Galaxy of Strife

(- An underground complex, Morin -)

Hyaishi reclined against a nearby wall in a chamber very similar to the one where he and the others had met many weeks ago aboard the Kisande to discuss strategies. Today, however, it was a somewhat different company he was amongst. With Sai-Varitair in Molar, and Hyaanl and Yain somewhere else in Azdgari space, Hyaishi’s official confederates were not available.

Instead, he faced Zsotas and Charhin, his two more secretive confederates - Zsotas, who covered his back within the Azdgari social structure and informed him, as he had done some weeks ago, of problems that might arise. And Charhin, an old friend, and a rather unexpected visitor. By Hyaishi’s side Inys stood, unwilling to sit. He stood against the wall Hyaishi was leaning on, but did not recline. He was a shadow - Hyaishi’s shadow.

“Interesting developments...” Charhin murmured softly as Hyaishi finished explaining the current situation. For weeks every Azdgari had known that the Azdgari were to raise an attack against the lesser ones, and the destruction of Pimre Station had only been the beginning of that. Charhin, however, knew next to nothing about any of this. He looked only barely Azdgari anymore, as for the last five years, he had been assuming different identities, and had been an Azdgari descendant, an outcast, a Strandless. Charhin had lost his tail in an accident some years ago, and so he had little trouble fitting into a society of outcasts.

He certainly was a very odd sight, for an Azdgari. His hair was short, and golden - not naturally - and he wore a wide-brimmed hat that apparently was the style in some parts of Nimor these days. His clothes were completely unlike anything Hyaishi had ever seen, and a painful shade of blue. He was also smoking a long pipe, and refused to elaborate on its contents. Hyaishi had decided not to demand an answer, fearing it was almost certainly not good for him.

“That is not all, friend,” Hyaishi continued, glancing at Zsotas before he continued. This would be news to him as well. “Just recently, Muid was abandoned under an attack from the wolves. Our fellows took out the base before the lesser ones could seize it, but this is dire news. We are in no position to counterattack as we would normally.”

Charhin blew out on his pipe, a circle of smoke rising slowly. Zsotas shifted slightly along the wall, giving the odd Azdgari a wider berth. Zsotas was an Azdgari of comfort, who spent much of his time on Meagh with azdharas to warm his bed and hunts from dawn ‘til dusk. Charhin was as unlike him as anything still Azdgari could be. In fact, not for the first time Hyaishi wondered if his old friend was still an Azdgari at heart.

“Seems to me like we’re in a grand position, Rokii,” Charhin spoke after a brief pause. “Our fleets are better than they’ve been in years, and the bears have taken a nasty stab. While they lick their wounds, let’s teach the wolves a lesson.”

“It seems clear that both of them intend to strike us soon. If they do so, we surely cannot stand, even with our fleets as strong as they are?” Zsotas intervened, raising an eyebrow to Hyaishi. Zsotas was no strategist, but he knew how things were these days better than Charhin. Hyaishi nodded slightly in agreement.

“A major attack from one of them we could stand - but from both, with little time to recover?” Hyaishi asked rhetorically. “We would be hard pressed to defend ourselves without losing major ground, and if we lost either Molar or Chak everything would be compromised. Dirach-...”

Charhin shook his head quickly, showing unprecented lack of respect. Something he’d forgotten, no doubt. “So what are you suggesting? There’s no better time to make them fear us, Rokii. If we hide now, and don’t strike again, they will strike, because they’ll know we can’t take what we deal out.”

Hyaishi sensed Inys awakening from his inactivity and fixing his eyes on Charhin, unhappy about his attitude. Hyaishi raised his right hand slightly, and saw Inys lean back against the wall, returning to Hyaishi’s shadow. “You’re both right, Charhin, Zsotas... We cannot allow two attacks to occur against our borders. A pre-emptive attack is our only option. Several things have changed, but in the end, of course of action is the same. We must wound one of our opponents to the point that they will not focus on us.”

Charhin continued to raise spirals of smoke, his head cocked as if waiting. Zsotas did nothing, clearly wanting to hear out Hyaishi’s intentions.

“Striking the wolf, however, is the worst thing we could do,” Hyaishi spoke after a moment. “That will only inspire them to attack. Our counterattack for losing Apert already dealt out damage to the bear - perhaps we should drive that advantage home.”

“By home, you mean to-...?” Zsotas began. Charhin’s eyes had lit up. It was the bear he hated the most.

Hyaishi nodded quickly. “From everything we have learnt of the bear over the last few centuries, we can summise that the majority of their shipyards are on their homeworld. Fleet movements through Grooz and Kavkaz in the past have also suggested they have another major shipyard on the Zidagar front, however, it seems likely that their shipyards on Igadzra are the most significant.”

“Cut out the bear’s heart,” Inys whispered under his breath.

There was silence then, as the four Azdgari thought their own thoughts. Hyaishi himself was pondering how successful this would truly be. He expected Diumin to fall soon - as such, he had already sent word to Diugar asking him to pack up and leave. There was no point holding until the bear was ready to take Diumin apart with its claws. Diumin would be necessary for what they were planning, but there was no point holding it now.

“Sounds good to me,” Charhin smiled then, lowering his pipe. “We haven’t hit that far since Dakun-isei himself. Like him, will you go through Mark?”

“No chance,” Hyaishi replied with a rare smile. “Mark will be heavily defended now - an Azdara patrol already reported so. We could annihilate everything there and be back for dinner, but that can wait a few more days. Instead, attacking through Nujja would be more reasonable. It’s time to put hypercubes to use properly. Our Azdara scan patterns are likely already expected by the lesser ones. What they don’t expect is, that we can hide warbands within them now.”

Charhin nodded. He had been extremely impressed by learning about hypercube technology, and particularly the new Impulse-1 drives that all Azdgari ships now used. As he had said: Seems I’ve come back to a new Azdgari. Indeed, with the revolutionary designs by Vakhys and Kyaand, so much progress had been made over these past months that it dwarfed the Azdgari’s technological improvements over the last decade already. Since Hyaishi had spoken to Vakhys about where his research was to take him next, he knew more than most about just how far this could change the Azdgari.

“Everything relies on the fact that we should be able to cut the bear’s heart before it can respond. Nujja will fall in seconds - it is hardly defended - and then we can move on to Igadzra, which may or may not be defended strongly. They have a system beyond, I believe, called Ragni. Little chance it is protected. A sortie there-...”

“I’ll handle a sortie to Ragni, if you’d like,” Charhin intervened, musing. “I’ll take a path ‘round through the Strandless systems afterwards to lose their tail. Although that might be an interesting challenge, as some of the Strandless systems have bonded together now.”

Hyaishi raised an eyebrow slightly, and Zsotas blinked. “What has been happening these past few years?”

“Akrayhek and Tibidat have been restless lately, and their influences seem to be rising. Akrayhek in particular has been frightening lately, or so I’ve heard,” Charhin explained. “Renegade forces in that area have been cleared out, after decades. There’s definitely activity down there. Perhaps more importantly to you, though... Feviry is now a protectorate of the Igadzra.”

Charhin was indeed a very different person to the one Hyaishi had known. He spoke as if he wasn’t even an Azdgari, referring to the lesser ones so.

“Groned was already attacked by renegades out of Neslaut - surprised you didn’t pick up on that - and the Igadzra threw the renegades back, a contact on Hindros told me,” Charhin continued after raising his pipe briefly to his mouth. “

“I am glad we know about this,” Hyaishi said after a moment, quietly. “Azd only knows what the outcasts will do once they are gathered together.”

The atmosphere of the room darkened suddenly, and Hyaishi realised that Charhin was indeed an entirely different Azdgari. He dropped his pipe, stood, and removed his hat, his features angered. Inys was awake again, and Zsotas had not moved, but Hyaishi knew that a hand casually concealed held a weapon. Hyaishi, however, remained reclined against the wall, on the far side from the angered Charhin.

“You are not one of them, Charhin,” Hyaishi said simply. “You are Azdgari.”

