The No Name Bar

Yume finally finished sweeping most of the bar and looked at her faint reflection on the marble floor before she went over and put the broom to lean against a nearby wall.

She wiped her hands before she slowly made her way to the bar and took a seat in a stool. She tried to get Dech's attention so that she could order a glass of water but Dech didn't see her so she gave up after a while.

She was thirsty but she really didn't need water that much. A soft sigh escaped her as she just sat back and rubbed the back of her neck a little as sweeping the floor gave her a back ache a little.

She now just stared out into empty space as she started to lose herself in thought again.


"Hey, uh, want something to drink?" The Hacker asked, scooting over to the stool next to hers.

Yume just blinked as she looked over to The Hacker and just slowly nodded.

Death quickly came to The Hacker's call, and handed her a glass of water. The Hacker handed him a few coins, and he nodded and walked away.

"So, uh, Yume, is it?"

Yume sipped at her drink and made a gesture in thanks before she nodded to his question. She then looked to him in a way to ask who he was.

"Uhm, people call me Hacker but you can call me Charlie. I hate the name, but names are only something to be called by....Hey, are you new here, to the Rock?"

Again, Yume answered with a nod.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you alone...Later"

I hate people with fancy signatures. ._.

(This message has been edited by Phantasmaegoria (edited 07-27-2004).)

Yume just blinked and slowly shook her head to say that she wouldn't mind his company if he wanted to stay. Jacey wasn't here, she saw no harm in having some other company.

"Oh, well...if you don't mind, then I'll guess I'll stay longer."

The Hacker stayed in his seat as he looked to Yume.

Yume just drank her water while a tiny stream made its way down her neck. Because she had tilted her head back, her turtle neck went down just enough so that her scar would be visible.

The Hacker caught sight of the scar and couldn't help but ask in curiousity.

"How did you get that scar on your neck, Yume?"

Yume softly placed the glass on the counter and stared at the glass for a moment as her hand raised up to touch the scar that rendered her incapable of speech but she could still make sounds.

"Um... you can't speak can you?"

Yume slowly shook her head in a no.

"Did you get that scar from a battle wound?"

Yume stayed still for a moment before she slowly nodded to his question. How long has it been since she recieved this wound that kept her from speaking?

"I'm sorry that you can't speak..."

Yume just shrugged as if saying "it doesn't matter" and just leaned back in her seat while she took a glance to The Hacker sideways.

She hadn't forgotten how he had mimicked her and now she just read his shirt which said "I don't like you either." Heh, well that's people friendly, she thought sarcastically...

(This message has been edited by Seraphim (edited 07-28-2004).)


Originally posted by JaceySquires:
Who's Death?

I'm just messing with ya playa

Shup foo! - thegreenfile

I'll so offend to make offence a skill,
redeeming time when men think least I will.
- Hal

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 07-28-2004).)


Originally posted by JaceySquires:
**Who's Death?


OOC: I think he meant Dech, although Death (the grim reaper) is the bartender in a certain universe's bars.

"Here, meet me at The Azula in an hour, I've got to pick up some smokes, and take care of some business."
Page picked up the long burlap roll he carried everywhere and blanced it across his shoulders. He put on his round sunglasses and stepped out of the bar.
Page lazily walked through the market, scanning all the expensive looking merchandice. several of the shop owners eyed him suspiciously. It wasnt often they'd see a man wearing skin tight clothes with a big metal shoulder guard.
Finally Page found what he wanted. There was a ratlike man scurrying from person to person asking if they wanted cigarettes.
"Hey," Page called.
The man looked over at the tall and slender vellosian making his way through the crowd with his beady eyes. He squinted as he scanned Page's figure curiously.
"I Have Victory blacks and generics."
"Can I have 2 packs of blacks," The rat like man dug into his bag and removed 2 packs of cigarettes. He handed them over carefully after Page tossed him the cred chips.
Page stalked forward again through the crowd.
For a while he just wandered aimlessly, and after he had had enough of walking he made his way to the ship.
Suddenly his minds eye senced something behind him. He whirled around, and whipped his burlap roll around to deflect the knife that had been thrown at his heart. As he senced another came, but the vellosian caught it carefully between his index and middle finger. he examned the knife. It wasnt steel like he had thought but some alloy that was common in this area. The tip was fish hooked, about the perfect size to cut off fingers, and the rest of the blade was serated to the hilt. It had a wrapped black handle, and it was balanced perfectly despite its length.
Page eyed the dakness behind him carefully, and continued on his way to the Azula.


Ta-vora orders another drink. Once he finished it, he walks towards the No Name's exit. Outside he notices that a crowd had formed. Realizing his appearance would attract too much attention to make it to his ship savely, he creates an illusion of a slightly run-down, slightly dirty pirate, like most persons on this station. One of the patrons in the bar had watched him. He looks at his glass of whiskey looks sick suddenly and pushes his glass away.

