Mission special ships...

Summet about how i've done it makes nova crash...

Ok. i've played around a bit trying to find the problem but i can't see why its not working... here is the set up:

ID :128
Name :First exploreation
Available stellar :128
Available location:main spaceport
Available record :0
Available rateing :-1
Available random: 100
Travel stellar :-1
Return stellar :129
Cargo type :-1
Cargo amount :0
Pickup mode :no cargo
Dropoff mode :no cargo
Scan mask :0000
Pay value :25000
Ship count :4
Ship system :-6
Ship dude :128
Ship goal :escort them
Ship behavior :normal behavior
Ship name ID :-1
Ship start :Jump in after short delay (i put this in but everytime i save and close then reload it resets to blank)

The rest of the stuff is the default new resource settings in EVNEW except i have b1 in the on accept field bit. (im useing a blank slate to learn to make missions and i've made it so that a system only shows up after accepting which works untill about 2-10 seconds of staying in space then nova crashes when, i guess, is when the ships arrive.)

Thanx for your help. Sharx

Edit: i figured out that in the drop down menu for "ship start" if i click an option and close then re enter the resource its droped 3 places on the list, and drops 3 places every time i re-enter the resource. This is useing EVNEW btw, anyone know how to fix this? thanx again

This post has been edited by Sharx1 : 01 February 2009 - 03:25 PM

Just to check, you do have a dude resource created for id 128, right? And all the ships referenced in it have corresponding ship and shan resources with valid sprites? If you're missing any of this, Nova will crash. (I'm not sure how 'blank slate' you mean).

If you do have the above, can you create a debug log and post the results here? (I believe you just create a blank file named debuglog.txt in the Nova directory and launch it, but it may be different on the PC). I'll take a look back here in the morning as I'll be more awake then and might notice something odd in your description.