EVNEW Problems

Can you help?

I'm having a weird problem with EVNEW that I've never experienced before. When I double click a .rez file (i.e. Nova plugin), It starts up, then says

Error: Unable to open file 'C:\Documents'!

This never happens on my desktop, only on my laptop. I have the newest version I can find. Any ideas as to how to solve this?

To me, it looks like EVNEW is pointing to something it can't find. Deleting and 'reinstalling' EVNEW might be the best course to take (what version is it exactly?).

Version 1.0.4. EVNEW doesn't have to be installed.

I know it doesn't need installing... that's why I put quotes around reinstalled.

As for the problem, I don't know if the version has anything to do with it since it is the most recent. Did you move the application from one location to another on your hard drive? I don't know if this would affect it or not but you never know.

From the posts of others on the board i've found that erasing EVNEW and trying with a new copy usually fixes whatever problems are occuring.

Check your permission masks.

Could you expand on that a little?

Windows doesn't have any permissions to begin with.

Your actual desktop on Windows XP is located at C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Desktop

If you have a long user-name for your account, or some special symbol in their, it may cause problems when opening the file. It shouldn't, but it's possible. My advice would be to move your Nova Files to a folder with a short no-spaces name such as C:\NovaPlugin

This would eliminate the problem and clean up your desktop (speeding up your computer - a full desktop/'desktop with background image' takes more system memory - I run along with a 5 year old computer, so minor performance tuning is everything!

Hoping this helps,

You could also put it in C:\Program Files\EVNEW.

EVNEW seems to screw up if you move it from where you originally installed (first used) it. This can only be reset by deleting some registry entries.

It sounds to me like EVNEW is actually having a problem locating or handling the address of the said .rez file. I always keep my EV files in a folder right next to the EVNEW.EXE file. Never had that problem, are you seeking .rez files in a different directory?

The EVNEW Program is in the top of the Nova directory, with the Nova .exe and all those other files.

Rez files... sometimes I try to open ones on my desktop, etc. But even opening the example Nova.rez doesn't work. BTW, manually opening the files (File-Open in the menu) works.

This post has been edited by masterryan : 12 June 2007 - 02:45 PM

Uh, Nova.rez isn't an example file. It contains valuable resources that Nova can't run without and using EVNEW to modify the contents of that file will murder those special resources...

That's not the point (I haven't edited it I was just using it as an example- I'm not a noob). EVNEW won't open any .rez file anywhere without me manually browsing for the file.

@masterryan, on Jun 13 2007, 12:34 AM, said in EVNEW Problems:

That's not the point (I haven't edited it I was just using it as an example- I'm not a noob). EVNEW won't open any .rez file anywhere without me manually browsing for the file.

Its some bug. Maybe it doesnt like spaces in file paths- which is rather strange, considering the problems were with spaces in file names.

Wait- it works! Just press Open with... then select EVNEW. It worked with all files in the Nova folder! And when I deleted the assocation for notepad and registered it for EVNEW by browsing to it- it works. In other folders too. Try deleting the assocation. Open the file- now unassociated and with a generic icon. When Windows asks what program to use, select EVNEW. But first select select a program from list. It works like a charm... unbelievable... so comfortable... I had this problem for years- just like you- Error opening "C:\Progra!" and then- it works... Yeah, try it.

I was going to scold EVNEW for being buggy and worse, and how it needs badly updating in other parts too, but now my mild anger has passed. But it still needs updating. The Help is awful compared to Mission Computer. That is, it is entirely readable and even user friendly... but not guaranteedly so like in MC. And it confuses in parts. The interface is too NovaTools-like, with confusing fields (names) in some parts and a ugly box. That is too big to make side-by-side comparisons of two ships or weaps even on 1280x1024 screen. Which is far from minimum and considered a high resolution even today. It stops at weapons fields. Then it cuts off the second box. Is no resolution enough for this hungry little application? Unfair. Plus, it has numerous other defiencies. Like that I can use my keyboard to jump to some letter. I have to scroll the entire list- timeconsuming, tedious, and makes me confused "Huh"?. And because theres no other way than order by ID,l I have to scroll a jumble of resources and hope I can spot one- by name, if i can find it. Even ResEdit- famous for not being userfriendly has them. It lacks all the user-friendly features of Mission Computer. This doesnt mean too much, but it sure isnt attractive. Or truly easy to use. Or quick. Plus, it can crash for something so simple as opening a file and then clicking cancel on a open dialog in a existing file- that is, opened before. Its notoriously instabile- and crashes regularly (okay, so not regularly. But regularly enough to be a pattern). It crashes for inacceptable reasons- for simply clicking the wrong way in dialogs or similar light things that are to be expected because the user does them or has to do. Am I supposed to be extremely carefull how I use it and how I click and what I do so I dont cause a crash? :rolleyes: I think it would be good if Aprosenf came here and finished EVNEW. Its still in beta- why did it never finish? Didnt we submit enough bugs? Did he drop out of ASW? It isnt horrible, it is usable, but laborous and exceedingly to the point of lacking. It doesnt have even all the necessary features.

This post has been edited by General Cade Smart : 12 June 2007 - 05:51 PM

No such luck. I deleted the .rez filetype association in Folder Options- File Types. I re-associated it with EVNEW and...

Error: Unable to open file 'C:\Documents'!

I know this is a long shot but i had something similar about 6 months ago... what version of quicktime are you running on xp, try updating that.

You said evnew.exe is in the same folder as evn.exe, you've deleted the association and tried again, and you've dowloaded a new copy of EVNEW and tried again and its still not working???

Can you think of anything that might have happened between when it was working and when it stopped?