Charhin outright glared at him, and slowly crouched to lift his pipe form the floor, and put it back in a small pack at his waist. “We need to talk later, Hyaishi. There are things... things you don’t understand. I don’t know if I really am an Azdgari anymore, or if I want to be if it means what I know it to mean.”

“Hyaishi is going to free the azdharai ,” Inys responded coolly, his unexpected words causing Hyaishi to blink. “I am confident he will have a similarly compassionate response to the Strandless.”

Charhin looked stunned. Zsotas knew of the freeing of certain azdharas , but he hadn’t known the whole of it, and he too looked taken aback. After a minute, Charhin nodded, and returned to sitting cross legged across from Hyaishi. Realising that suddenly attention was on him, Zsotas nodded.

“Charhin... my friend...” Hyaishi murmured. “The lesser ones will be defeated, but do not think I have forgotten the promises we made in our childhood. The wrongs of our ancestors must be put right. At any cost.”

Irony resided them, for if any other Azdgari learnt of the full intentions Hyaishi had, as revealed so calmly by his shadow, they too would become Strandless, if not cadavers.


(- Kelmaon -)

Tahal had remained with one of the aliens for security purposes, as Kohati and Azhaurai continued, following the other two. They soon reached an entrance to a massive, unexpected, construction, which seemed completely alien to Azhaurai. He was extremely surprised that this had not been detected before, but in retrospect, Kelmaon had never been searched thoroughly as it was neither Azdgari nor wolf territory.

Azhaurai and Kohati both noticed the strange writing all over the construction at the same time, and shared a glance.

“Half of this is completely unfamiliar, and somehow seems reminiscient of these people.... almost,” Kohati commented. “The other half, however, is clearly some form of Ancient.”

Azhaurai nodded, no expression evident on his face. “Ancient Azdgari, here. This makes no sense at all.”

The two aliens were looking at them, as if expectant, and Azhaurai quickly had Kohati step back. Left alone with the aliens, Azhaurai pulled back his sleeve again, and the holographic display reappeared, hovering over his arm. He opened up a file with Common Azdgari text, showing it to the two aliens. “Common Azdgari,” he explained, speaking in Common. Then, with an intentionally puzzled expression, he pressed one key and the entire document changed. There were suddenly many, many blanks, but the symbols that remained were similar to the some of the symbols on the walls. “Ancient Azdgari,” he stated.

Kohati spoke then. “Azhaurai, this text is definitely Ancient... but this can’t be. It’s fluent, and nobody has known fluent Ancient for millenia.”

“I do not believe this construct is something the aliens are familiar with either, or they would have made contact with us earlier,” Azhaurai replied quickly and lightly in Common. “No: this is something built long ago. Take a sample of the construct, we can carbon date it later.” He glanced back at the aliens.

Slowly, meaningfully, he pointed to his lips, and began to mouth words. He then pointed back to the holo-display, which now displayed Common again. With a series of gestures, he attempted to convey that the aliens should follow him to be given a document that would help them understand his words. Finishing the last gesture, he sighed in relief. This sort of communication was not his forté at all.

He briefly wondered how he was going to explain to these aliens that their Azdaras had very, very little in the way of passenger space.


(- Diumin -)

Ironically, Hyaishi’s message to Diugar was never received, as another message from a patrolling Azdara warned the Diumin Base of the attack that was soon to come, and Diugar quickly had the base dismantled and left. Nothing was left except for the massive cavern that could contain entire warbands - but the dock within was dismantled and rendered useless.

The ships passed through Elder on their way to Chak, noticing the enormous Igadzra fleet and moving on without pause. Diugar was stunned at the Igadzra’s forces in that system, but he knew it would be dealt with. At least, he hoped so. He had hardly enjoyed surrounding Diumin, cold though it might be.


R &D

Phase Stealth Field
8/9 days.

Azdara Hyperdrive Refit
1/3 days.

Subdimensional Research, Stage Two: Subspace-Interface Nexus
3/10 days.

Impulse-1 Refit (2/2, complete 26/02/05.)
Phase-Arada Refit (2/2, complete 24/02/05.)
Graviton Impulse Drive (Model: I-1) (8/8, complete 24/02/05.)
Subdimensional Research, Stage One: Hypercube Project (12/12, complete 23/02/05.)
Azdgari Hyperdrive (5/5, complete 16/02/05.)
Level 4 Phase Shielding (7/7, complete 18/02/05.)

The Azdara hyperdrive refit is quite straightforward. The carried Azdaras on all my Azdgari Warships will be refitted with hyperdrives.


Azdgari Fleet
4 Azdgari Aradas, 5 Azdaras and 4 Freight Aradas lost in Muid.

Fleet: 3015 Azdaras, 752 Azdgari Aradas, 150 Azdgari Warships, 596 Freight Aradas, 9 Hypercubes, 10 Phase-Aradas.
Production: 140 Azdaras, 20 Azdgari Aradas, 3 Hypercubes.

Tollb: 249 Azdgari Aradas, 150 Azdgari Warships, 3 Phase-Aradas(2 Hypercubes).
Molar: 1460 Azdaras, 250 Azdgari Aradas.
Chak: 1400 Azdaras, 251 Azdgari Aradas, 7 Phase-Aradas(7 Hypercubes).

Raigar: 95 Azdaras, 40 Azdgari Aradas.

60 Azdaras are said to be involving in scanning and patrolling.

Patrolling... DSN-2298, DSN-9041, Novish, Racet, Karra, Funit, Reban, Kacca, Calb, Elridi, DSN-2143, DSN-1273, Elder, Dafi, Emnin, Dirach, Lontri, Toi, Plate, Kade, Tinar, Meagh, Azdgari, Leka, Kelmaon, Marafey, DSN-682, DSN-2189, DSN-8204.

Scanning... Qerid, Fluron, Plogok, Terapin, Mark, Mordus, Nujja, Norhis, Motif.

Diudir System -- 4th Armada

Ujo nodded slowly as the squadrons of Igaras swept over the area where the Azdgari base had been located, replaced now only by some wreckage. As the Igaras soon returned to the rest of the fleet, Hhazou reported that there was indeed nothing left.

"Not all too unexpected since the attack on Apert," Ujo replied. "We must not waste time here. Send out a message to the other Igaras and order them to return to reinforce Mark and Elder."

"Immediately, Executor," Hhazou replied, walking off to hand out the orders.

Soon, the 4th Armada had readied itself and departed for Elder. It was soon joined there by it's Igara patrols. The 5th Armada was then absorbed into the 4th, and the Igadzra forces were redistributed between Mark and Elder. Construction of Outpost Marok continued, and merchant laziras were sent to resupply the 4th Armada in Elder.

There were now significant forces in both systems, and both Executors Ujo and Lathe hoped that it would be enough to hold against an Azdgari attack. At the very least, both fleets would dish out more than their fair share of damage against the Azdgari, now that their ships were even better armed and in greater numbers now.


1st Armada -- Mark
90 Igazra
330 Igaras
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Grooz)
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Emnin)

2nd Armada -- Ersadt
25 Igazras
75 Igaras
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Sirabor)

3rd Armada -- Innirian
30 Igazras
90 Igaras
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Kavkaz)

4th Armada -- Elder
90 Igazras
270 Igaras

This post has been edited by Captain Carnotaur : 27 February 2005 - 07:56 PM

OOC: Ryuu, check your PM box 😉 /OOC

After going planetside the unexpected aquaintinces took care of the repair const for eachother's ships. A tactical descion would have to be made of whether or not this "Peter" would be of any help in the FLF's outrageous agenda. Going to a quiet bar they bought some drinks and began to discuss matters.

"I'm afraid I havn't properly introduced myself, I am Gregory Garette Administrator of the Interior of Feviry, and representitive of the Fuzz Liberation Front. Considering you have an arada I ruppose you've heard of us?"

"Indeed, the FLF has been subject on the grapevine as of late...I didn't think I'd meet an Administer though, let alone on Iothe."