Slowly, Ta-vora wanders towards the Azula.

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one who believes it.
The Boozerama Bar died 05-10-2003. May it rest in peace. May it rest for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and may it never return.

Yume's slender fingers traced the rim of the glass as she stared through it. Silence had fallen over both The Hacker and herself of course.Again, she seemed to be in deep thought as she let her fingers trace the rim of the glass on their own accord, not even realizing that she was doing this.

But she would suddenly stand and turn around as she started to walk towards the exit of the bar without saying goodbye to The Hacker.

"Hey, where are you going Yume?" The Hacker asked in curiousity as Yume had suddenly decided to leave.

Yume just waved her hand in the air to say that she would be back later. It wasn't like there was anything else to do in the bar at the moment and she had something to do also. She exited the bar and started to make her way through the tunnels that would lead to where the ships were docked at along with her own.

She stopped once she reached her ship or more percise the ship she had stolen and stared at it for a moment in her silence as she stood there before she boarded her ship. She went to the sleeping corridors where one would be able to rest and layed down upon a bed after she took her boots off as she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. Nearly forgotting why she never slept...


Only a few moments later, Yume screamed out as she sat up violently in bed, sweat beading down her face in the cold air surrounding her. Her lungs desperately grasping for air so that they could feed her blood oxygen as she tried to recover from the nightmare...the nightmare which had came true and the only thing that had ever brought her true fear. Blood she would glady shed to have him back...

Yume grabbed her bag and started to shift through it to find something she wanted to see at the moment in time. Yume took out a little bit of her trench coat just so that she could put her hand into one of the pockets and took out that long, cylinder device that was only about a foot long before she opened it up sideways.

She pressed one of her fingers to the screen and tapped it as she sorted through the files that were inside the tiny device. She tapped upon some words the said "Pictures" and then tapped on another word before a picture of a smiling boy filled the screen.

He had black short hair, brown eyes, and a seemed to be an optimistic boy just by his expression.He was so filled with optimism, she thought as she stared at the boy who had been the only special person to her. I felt so alive with his optimism, I wanted to do everything, she thought sadly as she ran her finger along the face on the screen.

But now, she felt like lying down and dying. She wiped the sweat off her face as she thought to herself, how long has it been since I last saw you?, Heard your voice? Years of tossing and turning only to be woken up mercilessly cutting the silent air with her screams. She sat upon the bed for a few moments with the covers over her before she threw the covers back and walked across the cold floor to the main part of the ship.

The floor registered cold with the thermal sensors on her body but she didn't really feel it though. She felt so detached from the world. Everything seem distant, faint. Shrouded be a fog of some sort. Her world, at first, seemed so alive to her when she was with him. Now it's as dead as she felt inside.

The AC of the ship turns on and the cool air blows at her gently, rustling her hair a little in the soft breeze while she went over to one of the sections where she could look out from the ship. Why?, she thought, Why were you taken away from me? The only reply she got was the moaning of the ship that she was on, an answer that matched her own sorrow and agony while she saw her reflection through the clear material. Her eyes seemed to be ever more sapphire and crystalline then before as she let the side which she use to be out.

How many more people and creatures have ruined their lives for your glory, glory that you keep fro yourself!, She mentally yelled out at nothing or really at the thing that ruined her life. Damn you all, I will get my revenge on you!, Yume thought as anger wells up inside of her as she thinks about how smug those goverments are, especially the earth's before it finally came crashing down upon her and she fell to her knees, hanging by the edge that juddeted out of the glass-like material.

He's dead and I have nothing left to live in this universe for, Yume thought. He was like her soulmate, so independent, freewilled, never afraid to be himself, and so handsome to her. He's dead and there was nothing left for Yume or that's what she thought. She felt like her heart had been ripped out from her chest. Taken away along with him. Leaving her soul as cold and empty as the universe's own.

Yume had found true purpose in her life by being with him. Without him, she didn't have anything to look forward to her life other than death. And his dreams had been shattered...along with her own. He had died before her...and she couldn't do anything to save him from his fate. She could still see his blood on her hands... her hands which were stained by his blood...and that tear that he had made...

He had meant the world to her and she had...had... Yume couldn't get herself to even say it as guilt washed through her like a tidal wave. She wasn't sure if she could start her life up again. There was nothiong left to live for. She was useless in this world other than experimental projects for the government. If you grow up in gargabe, you'll become garbage and that's how he felt like now. Garbage, trash to be thrown out because it's broken and useless.

