack you viciously?

He's appealing to the people who don't yet think he's a cop, obviously.

Thanks for the tally. Also when will the next victim be taken.

I believe about 15 hours and 15 minutes from now. Or a day later than that.

Just for clarification and for all the good it'll do:

I'm not a cop.

Give me one reason to trust a cop like you and I'll believe you aren't a cop.

Thats just what a cop would say. A commie would also say that. So either way you must die.

If I was a cop, would I have been so loud?
If I was a cop, would I have not joined any bandwagons?
If I was a cop, would I have argued reasonably?
If I was a cop, I would have hidden and not provoked people.

Of course, all of this is subjective. It could be reverse psychology or something.

Also what has communism got to do with this?

This post has been edited by Templar98921 : 22 April 2008 - 11:02 PM

China is a communist nation. China has a military police force. Cops have a vague link to communism. You're gunna die.

And look at your signature, Templar! You shot the sheriff but did not shoot the deputy? Why didn't you shoot the deputy? You're obviously a police officer. Or, maybe you ARE the deputy!
Boss, this guy has got to go if we want to get rid of the threat to our organization here.

China's communism isn't proper communism.

Also I know I'm gonna die. This is an impassioned plea for saving my own skin.

This post has been edited by Templar98921 : 22 April 2008 - 11:10 PM

A futile one at that.

Send Jacabyte my order for some drinks on your way to the bottom of the lake.

You people are mean. 😞

When you find out I'm innocent, can you please investigate xander and LNSU. However it is appropriate to ph34r them :ninja: . Have fun.

Can I be the one to toss him into the lake? I want to be the guy that gets rid of people.

As I said when I voted for Templar98921, I don't really suspect him. However, he was voting for me, and the only way to keep myself alive (or at least give myself a fighting chance) was to vote for him. As he has changed his vote, I will do the same, as I promised earlier. I will once again vote Lt._Anonymous. He raised my suspicion on the first day by bandwagoning, and is now being very quiet, perhaps in an effort to lay low. Thus, without any better suspects, I am voting for him.

I must also say that I am surprised at how many people are jumping on the Templar98921 bandwagon. He came after me pretty hard, but that is understandable. I have been making waves in this game, because I don't think that the strategies that have been employed in the past are all that effective. Templar98921 takes that as a sign that I am a bad guy. It is a reasonable conclusion to come to, even if it is incorrect.

Also, I had a thought today that I would like everyone else to think about. In most games, if there is a tie, one person is put on the block after a vote off. However, SIB will kill everyone in a tied vote. Perhaps this is a chance to employ a different strategy. Rather than waiting for us all to be picked off one at a time, perhaps we should try to arrange ties between players during the day? Then, we get to choose who is removed from the game, rather than giving the bad guys more chances to sew doubt, and pick us off at night.

Again, I am not sure that it is a good strategy, but I think that, given the rules, it is something that we ought to consider. Does anyone else have any thoughts?


I will vote darwinian as he seems to be suspicious of me... he's hiding something. He has all this talk about strategy, but what really truly matters is the psychology of the game. and he seems to be in the mindset that I'm guilty, or else, what I prefer to believe (and is probably true) is that he is using me as a foil, as a suspect to point the accusatory hand at me to deflect suspicion. Often people forget to accuse the accusers. Those who are belligerent win far too often.

Round ends in 10 hours or so. Votes will be locked 1 hour before that.

Cops: PM me. Hypochondriac, lemonyscapegoat, and EKHawkman: I notice that none of you have valid votes at this time...