"I came here to hire some experienced personel to speed up our production--Iothe was the best place to go."

"I understand that the FLF has allied with the Igadzra, with their protection I'm shure you don't need a very large fleet..."

"There are two reasons for that; a) the strand front requires more warfleets as of late, siphoning off our Igadzra allies' forces from the system; and 🆒 we are planning the most decisive raid to date--in the crecent or otherwise--on a place far beyond the Igadzra's range. We have plans, many devices to aid us are on the drawing board but will remain mere concepts until we can obtain some experiennced personel. Greg pulls out a data pad this is our target."

Peter blinks as if expecting to wake from an odd dream "You can't be serious."

"Oh, I'm very serious--our target is big and well defended, but we the FLF nhave long been at odds with the much more powerful Miranu Trading Conglomerate--we can hold our own. And our target will be caught completely off-gaurd. Our remote location removes us from suspicion; and even if we are exposed those we are planning to raid will be unable to transverse the vast distance to Feviry without confrontation."

"You're talking about constructing a temporary base halfway across the galazy and then taking off with a station , a very big one at that. My colleague Yeager is crazy, but not as crazy as this plan."

"I had help. Another Administer, Iagraz, helped me come up with it. But the longer we delay the harder it will be to travel through out window of oppertunity."

"Iagraz--that's and Igadzra name--I'd doubt he's that insane."

"He's half Azdgari, he served a decade in the Igadzra Policing Corps before being reassigned to diverting FLF radical actions away from Igazdra space, he gives the impression of absolute order while being as chaotic and weckless as an Azdara pilot--especially when it comes down to cookies."

"That explains some things--although the cookie part is a little strange..."

"I doubt we have any work for you currently, but if you stop by Nimor I'm shure I can arrange a job. There may even be technical goodies later on."

"I'll sleep on it."

"Good, I've got to go and find some engineers crazy enough to take a job with the FLF, I'll be leaving late tomorrow."
Ship Production:
2 Laziras
Fleet Status:

12 Crescent Fighters: Standing By
4 Aradas: Standing By
4 Laziras (standard): (5 Standing By;1 visiting Iothe)
2 Miranu Couriers: Ferrying Equipment to Outpost T'akra

Hyperquartz Research:
Find a way to cheaply produce refined hyperquartz refraction crystals, research retooling them into power-cells and capactiors.
ETA: Subject to Moderation (please advise)

Emalghion System
As soon as the Voinian starfighters had encircled the Emalghan fleet, they charged. Rather than remaining as a single group, the Voinian Interceptors moved ahead of the Heavy Fighters. The Interceptors’ heavier shielding would protect them better than the Heavy Fighters.

Inside the cockpit of his Heavy Fighter, Wing Commander Varth opened a channel to all Voinian starfighters. Varth was in his fighting prime and had been put in charge by the Voinian High Command due to his tenacity and leadership. It was his job to coordinate all Voinian fighter efforts. Such was the respect for him that even the Cruiser captains had ceded command of their carried fighters to him. Long ago, there were Cruiser captains who had disagreed with his methods but he had dealt with them. Stop reminiscing, focus on the present, Varth. “Voinian ships, the Interceptors will soon be in range of the slaves. Interceptors, fire a salvo on my mark. Squadron leaders, you have your targets; hit it with salvoes until it is dead.” He pressed a button inside his cockpit and transmitted to his squadron leaders the targets.

The Interceptors were in range now. Focusing on only the Defense Platforms that had been destroying them for so long, they unleashed a volley of rockets unlike anything anyone present had ever seen. Though their numbers had been greatly reduced, the remaining 17 squadrons of 12 Voinian Interceptors were able to each destroy a platform in a single salvo. Even before the Voinian Heavy Fighters had reached firing range, more than 50 immobile Defense Platforms fell in spectacular explosions. The Emalgha were too crafty to let (m)any of their ships be hurt by the resulting debris though. 10 seconds later, the Heavy Fighters reached firing range. With grim satisfaction, Varth ordered them to fire. Even with his wingmates falling around him, the Voinians fired their rockets. 250 upgraded rockets flew out before the Emalghan rockets could hit them, taking out a twenty or more Defense Platforms. Varth knew that the Heavy Fighters had only another few seconds before the Emalghans could hit back at them, so he ordered them to begin blanketing the Warships with rocket fire, valuing quantity over quality of their salvoes. Warships tore apart under the onslaught, as did the Heavy Fighters and Interceptors.

Varth juked and jinked to the best of his abilities. He personally led his squadron in destroying a Warship while the battle raged on outside of his cockpit. Out of nowhere, three Warships converged on his squadron. I’m doomed, he thought. Suddenly, all three blew up spectacularly, as did the Voinian Frigate that had rammed one of them. In the męlée of the battle, he’d forgotten entirely about the heavy artillery, the Frigates and the Cruisers which had charged as fast as possible (which wasn’t very fast) towards the main body of the Emalghan fleet. He flew over the bridges of the two Cruisers and waggled the wings of his Heavy Fighter as he did so, showing a sign of grudging respect.

The entry of the Cruisers and Frigates into the battle allowed Varth to give the order to his now demi-squadron to retreat a little bit. There, still harried by the 5 or so remaining Defense Platforms, he tried to reform the decimated squadrons into more functional units. Even as he organized the squadrons, he had to reorganize them again as stray pellets found their marks. As he watched, two Cruisers and their 6 remaining Frigate escorts were swarmed by Attack Drones. Explosive drones blew crater sized holes in them. Varth could tell that they had begun to lose their atmosphere, as random munitions blew out. Scarcely 10 seconds later, too soon for the drones to have finished the job, the Cruisers and their Frigates had exploded. He must have self destructed by making his reactor go critical . The eight of them must’ve taken out at least 30 Attack drones and 15 Rocket Drones. The Frigates and Cruisers began to take on the Warships. The Supply Ships started trying to head down to the planet, forming tetrahedrons so that each group would have 3 turrets able to attack anyone that attacked them, no matter where they attacked from. Over all, the fight seemed to be going rather well.

Standing Orders for the Cerebus Warfleet: Starfighters will continue to fire in rocket salvoes at Warships, out of range of the Emalghan rockets. Cruisers, escorted by Frigates, will take on Warships as a primary concern and Fighters/Drones as a secondary targets. If swarms of drones/fighters pick a target, the target will set its reactor to critical and try to take out as many opposing fighters if it seems that all is lost.

73 Cruisers (17 Destroyed)
315 Frigates (72 Destroyed)
150 Heavy Fighters (20 Destroyed)
176 Interceptors (142 Destroyed)
100 Heavy Fighters (launched) (17 Destroyed)
150 Supply Ships (0 Destroyed)

210 Fighters (62 Destroyed)
205 Warships (62 Destroyed)
147 Attack Drones (47 Destroyed)
36 Explosive Drones (42 Destroyed/Used)
59 Rocket Drones (26 Destroyed)
30 Freighters (0 Destroyed)
5 Defense platforms (95 Destroyed)
8 Carriers

Borb Station, Voina
The Voinian High Command had changed remarkably in the last few days. Through a whirlwind of peaceful removals and not so peaceful assassinations, the High Command’s makeup was entirely different. Gone were the stodgy old Voinians who could see only hazily through their prejudices that had clouded their minds. They thought that the U.E., because it was manned by humans, wasn’t a worthy opponent. A few had even died with the Abbadon Warfleet. The lights dimmed in the room, and the presentation began.

A scientist, engineer, and tactician by the name of Jason Ve’gok took the podium. He was the Chief Advisor to the High Command. Rumor had it that he was actually a half-breed. He looked more human than any of the others in the room, and no one was really sure if it was even possible for a Voinian and a human to have offspring. The result, though, was that he did his work for the Voinian people, not to eliminate the “slaves” or lesser ones, but to protect his people. The old High Command had long dismissed his ideas simply because they thought that he smelled funny (Voinians have a very acute sense of smell). With the new council, he thought, Maybe they will actually hear my voice. I hope so. Jason himself had been responsible for a few of the assassinations in the past few days. He’d created a compound that could kill a Voinian within a few hours. That alone was not a major accomplishment. However, the compound’s odor was exactly like that of the meat that Voinians loved so much, threkka meat; it was good enough to fool even the Voinian sense of smell.