Her life had stalled now, frozen in the time of the past. No one would ever know how much he had ment to her. She didn't know how long she stayed there sitting upon her knees. A barrage of images flooded her head during the time, of all the good times he and her shared. She could still remember his smiling face as he fell, his gentle caress of his lips against her own, and the she shuddered at the memory of the feeling...


Yume stumbles getting to her feet. Such control her unconciousness had over her servos in her body, making them work improperly when they're in perfect condition. She trudged herself out of the area of the ship after she put her boots back on as she had lost sight of what she had really wanted to do while she threw her bag over her shoulders again and stared at the floor as she tried to go back to her more void state but it might be near to impossible now that she had remembered many awful things in her meaningless life.


(This message has been edited by Seraphim (edited 07-28-2004).)

A door opened down the corridor before Page. The girl Page had often seen with Jacey stepped out. The air around her was swirling with resent, hatred and the deepest depression Page had ever felt. He scanned her with his weaves carefully. Her emotions were so human, it was like she lived in a mechanical shell.
Page raised an eye brow, as Yume took a brief glance at him and then hurried off in his direction. He was almost afraid she was going to do something he hated more than anything. Suicide. Yume was cut off, literally. Page had blocked off the way with his burlap roll.
She stared at Page with her saphire eyes. He countered her glare with his Amber eyes.
Yume felt a warm feeling wash over her body. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them she was in a white room. The whole room was bright white except for the far left corner. The blackest shadow anyone had ever seen lay there. Page stepped out of the shadows, two figures stepped forward behind him, but only far enough that you could make out there form.
"Welcome to your mind, I figured it woyld be a nice place to talk alone."
"My mind?" Yume said aloud. Once she realized she had just talked she grabbed her throat carefully scaning for her scar.
It wasnt there.
"How-" Page cut her off.
"This is your mind, That's not your body you're in but a mental representation, everything you say is a thought, so your not actually saying it."
Yume nodded.
"Mind if i ask what's wrong?"


Yum just stared at him for a moment as she tried to keep herself from thinking. It was hard not to as she tried to decide if she should tell him or not before she sighed.

"Alright... I guess I have to tell you cause I have a feeling that you won't leave me be until I do. Tis not like you'll care or can help so it doesn't matter if I tell you."

She had closed her eyes for a moment before she opened them again and scanned the white room before laying her eyes upon the man again with his other two companions that she couldn't exactly make out. It felt slightly strange to speak with her mouth...even if it was only through her mind...

"Right now, I'm trapped in time. My past. I have no way of getting out. The only way I see is to exact my revenge upon the creatures who took my spirit away. Without my spirit, I have no will to live... The government officials..."

Frowns a little as she pauses for a moment as her anger flared but she tried to control it.

"I was their perfect guinea pig and creation. Completely obedient without any arguement or talk back. And I was content with it for a while until I met this boy... He was also part of a project except seperate from mine. So he was allowed access to me. I don't know much about my life when I was with the government... most of it is a blur. I think they erased some of my memories when they found out that had flaw had been created in me in a attempt to correct it... Emotions... I have two states. I can be void... and because of this boy, I learned to have an emotional state also."

She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath.

"But I still remember him... My memories with him were fortunately saved... I don't know exactly what made me revolt against my creators but I don't care... Because of my new emotions, I am suffering and I know it's all their fault. I will not have peace until I see the ones who brought me into this world without my own choosing and the ones who forced me to take away the one thing that brought me happiness suffer just like I am right now!"

She yelled out as her eyes opened and they flashed red for a split second before returning to sapphire as she struggled to keep her emotions in cheek while also trying not to resort to her more void state. Although it was becoming very tempting...

She looked away as she calmed down and continued a little further.

"There's nothing left for me. I am an outcast wherever I go, no matter what because there are no others of my kind. I have nothing left to live for other than to get revenge before I will give myself the peace I crave for... I am not even supposed to exist. Not something like me. And once I get my revenge, there won't be any others like me...ever... for the government needs me to make another one of my kind since I'm only the prototype and I think I destroyed everything they used to create one such as myself in my fury..."

She stopped there. Not sure if she should tell anymore than she already had. It's not like it mattered... She became sad again as the memories came flooding back once more as she closed her eyes and sighed sadly. Yume remembered how she had been forced to take the life of the one who had gotten too close to her heart without her realizing it at first... The room shifted and stirred for a moment as her memories became visible for a few moments.

That boy had died after having his dreams ripped from him. She could still remember his smiling face as he fell after she had thrusted her hand through his chest and then take out his heart... One thing which he had freely given her... Only to be forced to watch him twitch like a short circuited cyborg, unable to comprehend what just happened to him while she screamed in agony and sheer terror in her mind at what she had just done. She had never felt such excruciating pain before until she spilt his blod... Never knew emotional pain was such a merciless torturer... And love which had the power to kill...