Covertly pressing a button, he began his presentation.

“Brothers and sisters, I direct your attention to that viewport.” Everyone turned to look outside, just in time to see 4 U.E. Carriers and 20 U.E. Fighters jump out of hyperspace. Everyone except Jason flinched. There was something odd though. It looked as though they had mismanaged their jump, for the U.E. Fighters were significantly behind the Carriers they were supposed to be escorting. In the time it took them to catch up, 10 Voinian Cruisers and their escorts had turned them into rubble. The Fighters, realizing their mistake, turned to jump out of the Voina system. They couldn’t though. It was almost as though they were frozen in place. Finally, their pilots gave up and tried to run. But it was too late; their ships were pounded into granules of space dust. Throughout the event, the room had been filled with cheering, grunting, and yelling. The lights turned back on, and everyone save one Voinian was looking exceptionally pleased. The General raised his hand. “How did you know that this was going to happen?” he asked.

“Quite simply,” Jason responded, “Because it didn’t. That was merely a presentation.” The room went deathly still. Deprived of their blood, the Voinians stared at Jason as though he might be their next meal. “Gentleman, allow me to introduce to you a new concept: Gravity wells and interdiction. I’ve worked out all the calculations, and I believe it’s really quite simple. We use a high energy system to create a huge mass, akin to a planet. The energy I’ve discovered, Borb energy, seems to only affect ships while they’re in hyperspace. I’m not sure why, but it does. Anyways, there are two important points here aside from the obvious one that ships won’t be able to jump into hyperspace. The first is that this energy becomes progressively weaker the farther you get away from it. The second is that because different ships have different masses, ergo different momentums, they will come out at different places. Larger ships have more momentum, so they will end up closer to where they would’ve come out of hyperspace.

“Obviously, this is a great way to ambush unescorted ships and to trap underpowered fleets. If we’d had it earlier in the Dogovor system a few months ago, the entire U.E. fleet would’ve been destroyed. If we place a huge group just beyond where U.E. carriers should come out (we can calculate this since we know their mass from how much a rocket will push them back), we can obliterate them and all their carried fighters in one or two huge salvoes. Even if the carrier could adjust right away and launched a fighter right away, a single squadron could take it out before it had launched another fighter. The fighters could have orders to fire as soon as they see anything, because our fleets will let us know their ETA.

“This presentation leads me to my second point. You should’ve all known right away that it was merely a presentation. As of now, the Voina System has 0 Voinian ships in it! That’s a bit of an issue. A squadron of U.E. Fighters could penetrate our now weakened borders and take over the Voina system without a shred of resistance. We need to fortify our borders. I propose that we turn all of our Supply Ship production into Defense Stations as well as arm our outposts. Our outposts all have excellent armor; all we need to do is arm them with Point Defence Turrets and Neutron Turrets. Vis-ŕ-vis the Supply Ship proposal, I propose that they be converted thusly:

Voinian Space Station:
Shields: 40
Armor: 1000
Weapons: 2 Neutron Turrets, 4 PD Batteries, 3 Rocket Launchers with 60 Rockets.
Mobility: None.
Cost: The result will be that rather than 12 Voinian Supply Ships per RTD, there will instead be 10 Voinian Space Stations

Research Projects

Frontier Strengthening: 5 RTD (The first 2 will outfit all the Voinian Outposts. The third and fourth days will see the conversion of 50 Supply Ships. The last day will see the retooling of Supply Ships to Space Stations).

Fighter Upgrade – DONE; Voinian Fighters and Interceptors each get more armor and more rockets.

Shield Upgrade -- 3 RTD

Gravity Wells/Interdiction: 5 Days until Jason gets a working prototype, another 2 Days for this to be implemented on Outposts. Eventually, this will be implemented on a new ship too.

Construction Projects

Shipyard Upgrade -- DONE

Avann System
A supply ship came hurtling out of hyperspace. It found that the U.E. fleet that had recently taken Outpost Avann away from the Voinians was still there. Hurriedly, the ship’s captain opened a general channel to the U.E. Fleet.

“This is the V.S.S. Hell’s Cargo. We request a parley with the commander of the U.E. Fleet, and a discussion of a possible truce. We have negotiators on board, and as a sign of good faith, the Voinian High Command has ordered all Voinian fleets to stand down along the U.E. border. Your scans have undoubtedly revealed that there are no explosives on this ship; would you like to meet on our ship or on yours?”

Production (for 1 RTD)
New vessels assigned to Mihal
8 Cruisers
28 Frigates
45 Heavy Fighters
40 Interceptors

Subjugation Fleets
Gualon, Gamur, Durala, Dyram
10 Cruisers ( 40 total )
25 Frigates ( 100 total )
45 Heavy Fighters ( 180 total )

Abaddon Warfleet -- Mihal
28 Cruisers
78 Frigates
125 Heavy Fighters
110 Interceptors
140 Heavy Fighters (Launched)

Abaddon Warfleet -- Vorik
33 Cruisers
118 Frigates
205 Heavy Fighters
140 Interceptors
(10 Interceptors are currently patrolling the Pokoren system)
(10 Interceptors are currently patrolling the Dogover system)
(10 Interceptors are currently patrolling the DSN-9338 system)

Perdition Warfleet -- Obron
25 Cruisers
60 Frigates
100 Heavy Fighters
100 Interceptors
(10 Interceptors are currently patrolling the Zator system)

Cerebus Warfleet – Emalghion:

73 Cruisers (17 Destroyed)
315 Frigates (72 Destroyed)
150 Heavy Fighters (20 Destroyed)
176 Interceptors (142 Destroyed)
100 Heavy Fighters (launched) (17 Destroyed)
150 Supply Ships (0 Destroyed)

Capital complex, Tibidat:

Urvön worked feverishly at his desk. He’d been living in his spartan office for the last several weeks. The chair wasn’t exactly comfortable for sleeping, but he didn’t mind the floor in the least bit. The work had just kept piling on him. He had had been working with requisitioning materials, diplomacy with the Akrayhek and Duois, patrolling the outside rim and dealing with personnel problems and far too much more.

He breathed in deeply and forced himself to stop typing on his desk and pulled his arms away from the table. He’d be having to deal with another visitor soon and he couldn’t give a poor impression, no matter what he thought of Zigrabar Emalphus III.

A few minutes later Urvön had managed to put himself together enough to act diplomatically to the new Zidagar. Zigabrar had actually managed to acclimate himself quite well to the complex. He was a regular sight and had gained quite a bit of respect from the other Zidagar. It seemed unbelievable to everyone else that anyone could like the obstinate cretin, but every day he walked out of the room of a new woman and become the hero of a few more gullible children. Zidagar didn’t make any sense.

Urvön was broken out of his musings by a flash of the globe on his desk and he gently set his hand down on his desk and the door opened. Zigrabar walked in more flamboyantly than a jester, and his suit matched the concept. He was wearing a thin suit with a cloak thrown around his back; just the colors were disgusting, but the abstract shapes seemed at once sexual and violent. “Do you like it? I made it myself. I’m not only a perfect pilot and strategist, I’m also one of the best artists in the galaxy, if not the best. Unfortunately art is so subjective, people can dislike something that you think is almost perfect. That’s why I went into warfare, it’s in itself a beautiful art but it isn’t subjective. You can be the best at it and there is no question about it in anyone’s mind. I suppose that has something to do with why you called me here?”

“Yes it does Emalphus ”

The Zidagar’s happy face turned dark for a moment and his eyes coaled over darkly. “Don’t call me Emalphus, respectfully use my whole name.”

That was very strange, normally the Zidagar used the second name as a title of respect. The most correction that Zigrabar Emalphus III should have given was the proper title. “I’m deeply sorry for any offense. I apologize for my illiteracy of your culture Zigrabar Emalphus III.