That boy before her had been dying, all his ambitions and desires in life meaningless at that time. And yet, he had used his last breath to forgive her...

"I wanted to die.... I shared his pain... I don't know what's happening to me but I'm slowly dying from it... I've seen many dawns after that that were the beginning of a new day. But not for me, I'm still lost. Many dawns have come and gone, and I'm still stuck where I am. Hopeless in this world. I'm falling in a sea of pain and I'm drowing..."

Her lips twitched as her hands clenched at her sides as her void state was trying to force it's way in.

"I use my void state to ease the pain... But my two states are fighting for control right now and I have yet to know which one will win..."

She sighed softly and opened her eyes as she tilted her head back to stare up at the ceiling or whatever was up there.

"Oh why can't I be happy? Let it all go... I just can't... I just can't forget... I see people daily laughing jovial, slapping each other on the back, greeting the day of their lives in eager anticipation. But not me... I greet mine with dread. Even a few times I let myself drink... Money has no meaning anymore, only the easing of pain... Which it usually is always used for by many... I know the boy is really gone. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this fact..."

Her lips quiver for a moment as she wondered if she could even cry in her mind but she didn't want that as she dug her fingernails into the palm of her hand. She would not cry... Not shed another tear for those government scum...

"Most of the time, I don't feel like talking to anyone.... I just can't reach out anymore... without having another life cut short because of me... There was even one time when words use to hurt me... but not anymore. Nothing can hurt me any worse than I am now..."

She suddenly chuckled and bowed her head.

"And yet, look at me... spilling out everything to you... A complete stranger... Who can't even understand...."

"How selfish I must sound to you. But in truth, I'm going to end up not caring sooner or later. It doesn't matter anymore, nothing matter anymore. Not to me..."

She stayed silent for a moment before she opened her eyes which were now a swirl of ruby and sapphire.

"I want to die... but a part of me wants to live... To kill them all... And then I can finally rest and perhaps..."

Her void side was winning and she sighed once she cut her last sentence short as her face soon became expressionless once more as she stared down while she finally whispered the boy's name.


Page, crossed his arms. He looked back on his life.
"Believe it or not you and I are one in the same."
Yume looked up an almost confused expression spread across her face.
"Where I'm from my kind are enslaved by the federation government. The Bureau of Internal Investigation is a corrupt orginazation that controls the federation. Commander Krane, the head of the bureau uses my species to add power to her forces. We are telepaths, so that makes us terrific interrogators, and we can extract information without torture. They control us with a terrible device."
Page lifted up his long black hair and turned. Yume saw the small scar on his nape, and raised an eyebrow.
"I was strong enough to counteract the will of the device, and remove it. Any vell-os who dared to remocve it died, but i was lucky."
"My mother died trying to protect me from these people. I was enslaved when i was five, and they used me to the most of my abilities. I was given a number, and it was my name utill i was freeed of service, Infact I remember that number very well, 57768."
"I feel your pain Yume, I already got my revenge, but I promise you I will help you exact yours."
Page lowered his head to Yume, and stepped backwards. into the shadows. She watched Page slink away, and suddenly she was tossed back into reality.
It took her a few secconds to realize that she was standing in the open. Page stood before her, with a knowing smile on his face.
"Catch you later," the vellosian said. he lowered his burlap roll, allowing Yume to pass, and continued onto the Azula.





The door slid open.

The green sphere drifted in.

The chair at the opposite side of the room swiveled around.

The green sphere bowed.


The green sphere addressed the figure in the chair.

"We have found something most unexpected, your etherealness."


"The supposed criminals accused of universe hopping possessed credentials."


"Yes. They were even shown verified here, at the MMC."


The gaseous ball squeaked slightly.

"Eahm, no? What ever do you mean, your etheralness?"


A sudden vibration snapped through the air.

The green, spherical creature screamed, writhed, its insubstantial body twisting into strained and warping shapes. With one last gasping howl of agony, the gas comprising its body phased out. The figure on the chair had not moved.



Repairmen had arrived at the scene of the boarding ramp crater, shortly after the MMC flagship had departed. They busied themselves, melting the plasteel plating back into place, patching over, checking for structural damage. They were completely unprepared for the black hatted figures that appeared suddenly, and plucked their heads off from their shoulders.


"The Nirttefs are in. My god, that's sick..."

"What's the status on the perps?"

"They're all here. Wait, I'm getting a strange reading on Page."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know.

"Is he on the station?"

"Yes. I think. Wait, no."

"What the hell?"


"Woah. Well, whatever. They'll just take him last. Direct them to Larra and Demon."

"Roger that."


The figures, their number seeming to have suddenly decreased to one, walked towards the bar.

Nirttef's wide-brimmed, black hat flopped slightly. His black cloak rustled slightly behind his long, measured strides. He clenched his 'hands' underneath their black, elbow-high leather gloves. The soft squeak of leather on leather echoed off the walls with every swing of the arms, every bend of the knee. There was no expression on the black-bandaged head. The two opaque obsidian plates set into the bandaging where Nirttef's eyes should have been gleamed.


As soon as Page left his conversation with Yume, he felt something terribly wrong. Suspecting another knife to fly out of the dark, he sharpened his awareness about him, and touched something that made his mind burn...

Me Bar Pics Page-> (url="http://"")
'You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.' -Severin

(This message has been edited by Hamster2 (edited 07-29-2004).)

Deep in the sewers of the Rock, an orb of light bobbed up and down in front of Squiggy - only to turn down a tunnel to the right and disappear. As he ran Squiggy’s heart beat faster, energizing the limbs that were now caked in the grime of the sewers. Although the rush of blood warmed his body, Squiggy felt a sudden chill as he heard the muffled roar of falling water echo through a tunnel up ahead. Squiggy slowed down and groped the wall beside him until he reached the corner and turned right. A glowing lantern hung high above him, illuminating the upper walls of the chamber but not his path. Squiggy pulled out his own light to flick it, flick it, flick it on , but by a third failed attempt he realized his device had short-circuited. A sudden swish from behind caused Squiggy to leap forward and land in the middle of a pool of water.

He waded forward now, lifting as much of his jacket as he could to avoid touching the oily film on the surface. The sound of rushing water grew louder. Squiggy hurried onward only to hear it even louder this time. He tried to stop - too late - for the tug of the current pulled him under. Squiggy panicked and reached for the walls, but inch-thick slime slipped under his fingertips. Even with his head underwater Squiggy could hear the waterfall thundering up ahead now. His eyes shut as he slowly exhaled.


Jacey ran. He ran with the urgency required by his situation. He remembered the initials on the cryptic message and the stranger who had bumped into him while he walked with Yume that night. He understood now that it had been his master who had carefully inserted the folded note in his pocket.
“Why couldn’t he have spoken to me the way he always does? Is something big happening soon? Is that why he’s already summoned me back from the bar?” Jacey was concerned about this mysterious way of contacting him.
“Or maybe he wants to give me some advice about girls...” Jacey said, remembering what had happened with Yume earlier that night.

Why was he afraid to look at her when he whispered to her? What was he afraid of seeing in her reaction? Jacey knew too well his own vices and his insecurities. But try as he may, he couldn’t remember what had happened at the Boozerama Bar. Something about a massive headache lingered in his head, and stealing that kiss from Yume was an experience he’d never forget.

And why did he take that moment - out of all moments - to ask her...? He remembered now. Looking at the beautiful girl walking beside him and getting caught up in the moment, Jacey had whispered to her, “Do you feel about me the same way I feel about you?”

“Why?!” Jacey stopped running. “Why would I have even said it like THAT?!!” He yelled in anger at the night sky. “I can be so eloquent sometimes... and other times I just blow it all away with some dramatic bull**** I learned to do in school!”

Jacey started walking forward again.
“And how can I be so shallow? I don’t even know her yet!”
Jacey had rushed into his relationship with Yume, and, having realized this too late, he didn’t know where to go next.


Muscular arms yanked Squiggy out of the rapids just before the current threw him over the edge into the sewer’s greatest depths.

Squiggy spluttered and thrashed wildly as a second pair of arms pinned him down. A hairy hand struck him on the side of the face, silencing him. Squiggy opened his eyes.

He was on a dry ledge about ten feet above the river of sewage.
Two beady-eyed creatures in violet robes were crouched over him, as both human and alien blinked curiously at each other.

Suddenly Squiggy was rolled over and wrapped tight in a large purple cloak. With a quick jerk the two creatures lifted him and swung him upwards. A third pair of hands caught him. Down briefly, then up higher. Down, then up! As Squiggy was tossed back and forth up the shaft, his eyes adjusted to the dim light. Out of small holes dug in the walls, little robed creatures poked curious heads out. Squiggy saw their little eyes reflecting the lamplight even from within the burrows.

“Fascinating... I think I’ll call these molepeople... How wonderful it would be to come back and study them some day... Yes... molepeople... that’s clever... and what an original name, too... Oh, I’m sure they’ve got marvelous technologies...” Dizzy with the swinging motion, Squiggy stopped mumbling incoherently, closed his eyes, and tried to enjoy the ride back to the surface.


Done regretting himself for the moment, Jacey decided to move on. He still had an important rendez-vous to show up for. He accelerated back to full speed while his mind raced just as fast to keep up with all the thoughts swirling through his head.