The Zidagar cheered up immediately and his eyes started dancing around the room. “No problem at all. It’s not your fault your stupid. And I do say, what is with this room? It’s as boring as a barren ‘roid. Absolutely nothing of any value or interest. I don’t think you have the skills to keep your visitors amused while you talk, you should get something interesting for them to look at. I’m willing to do the paint-job, it might be fun to have my work in the room of one of the most powerful creatures on the planet. And along that line of reasoning, what are you? You’re certainly not Zidagar, Azdgari or Igadzra, and I didn’t think there were any sentient natives down here. None of the planets have nearly advanced enough fauna to support, much less produce an intelligent being.”

“Which question do you want answered first?”

“Hmm, they’re both good questions. Of course they are, I thought of them, but how about where you’re from.”

“I’m a quarter Igadzra. My mother was a half-blood.”

“Zid’s Power! That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Different species can’t interbreed, it’s not possible, not to mention just wrong. I don’t think even an Igadzra would dare try to breed with an Alien! That’s just disgusting.”

This was going to be a very long meeting. “I’m not exactly alien. Back before the war started the Council had everyone send their prisoners to the South Tip to die. Some of us managed to survive on Tibidat and we adapted, the harsh conditions created perfect evolutionary conditions and we grew to be virtual goliaths to deal with the dangerous flora. Then about two-thousand years ago the Strands found the South Tip again and started pouring in more exiles. We managed to get the technology and take over for a while ”

“Will you hurry it up. I asked for a short explanation, not your life’s story.”

Urvön wondered how on earth anyone could possibly like this arrogant, childlike, dense Zidigar but Zigrabar Emalphus III would be very useful so Urvön kept himself completely under control. “Yes, of course. We have been bred almost out of existence since then because of the new refugees.”

“Very interesting, now about that painting.” Zigrabar’s eyes danced about the room once again. It would be fun to paint, but more importantly, he was looking for clues. Anything to understand this giant would be helpful. This society was built on power, the Society was made up of the people who held the most power to build and destroy in the world. Everyone worked for power, this creature had to have some base of power to be the Commander. Nothing else made any sense, but there were no clues. Nothing, no one knew a thing about him even though his entire life was in the open. How did he keep hold over this little rock?

“I’d rather we got to the serious issues that I brought you here to deal with; if you wouldn’t mind?”

“No of course not. A bit of fuscia would look so nice on this desk though ”

“As you probably know we have a very contributory society.”

Zigrabar stood up and started walking around the room; touching the walls and furniture while he talked. “Oh yes, you want me to do some work? I’d be glad to help, it’s so boring to just walk around all the time. I could paint the whole Cafeteria, that would be a great project. Some mauve, lemon yellow and lime green would go perfectly on the chairs and the ceiling could use some bright turquoise with black spots, and brown, brown too and ”

“Poor painting isn’t quite the main problem we have around here. You’re a brilliant tactician ”

“The most brilliant tactician.”

“I’m sorry, the most brilliant tactician and we have new weaponry on our ships. We are short a good tactician at the moment and could really use your help. You’d get an officer’s rank right of the bat and you’d be able to look over any of our vessels.”

“Oh! That sounds like so much fun, but an officer? Surely you can do better than that for someone of my genius. I should be running this entire planet, but I’d be willing to settle for your second in command and on top of that I’d have to be able to have access to all technological development and reports. I must know these things to plan to beat back your enemies.” He needed something to make himself indispensable, this society didn’t have execution outright, but anyone with enough power could hire an assassin that no one had a chance against. He needed a lever to make sure that he wouldn’t be a target.

“That’s a steep order. I can easily make you my top officer, but I don’t even have undisclosed access to the technology labs.”

“Well then, I guess I’ll take up painting full-time. I’m not going to do a job that I can’t be the best at because of inferior superior officers.”

“I’ll see what I can do. You can have all the official reports and schematics right off the bat, but access to the labs is nearly impossible. I’d have to clear it with at least two members of the Society.”

“Oh, is that all? I’ll get one if you get the other. Ralph will definitely vouch for me. Well, I’m awfully busy around here, so I hope you don’t mind if I head out now. I’ll expect a full-summary of all your technological “advantages” as soon as possible. Tata Commander.”

Urvön sat and watched the Zidagar walk out. He’d accomplished what he needed to deal with, but he didn’t want to be around that pompous ass ever again and he’d given him a directly subordinate office. Maybe it was time to take up drinking again.

Project status:

Duois shipyard operational: Production increase of ten Crescent Fighters and two Aradas.

Veldegrass beam completed.

LuRay project temporary halted at twelve days.

Both project slots directed towards full overhaul of the present Crescent Fighter design and the implementation of the modification. Time to completion: 4 days.

Fleet Status

Daily production:
30 Crescent Fighters
6 Aradas

Total fleet:
7 Crescent Warships
21 Laziras
94 Aradas
470 Crescent Fighters

7 Crescent Warships
21 Laziras
86 Aradas
350 Independent Crescent Fighters.

Tibidat fleet:
12 Aradas
60 Crescent Fighters

Duois fleet:
3 Laziras
15 Aradas
50 Crescent Fighters


1 Crescent Fighter

1 Crescent Fighter

Orders to avoid confrontation and to not use modified new technology under any circumstances.

9 Crescent Fighters

9 Crescent Fighters

10 Crescent Fighters

10 Crescent Fighters

10 Crescent Fighters

10 Crescent Fighters

10 Crescent Fighters

10 Crescent Fighters

The Faithful, Chapter Five
Chambers of the High Priest of Zid, Great Temple, Zidagar

Having the second floor of your home completely inclosed in a dome made from a single Twyus crystal wasn't exactly discrete, but it seemed to suit Asrin Nemisa. What had always intrigued Brenon Sernak about the place was the view that it commanded from the top of the Great Temple. Looking in any direction he could see the capital city of Zidagar stretched out below. It's people a teeming mass of millions of sentient being all going about their own lives of their own accord. Or so they thought. From the very place that he was standing the will of billions of Zidagar was concentrated, twisted, and turned to ends they would never conceive. At that thought the High Inquisitor smiled.

"I often wonder just what it is that you're thinking when you stand there looking down on the city."

With a laugh Brenon turned and looked at the man who had addressed him.

"So, First Consul... how fares the Government Assembly?"

"They fare as they always have, at the whim of their betters. Today they passed a resolution further condemning the Miranu because of the reports we've been getting of increased trade between them and the Igadzra."

"It's just as we expected then. They're looking to the Igadzra to try and stabilize the effects of our cutoff."

With that Brenon focused his gaze back upon the dazzling view. The High Priest moved quietly to his side and after a short pause asked another question.

"Are the Inquisition Forces prepared?"

The Inquisition Forces. A smile crept onto the lips of Brenon Sernak. Thinking back to the beginning of the movement that was now coming to it's ultimate fruition, of all the preparations he'd made that had been the most difficult. An entire Navy build and maintained completely without the knowledge of the Paladins. The Navy that would some day replace their entire Order.

"They are ready, only the final preparations need to be made before we act."

Hearing this, Asrin Nemisa nodded, then turned and walked towards the staircase that led down from the room.

"Very well," he said, "I will begin the first phase immediately."

Zidagar Research and Development Since 2/23/05

Vlagos Arada Shipyards ---Started 2/23/05 --- < Completed>

Station Hesap in the Vlagos System will now construct 15 Zidagar Aradas per RTD.

Improved Zidagar ECM and Sensors ---Started 2/17/05--- < Completed 2/27/05>

This project takes current Zidagar Electronic Countermeasure technology above and beyond it's current scope and effectivness. Focuses on reducing sensor profiles and blending in with background interferance in order to reduce the chance of being detected by enemy sensors. During battle the technology causes interferance on rotating bands to negate the guidance systems of enemy missiles and targeting systems.

As a result of this research Zidagar sensors are also becoming better adept at countering similar technology.