Squiggy’s body was launched completely out of the sewer and hit the street with a dull thud. Loosening his cloak about him, Squiggy shook off his motion sickness and looked around.
“Who? What? Oh, God, I’m thirsty...”
Then he saw the No Name.
"Well my employer won't mind if I'm just a little late..."


Demon’s head perked up immediately. Something smelled absolutely terrible , but he couldn’t tell where it was coming from. Still, it was a relatively common odor, and Demon couldn't help wondering, “Isn’t that the smell of...”

“Crap,” Squiggy muttered angrily while flicking off caked bits of muck from his fine lavender cape.

Tilting his head up to admire the decor, Squiggy recognized the bar and braced himself in case the boy who had thrown him out earlier might still be around.
He wasn't.

Squiggy calmed down and looked for a place to sit. Currently one man sat alone at the bar while a pair of gray-skinned aliens chatted animatedly with the bartender and a female. On the opposite end a woman in black sat by a black dog. The latter seemed to have a disgusted look on its face.
“Hmmm... smart dog...” Squiggy muttered under his breath.

Then, spotting an empty table with a laptop on it, Squiggy’s eyes lit up. Perfect! He walked quickly over, pulled out the chair and sat down.

“What are you doing?!” The man at the bar bellowed, his white eyes glowing with fury.
Squiggy’s dirty fingers hovered just an inch above the keyboard.

“Oh, of course...” said Squiggy, rubbing his hands on his robe.
“May I have your permission to borrow your computer for a moment? I would like to test the beta version of a program I’ve just designed.” Squiggy reached into his inner jacket pocket and pulled out a tiny chip.
“Please?” He smiled at the Hacker as he waited for a reply.

I'll so offend to make offence a skill,
redeeming time when men think least I will.
- Hal

Yume just watched the stranger walk away before she looked forward again and stood there in her silence. One in the same..., she wondered for a moment before she sighed heavily and rubbed the back of her neck as she suddenly felt sore. Perhaps she didn't sleep right when she tried to sleep that is.

Yume started to walk once more as she stared forward but never really saw. She never really saw anything at all... To look is ok. But to see is beautiful... Yume remembered those words Christopher had spoken to her one time and soon enough, she lost track of her thoughts once more as she thought back to that time.


"Hey... you awake...?"
A girl slowly opened her eyes to reveal ruby red hues while they looked over to the boy next to her through locks of raven black hair that had fallen onto her face.
"Heh, so you are awake, sleepy head?"
The boy just smiled as he tapped the girl's forehead with a fake flower while the girl just blinked in confusion.
"Weren't you listening to me?" The boy asked as he tilted his head and smiled widely to her.
"Unfortunately not. I believe I had dozed off." The girl whispered while she gazed at the boy through slightly closed eyes. "Were you saying something important that would need my attention?"
"I believe so..." The boy said as he kept smiling to her, seeming to be a very cheery type.
"Then continue and I shall listen this time."
"Good then. Just don't fall asleep on me again, ok?" The boy grinned as he tapped the fake flower on the girl's nose this time.
The world around them seemed natural but something was wrong about it.
And it was shown as the boy picked up another flower which was fake. The whole world they were in seemed fake and they knew it. Even the sky was just a hologram. Everything else like grass and trees were fake.
"I was saying that won't it be great to get out of this dome with a pretend world in it? And actually be out there in the universe?"
The girl just glanced over at the boy.
"But you know we are not allowed to go into the outside world let alone the expanse of space."
"Yes, I know. But wouldn't it be great to actually get on a real planet with real flowers? To smell the sweet scent instead of this fake material?"
The girl blinked as the boy suddenly became mad and crunched up the fake flower and threw it away.
"Well, why do you even want to go out there? All we ever need is provided by the government."
"No. That's not true. They give us substitutes to what we really need. You know as well as I do that this whole place that we're in is just fake. Everything is mostly artificial. Not real. If I could, I would like to one day see a flower bloom... A real flower... To look is ok. But to see is beautiful..."
The girl just stared at the boy as she didn't understand what he ment and why he even wanted to go from this place they were already in. It's not like the outside world was better...was it? And yet, it felt so right just laying down beside this boy and listening to his dreams of one day having freedom to explore and discover. And perhaps have a better life.
"You're so optimistic, Christopher. How do you do it?"
Christopher just looked over to the human looking girl and smiled warmly to her as all anger was gone now.
"I just keep thinking positive. You should try it sometime. Perhaps then you'll feel more than void like you usually do. Just try not to let things push you down and walk all over you. Just keep reaching for the stars... Perhaps you don't understand stand now but maybe later on..."
Christoper spread his arms out wide as the sky had suddenly turned into night time and stars littered the midnight sky.
"The stars..." The girl murmured as she stared up at the sky even though she knew it was just a hologram. A very good one at that.
"You know what. I'm not going to call you by your code name anymore. For now on, your name is Yume."
The girl just blinked as she looked over to Christopher. "Yume? But isn't my code name-"
"No." Christopher said as he leaned over the girl's laying form while he floated above her with his hands on either side of her head on the ground while he smiled down to her and pushed some hair out of her face.
"You're not going to be called by that anymore. Not by me anyways. You are now Yume."
"Yume..." The girl whispered the name and let it float in the air for a moment while she slowly closed her eyes as she was becoming sleepy again. Sleep wasn't necessary but it was nice to take a rest once in a while.
"Doesn't Yume mean...-"
"Dream... You must be sleepy Yume. So go to sleep and dream." Christopher whispered gently to the girl as he pushed back the locks of hair that had fallen on her face.
"Dream..." The girl murmured as sleep slowly came over her like a soft, warm blanket.
"Sweet dreams...Yume..." The boy's voice softly echoed in the girl's mind as she went to sleep.