New - Hyperdrive Upgrade: In System Micro-Jump Module ---Started 2/28/05--- 10 RTD

Observation of recent Azdgari advancements in hyperspace mechanics have spurred Zidagar research into the field. The resulting research shows promise in technology to make hyperspace jumps with pinpoint accuracy and control. Once the technology has been perfected it should give Zidagar ships the ability to both go to hyperspace within a gravity well, and instant jumps to any point in a system that's within the ship's line of sight. Moving through massive objects such as ships, planets, or stars will therefore be impossible.

Improved Zidagar Engines ---Started 2/23/05 --- 1 RTD

Speed and Acceleration of Zidagar ships is improved significantly.

Speed: 315
Accel: 500

Zidagar Arada
Speed: 400
Accel: 850

Zidagar Fighter
Speed: 580
Accel: 1300

Zidagar Production for 2/28/05
20 Zidaras
35 Zidagar Aradas
30 Zidagar Fighters

Zidagar Production from 2/23/05-2/28/05
100 Zidaras (OOC: Zero Added to actual count)
115 Zidagar Aradas
150 Zidagar Fighters (OOC: -70 added to actual count)

Zidagar Naval Forces
918 Zidaras
135 Zidagar Aradas
1555 Zidagar Fighters

Fleet Distribution

Zidagar - 50 Zidaras, 50 Zidagar Fighters
Terapin - 118 Zidaras, 200 Zidagar Fighters
Plogok - 130 Zidaras, 175 Zidagar Fighters
Muid- 60 Zidaras, 40 Zidagar Aradas, 75 Zidagar Fighters

Fluron - 30 Zidaras, 40 Zidagar Fighters
Qerid - 40 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Twyus - 30 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Neeg - 30 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Pozdag - 30 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters

Saffera - 80 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Stror - 100 Zidaras, 20 Zidagar Aradas, 25 Zidagar Fighters
Vastan - 100 Zidaras, 20 Zidagar Aradas, 280 Zidagar Fighters

Inquisition Forces
Neradag - 120 Zidaras, 35 Zidagar Aradas, 335 Zidagar Fighters

This post has been edited by Vice Admiral Ipvicus : 01 March 2005 - 01:40 PM

(Received, vIsitor.)

Peter didn't actually sleep on the matter.

Instead, he stayed awake the whole night, considering the possibilities with Marshall, Yeager and Hermann.

"Okay, considering we screw up our timing and arrive there as the UE begin their attack..."

Marshall shook his head. "Crackheads're most likely going to blast the station."

Peter nodded. "Now, how about the plan is FUBAR but eventually works out?"

"We drag Avann back to Feviry."

Hermann said, "Peter, I believe you can negotiate with the UE, try to finagle their help. I mean, the Zwanzig-Sieven Flotte along with FLF ships isn't going to be enough to take on an entire Voinian battlefleet, possible with those damned-to-hell cruisers."

Peter again nodded. "Alright, we're heading out of here same time Gregory does. Hoo-ah?"


OOC: Real post coming later.


Research & Projects

Ixada Orbital Defense Platform -- 3 RTD (joint research project with Feviry)

Zephyr Rocket -- 1 RTD

Outpost Marok Construction -- 2 RTD


Naval Statistics

Current Ship Count
320 Igazras
1020 Igaras

Production (per RTD)
(new ships assigned to Mark)
10 Igazras
30 Igaras

Defense Fleets
Igadzra, Ersadt, Innirian
25 Igazras ( 75 total )
75 Igaras ( 225 total )

1st Armada -- Mark
90 Igazra
330 Igaras
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Grooz)
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Emnin)

2nd Armada -- Ersadt
25 Igazras
75 Igaras
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Sirabor)

3rd Armada -- Innirian
30 Igazras
90 Igaras
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Kavkaz)

4th Armada -- Elder
90 Igazras
270 Igaras

5th Armada -- Igadzra
10 Igazras
30 Igaras

This post has been edited by Captain Carnotaur : 28 February 2005 - 02:37 PM

(- Private chambers, Morin -)

There was an uneasy silence in Chyi-Azhar’s lounge. The room was perfectly decorated and looked, appropriately, as if it was rarely lived in. Like many Azdgari, Chyi-Azhar took up quarters wherever he was spending some time, with his “true” home on Dirach. This lounge was spacious and comfortable, with six chairs in a circle with a low, round table at their centre. Five of the six chairs were occupied, although there was some significant tension in the room, with the occupant of one chair at the heart of it.

Appropriately at Chyi-Azhar’s right was Runar, a timeworn Azdgari with unforgiving features, and Zosen had been offered a position at Chyi-Azhar’s left. Across from Zosen was an empty chair, and immediately on Zosen’s left was the heart of all the tension in the lounge. Isa.

Zosen had never been with an azdhara , claiming to Chyi-Azhar some years ago that he never intended to waste his time with such pastimes, but he felt surprisingly strong urges towards the azdhara to his left, unused to the combination of feelings roused within him. The other Azdgari present had all seen plenty of attractive azdharas , and so they only harboured feelings of hatred for the travesty that Isa represented. Zosen, however, felt sympathy for her somewhere in there, and he was confused by the contradiction.

Ka-ruul was to Isa’s right, and opposite Chyi-Azhar. He was glancing between the two, quite clearly trying to communicate that he wasn’t comfortable with her presence. Chyi-Azhar wasn’t either, as Zosen well knew, but there was nothing to be done about it. Not yet, at least.

“For today...” Chyi-Azhar muttered quietly, “All present are Azdgari and are members of my squadron.”

His words brought a swift end to a silent unease that had lasted some minutes. Zosen was the only one present who seemed to have anything short of contempt for the azdhara - Runar’s hatred seemed always to border on violence, but it was hard to tell with Runar as he often looked on the brink of it. Ka-ruul seemed both embarrassed and angry, but he was young and quickly deferred to his elders. Zosen wondered how Azhaurai would have reacted... Despite Hyaishi’s messages to every member that they would be operating in a squadron together, sent some weeks ago, Azhaurai had yet to show his face.

“So what’s this about anyway?” Runar asked quickly, addressing Chyi-Azhar personally, his weight shifted forwards to address him. “Our attack on Mark was unexpected, but was a great success for our squadron... What’s going on now?”

“Without Azhaurai here, surely we’re not-...” Ka-ruul made as if to speak.

“We’re not waiting for Azhaurai. It makes little difference.” Chyi-Azhar spoke with determination, and addressed all four of them equally. Despite Runar’s leaning forwards to exclude the others, and Isa who sat quietly, aware of the other’s disapproval.

“Hyaishi wishes to attack Elder now then,” Isa stated, her fact set. Zosen glanced at her, and again felt his resolve in the supremacy of the Azdgari male softening, a resolve he had built up while listening to Chyi-Azhar. There was an unlikely calm about her that was unlike anybody he’d seen. She sat with four Azdgari who had every reason to detest her, and yet she showed no outwards sign of being afraid. She’s worthy of being an Azdgari , Zosen thought, although he quickly pretended he hadn’t thought such a thing.

Chyi-Azhar managed a nod, as if unsure as to whether or not he could honour an azdhara’s words with recognition. He looked uncomfortable. “Hyaishi’s intentions to strike the bear’s heart cannot go ahead unless Elder’s force falls. Furthermore, this changes many things for us. Our patrols to the south cannot return until Elder’s force is annihilated. Thankfully, its proximity to our frontier allows us to hit it with everything we have quickly and return to hold the border.”

“Then that’s what we’re here to talk about? Attacking Elder? When do we leave?” Runar asked matter-of-factly, an experienced campaigner who wouldn’t be all that surprised at being woken from a deep sleep to be told he had to go to war within fifteen minutes.

“In an hour,” Chyi-Azhar replied, “but there are other things we must discuss first. Namely, our individual performances during the raid on Pimre Station. My Kohatsa , Runar’s Triada , Zosen’s Ranira’kyin , and Isa’s Astarsi. We have yet to debrief.”