Yume suddenly stopped as she realized that her body had gotten a mind of its own while she been thinking and somehow it had led her to the No Name Bar again as she found herself standing in front of the door for some reason. She hadn't really expected coming back so soon. Dream..., she wondered, why did he give me a name that ment Dream?

With a sigh and that last thought still lingering in her mind, she entered the bar and went over to where she had left The Hacker and took her seat once more. Perhaps she might remember another memory that would answer her question someday. But for now, she could just relax for a moment till the time was right to take action.

Her gaze slowly went over to the new man who was at The Hacker's laptop but she only gave him her brief attention before she looked away and closed her eyes while she leaned back in her chair while she let her mind clear. But for a moment, she wondered where Jacey had run off too...

"Uh, yeah, sure."

The Hacker turned back to the bar and reached into his pockets, pulling out two translucent green objects. He then seemed to poke himself in the eye, and he blinked numerous times. When his eyes opened once more, they were a deep green instead of holographic.

He ran another hand through his hair and sighed, rather bored once more.

I hate people with fancy signatures. ._.

(This message has been edited by Phantasmaegoria (edited 07-29-2004).)

Dech disappeared with the cylindrical object, into a storeroom. Demon, noticing this, quickly looked for the sweeping bot. Seeing it still buzzing around in the corner, he relaxed.

Only to see the familiar cattle prod hurtling towards him duct-taped to the roof of a small mopbot. Demon moved left. The bot compensated. Demon moved right. The bot compensated.

As the bot reached Demon, he jumped, intending to let the bot pass below him. It didn't. It stopped. Demon landed square on top of the prod, but it was switched off. Looking around in confusion, Demon saw Dech only in time to flinch before a large water ballon caught him in the face, soaking him.

"Floors need mopped. And I just bought that today, I thought I'd give it a try. I think it works..." Dech grinned at Demon.

"Oh... is that right, Rambo?"
cogito cogito ergo cogito sum


:Yess my mindslaves will rend their souls from their bodies. You may rest assured they will not survive this inquiry.:


:What else do you expect of me? Do you, perhaps, suppose that I could take them alive? It would do no better good than to try and preserve a fish in the desert. They will be killed, and they must be killed.:


:I will do all in my power to destroy them, but yes, I can see why you have doubts about their demise. I have had previous experiences with the one called Page, and Larra and Demon as well. They will be hard prey, slippery, and not without defense. But you seem to forget that I cannot lose. My forces are born of my mind, and my mind has lost all bounds. My agents of darkness can penetrate any fortress, access any secret, for where my knowledge extends, they follow.:


:My physical form is regrettably locked here, in the netherworld. I would call upon one of your own to release me, but, unfortunately, my release must be made by mortal hands alone. But this is of little consequence now. The powers I currently possess are more than enough for extinguishing these criminals from the material plane.:


:I am afraid that the mystery of Page's transfer to the Override universe from the Nova is a mystery to even me, and puts me at a disadvantage, in that it limits my omniscient knowledge of him. He may well prove to be harder prey than the other two.:


:Wherever she and her dog goes, I can follow. Easily.:




Nirttef stopped at the door. He reached out a gloved hand, grasped the handle, and slid it open. It had not opened automatically.

The black, shrouded figure stepped into the room, and beheld a very wet Demon.

Nirttef's mouth curled into an evil smile, behind the black wrappings. The air to the sides of him shimmered, and began to gain physical form.

Ten Nirttefs converged on the wet shapeshifter.

Me Bar Pics Page-> (url="http://"")
'You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.' -Severin

Dech watched the new guy enter the bar. Something didn't seem right.

Dech's suspicions were confirmed when the thing seemingly multiplied itself, and ten of them converged on Demon. Either Demon's got a helluva holoprojector hidden somewhere, or people are coming after my patrons...