“Debrief?” Ka-ruul asked, clearly surprised. “What exactly is this about?”

Zosen knew that Chyi-Azhar had been disappointed at Isa’s survival in the battle, but he too was curious as to what he meant exactly by a debriefing.

“If we are going to operate together as a team, then we must act as one body,” he began softly, looking between the four in term, no change of expression as his eyes passed over the azdhara , who remained silent and watchful. Twice so far she had glanced at Zosen, and he was beginning to wonder what it was she wanted with him. “That is too much to ask so far, so for now I will split us into groups of two. Based on the performances in Mark, Runar and I operate well together and will continue to function as a pair. Ka-ruul, you’re dangerous when you’re given sway over a battlefield but twice you nearly lost it in Mark. Isa’s a more dependable pilot, and she’ll have your back. Get to know each other, and guard each other. Learn to work together and then we’ll move up to two groups of three.”

Ka-ruul blinked, and glanced at Isa, who seemed disappointed, but not surprised. She briefly looked at Ka-ruul, and then looked away, her fingers moving absently. Isn’t it said that azdharas have their own means of communicating via their hands, and use it so often it’s second nature to them? Zosen wondered. He couldn’t begin to guess what Isa had just said to herself, but he was extremely curious.

He was more curious, however, about his not being mentioned. He looked to Chyi-Azhar and opened his mouth to ask, but his mentor continued.

“Zosen, I was impressed by your performance in Mark, even more so than the rest of you. For now, you may fly alone, although Azhaurai will join you once he shows up,” his mentor explained. Zosen blinked. My...performance? He knew he’d destroyed less ships than Ka-ruul, Runar or Chyi-Azhar. Isa... he wasn’t sure. He had been worrying about his performance for days now.

“As you wish, Chyi-Azhar,” Zosen said formally after a moment, inclining his head, although he was thinking. Thinking about flying alone, thinking about how the battle in Mark had gone, thinking about Is-... No. What? Where did that come from?

“Now for the actual debriefing... Let’s go over your mistakes. One by one. Zosen, you’re up first.”


(- Elder -)

About a week after the Igadzra had moved to Elder to defend it, the Azdgari had reacted. Unwilling to surrender such an important system to the Igadzra without a fight, an Azdgari force entered swiftly. Three Azdarasentered the system moving at a velocity the Igadzra could barely understand of the ship they thought they had known. They made as if to drive straight through, with the Igadzra defence ships dispersed to cover the area that would likely constitute a hyper-exit. They came under fire, particularly from Class-1 missiles from a group of 140 Igaras which quickly attacked and chased.

However, all three had immediately overloaded their regenerators immediately upon entering the system. Class I missiles struck them, but not in organised salvos in the first few seconds, and their damage was meaningless. The 140 Igaras moved out of position and headed off towards the Azdaras, confident that in a few more seconds they could annihilate them.

The Azdaras went up after a second, more organised salvo of fire, the overload regenerators already burnt out, only allowing the ships to survive a few seconds. As they were destroyed, something within them took place, because moments later, the system was suddenly occupied by a massive Azdgari warfleet, composed of three Azdaras short of twenty five hundred, and five hundred and sixty Azdgari Aradas.

For a few more seconds, the Igadzra were offguard, the majority of their ships still arrayed for ships appearing in realspace from the hyper-exit point. The one hundred and forty Igaras that had left their position briefly were suddenly the most fitting prey for the Azdgari. The Igadzra quickly opened fire against the Azdgari, but they were horrified to realise that something was different.

They couldn’t pin down the Azdgari ships. As they flew in and out of the fray they became harder to detect, massive areas of space representing each ship at longer ranges. As the Azdgari annihilated the Igaras, a number of their ships were successfully hit by the Igadzra missiles, but they suffered another problem too - Azdgari ships suddenly demonstrated the ability to strafe on the spot, changing their velocities absurdly quickly, rising to new heights in velocity and turning without pause. The combination of this and the sensor disruption made the Igadzra’s missile fire much less effective.

While the Igaras immediately demonstrated their formidable close range firepower, comprised of particle beams and graviton beams, they lasted little time against the Azdgari. The graviton beams were finding it more difficult to draw in Azdaras, whose new propulsion drives seemed to involve a gravitational singularity, which was far more powerful. Azdaras still fell to the Igaras’ tactics, but the Igadzra realised that many of the advantages they had been so confident of holding were suddenly threatened.

As the massive salvos from the main Igadzra fleet began to strike, and the last of the fooled Igaras were annihilated by overwhelming fire, the Azdgari forces retreated quickly, wasting no time changing their direction and flying further out into space. Losses were incurred, but the further they moved away, the harder it became for the Igadzra to lock on to anything.

After about 15 seconds, the Azdgari had entered absolute uncertainty. The Igadzra could not even tell which direction the ships were in. In a battle that so far had lasted only a minute, they had lost half of their Igaras and had managed to deal only very limited losses to the cunning Azdgari, who had tricked them with unmanned decoy ships and torn apart the ships that had followed.

And now, the fleet could not see the Azdgari, and knowing the new speeds of these Azdgari ships, there was no chance that they would find them until the Azdgari were ready.

In less than a minute, the Azdgari would attack again. The Igadzra had a few precious moments to decide how they were going to prepare... Their sensors knew the Azdgari fleet was in the system, but they couldn’t tell where. And for all they knew, the fleet could be gone and these sensor readings could be false. The Azdgari had showed so many tricks so far, that the Igadzra didn’t know what to expect next.

What else did the Azdgari have up their sleeve?


OOC: The Azdgari’s reaction to various moves played by the Igadzra now may be very different to what one would expect. I advise the Igadzra player to be very short with his following post, perhaps laying out intentions for the most part - many significant actions will result in immediate reaction from the Azdgari, and perhaps of a sort not expected. Due to the five Azdgari fleeing into absolute uncertainty, the next real battle post will be the Azdgari again.


R &D

Level 5 Phase Shielding (Upgrade)
0/7 days.

Azdara Hyperdrive Refit
2/3 days.

Subdimensional Research, Stage Two: Subspace-Interface Nexus
4/10 days.

Phase Stealth Field (9/9, complete 28/02/05.)
Impulse-1 Refit (2/2, complete 26/02/05.)
Phase-Arada Refit (2/2, complete 24/02/05.)
Graviton Impulse Drive (Model: I-1) (8/8, complete 24/02/05.)
Subdimensional Research, Stage One: Hypercube Project (12/12, complete 23/02/05.)
Azdgari Hyperdrive (5/5, complete 16/02/05.)
Level 4 Phase Shielding (7/7, complete 18/02/05.)


Azdgari Fleet
55 Azdaras, 22 Azdgari Aradas lost in Elder, 3 hypercubes used.
140 Igaras destroyed in Elder.

Fleet: 3100 Azdaras, 745 Azdgari Aradas, 150 Azdgari Warships, 596 Freight Aradas, 9 Hypercubes, 10 Phase-Aradas.
Production: 140 Azdaras, 20 Azdgari Aradas, 3 Hypercubes.

Elder: 2445 Azdaras, 530 Azdgari Aradas, 10 Phase-Aradas(9 Hypercubes).
Molar: 130 Azdgari Aradas, 120 Azdgari Warships.
Tollb: 652 Azdaras, 92 Azdgari Aradas, 30 Azdgari Warships.
Chak: 3 Azdaras.

Raigar: 100 Azdaras, 42 Azdgari Aradas.

60 Azdaras are said to be involving in scanning and patrolling.

Patrolling... DSN-2298, DSN-9041, Novish, Racet, Karra, Funit, Reban, Kacca, Calb, Elridi, DSN-2143, DSN-1273, Dafi, Emnin, Dirach, Lontri, Toi, Plate, Kade, Tinar, Meagh, Azdgari, Leka, Kelmaon, Marafey, DSN-682, DSN-2189, DSN-8204.

Scanning... Qerid, Fluron, Plogok, Terapin, Mark, Mordus, Nujja, Norhis, Motif, Elder.