"Demon, if that's some kind of joke, I will have Ta-Vora lock you in a crystal again."

Seeling Demon's dog form bristle at the things, Dech decided it probably wasn't a joke.

"Hey, new... guy. Guys. Whatever."

The thing didn't respond, just kept inching towards Demon, who backed away slowly.

Dech rolled his eyes. "Leave that dog alone, he's mine to harass, ok? Why don't you have a drink and we call all behave like civilized space creatures?"

One of the things turned to Dech. "This does not concern you, human. Leave us alone."

"Listen, whatever you are. If you're going to hurt my paying patrons, and make a mess in my bar, you'll have to get through all of us. And between Page and... Page, I guess... Anyway, you'll have a bit of a fight on your hands."

Dech looked around the bar, sensing most of the patrons agreeing with him. Then he noticed someone missing.

"Wait... Where the hell is Page?"


Four durasteel spikes impaled the Krait from below, instantly disabling the renegade fighter. The ship behind the spikes was low and wide, almost flat, tapering to the cockpit and cabin, then thrusters on the tail. The pilot could not be seen behind the smoked glass of the dual cockpit, nor was any name marked on the outside of the ship.

The krait pilot ejected, and the ship began to disintegrate, peices sucked into the slot at the flat front end of the spike ship.


OOC: I'll have some pictures of LEGO models of the Fireno's Arrow and the Longbow and even the new ship soon. I'll even be able to do mockups for other people, if you give me a good description of what you want.

OOC EDIT: We're close to getting another webstory going on (url="http://"")my boards(/url), and if any of you want to join, you're welcome to.

"Oh... is that right, Rambo?"
cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

(This message has been edited by TheGreenFile (edited 07-30-2004).)

Yume's eyes opened as she glanced back to who her employeer was talking to. She saw many men who looked exactly alike and raised a brow as she also saw that they were approaching the shapeshifter. She just shifted in her chair and stared at the men. Just something about them...

She trailed off for a moment as her employeer asked a question about a man named Page. Not realizing that was the same man who had entered her mind and had spoken to her only moments ago before she had returned to the bar once her body decided to come back here of its own accord.

Yume just stared at the scene before her while she crossed her legs and glanced over to the helpless shapeshifter. For a brief moment, she wondered if she should even try to help the poor thing but she wasn't all that sure either as she looked to her employeer. Besides, where were the shapeshifter's friends? They could help it, right?

(This message has been edited by Seraphim (edited 07-30-2004).)

Page was frozen in his tracks. He stared straight ahead blankly weighing the situation.
"How did he get here? What was he doing here."
Ta-vora rounded the corridor just ahead, and turned to meet Page's blank expression. The Alien twitched his ears, and walked a little closer.
"Shall we?" he asked.
Page blinked a few times and then snapped out of his temporary coma.
"Sorry, I have something to take care of. My ships computer will take care of the decoding for you."
The ten Nirttefs closed in on Demon. Larra strode over to where demon was surrounded.
"What the hell are you all doing?"
In a split seccond one of the Nirttef's arms careened towards Larra. The young Acaran dodged back, but found herself in the path of another Nirttef's punch. Larra hit the ground hard, and half of the Nirttef's were upon her.
As quickly as they were there, they had been blasted away. Page holstered his blaster, and tightened his grip on Antaries' handle.
"What are you doing here?"
The Nirttef's turned to the Vellosian at the door. They lingered forward in an almost eerie fashion.
"He will be the hardest to take," One of The Nirttefs said.
"Indeed," confirmed another.
"We shall break him."
Page lit a cigarette, and blew out a plume of grey. He cracked his neck a few times and then his fingers, leaving his long ornate sword balanced on his shoulders.
"You'll soon find out that I'm harder to break than you'd think." The air around Page swirled, and a blackish glow eminated from his body. The jewel in Antaries' hilt glowed a bright blue, and Page's grip tightened a bit more.
"Now answer my question, what are you doing here?"


Ta-vora is about to enter his ship when he senses something familiar. Stopping dead in his tracks, he extends his awareness only to “see” Page's energies.
Is he showing off again?
But the pattern of the energies tell him otherwise.
He'll probably handle the situation alone, but on the other side
He waves one of his crewmembers, telling him to get the chip decoded. Then he turns around and rushes towards the bar, where he had sensed Page.
There was something different something strange and hideous

When Ta-vora enters the bar, he bumps into (runs through?) one of these so-called Nirteffs. It doesn't seem to notice him, though, as it stares to Page, who is engulved in an almost black aura.

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one who believes it.
The Boozerama Bar died 05-10-2003. May it rest in peace. May it rest for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and may it never return.