This post has been edited by SilverDragon : 28 February 2005 - 04:51 PM

Greg prepared to leave Iothe, and with about 40 shipcrafters and enineers to boot. Several had been involved with the ill-fated Iothe Defense Network that the renegades had cut short so long ago--they would be useful in developing the Igadzra ODP's. Others had been involved with the design of the Helian, and more still in the reverse-engineering of the needle missle. They hadn't been cheap however, those who agreed to come were often somewhat looney, and others demaded redicculous wages. Out of the pristine crop of Iothe's finest Greg had hand-picked those who would come, and indeed, cooperate. Preparing for lift-off he began to wonder if Peter and his colleagues would take him up on his job offer...if they followed his Lazira to Feviry it would mean yes, if not it would mean maybe later. A definate no would have to be said directly. After the preflight checklists were completed and compiled the mid-sized craft began its ascent, at which point Greg noticed an unusual amount of Turncoats on the opposite side of town; and they wern't Peter's. Realizing there was nothing he could do about it he shrugged it off and continued accelerate to escape velocity.

Ship Production:
2 Laziras (1/2 done)
Fleet Status:

12 Crescent Fighters: Standing By
4 Aradas: Standing By
4 Laziras (standard): (5 Standing By;1 visiting Iothe)
2 Miranu Couriers: Ferrying Equipment to Outpost T'akra

Hyperquartz Research:
Find a way to cheaply produce refined hyperquartz refraction crystals, research retooling them into power-cells and capactiors.
ETA: Subject to Moderation (somebody give me a reasonable estimate before I pull a number from my @$$)

Waiting on asriel to post before I can do anything



An improved Phase turret with 3 mounts and enhanced reload.
ETA:4 days 27/02 - 3/03

Hyperspace Enhancement
Ships will no longer need to slow down to enter hyperspace
ETA:Complete 25/02 - 28/02

Hyperspace Destabiliser
ETA:Need to talk to Ipvicus 28/02 - ?

Groups is 20 Z.Aradas & 60 Z.Fighters
Squadrons is 2 Z.Aradas & 6 Z.Fighters

14 Groups

2 Groups

In Limbo in Zachit
2 Groups
5 Squadrons

Trade Negotiations with the Igadzra

"Well," Soran said, "The matters that need to be worked out are mostly those of trade routes commodities to be traded... once we have those hammered out, then the rest will quickly fall into place. With our new colony on the south edge of our space, in the system formerly known as DSN-3930, we have an ideal port to trade to and from..."

From there, the conversation between Soran and the executor went into the specifics of trade routes, systems to be travelled, systems to be avoided, and the effects of the trade agreement on already tenuous Miranu-Zidagar relations. Soran made sure to plan trade routes that avoided Zidagar space altogether, and stayed as far from it as possible. He knew full well that the last thing the Miranu government wanted was to become mired in the Strand War.

After what seemed like nearly an hour, Soran and the executor had finally worked out all the necessary trade routes and commodity agreements. "It's been a pleasure visiting with you," Soran said, bowing slightly to Ithon. "Is there anything else you might need to discuss with me before I depart?"


The news flashed across Miranu space in a matter of hours - the youngest of the three senators from the world of Blaga had been murdered in the streets of Mira's capitol. Murder was rare on Mira; only three reported murders had occured in the past year. Murder of a government official... that was practically unheard of.

Governor Kitanu had personally dispatched a team of investagators, under the leadership of Zachit intelligence experts, to investigate the killing. Kitanu, along with most of his advisors, suspected that the MTC might be indirectly involved, as the senator who was killed had turned out to be the decisive vote in passing the controversial Corporate Investigation Act. None of them imagined, though, that the MTC was directly responsible for hiring the killers... or how far they would go to protect their interests.



  1. Joint Colonization of F-25 with Emalgha - 2 of 4 days remaining

  2. Expand the Advanced Warning Network - Complete (took 4 days)
    New Project: Miranu Peace Corps Arada Design - 5 of 5 days remaining
    Proposed armaments:
    •3 swivel phase cannons
    •Defence Pod Launcher and 15 defence pods
    •+15% shielding from stock arada

  3. Zachit Slot - Reserved for Zachit use

This post has been edited by Thunder : 01 March 2005 - 02:13 AM

"This is Seydlitz. Report in, all wings."

"Theta 2-1, reporting."

"Theta 2-2, reporting."

"Theta 2-3, ready."

"Theta 2-4, all set."

"Hall-Wall 3-1, reporting in."

"Hall-Wall 3-2 ready for action."

"Hall-Wall 3-3, systems at full."

"Hall-Wall 3-4, ready to kick some ass."

"Hall-Wall 3-5, ready."

"Check. Iothe Control, this is Seydlitz with fleet, request permission to take off."

"Roger that, Seydlitz. You're clear for takeoff."

The Seydlitz 's engines started, and it took off, falling just behind the FLF Lazira.

"Gregory, we accept. Also, some of our guys have good enough brains, they can help."

Avann system

A supply ship came hurtling out of hyperspace. The commander of the force listened while a transmission came in.
“This is the V.S.S. Hell’s Cargo. We request a parley with the commander of the U.E. Fleet, and a discussion of a possible truce. We have negotiators on board, and as a sign of good faith, the Voinian High Command has ordered all Voinian fleets to stand down along the U.E. border. Your scans have undoubtedly revealed that there are no explosives on this ship; would you like to meet on our ship or on yours?”
Sighing, he spoke to the rest of his fleet.
“It’s undoubtably another Voinian trick. Blow the Supply Ship up as quickly as possible.”
Before the Voinian freighter could react, railgun blasts sped out from the fleet and blew the small vessel away in mere seconds.

Voina Liberation Front Losses:
83 Carriers (None)
340 Destroyers (None)
565 Fighters (None)
(No fighters launched)

Voinian Losses
(1 Supply ship)

Mihal System

Several days later, a single disturbance could have been detected at the Mihal spaceport, but it was cast off as a mere energy anamoly.

Admiral/Protector Zachary Corridon (You might say that he was promoted heavily after that alien contact bit) gazed out at space from his new command chair onboard the U.E.S. Morpheus. He had arrived only recently, after the previous fleet commander was kicked out of the navy for destroying a vessel that carried Voinian ambassadors, an act that might have prevented any possible peace from occuring in the near future.
“All right, let’s send a message off, asking them to would be a shame to have to fight the Empire in a full-scale engagement.”

“Agreed, sir.”
The communication officer typed quickly and sent a quick standard please-surrender-or-we-will-have-to-kill-you-and-we-would-hate-to-do-that message off, and then the crew onboard all of the ships in the fleet waited for the response...they were not going to attack just yet, for the enemy might surrender, but being wary, the captains raised their stations to yellow-alert, allowing them to bring the weapons to bear instantly if the response was unfriendly.

------United Earth Fleet and Construction
175 Carriers (Miscalculation, it would seem, compared to the last bit.)
773 Destroyers (ANOTHER miscalculation. Bah.)
1,005 U.E. Fighters (Another one...I’m tempted to hire someone to keep track of these ship numbers.)
700 Freight Couriers
100 Scoutships
250 mines
Per Day: 4 Carriers, 23 Destroyers, 30 Fighters
Earth: 4 Carriers, 10 Destroyers, 20 Fighters (All work will be temporarily done on building mines for the nearby systems; an average of 50 mines a day is built)
New Taranto: 2 Carriers, 13 Destroyers, 20 Fighters
Paaren: 3 Carriers, 10 Destroyers, 10 Fighters

United Earth Force Locations:

Voina Liberation Front
83 Carriers
340 Destroyers
565 Fighters
300 Fighters (Launched fighters)
Location: Avann

Defense Fleets:
Huron Fleet
10 U.E. Carriers
30 U.E. Destroyers
50 U.E. Fighters

Verril Fleet
30 U.E. Carriers
82 U.E. Destroyers
130 U.E. Fighters <150>
(Twenty of the U.E. Fighters are patrolling Yandros and the surrounding systems, and, like Carnotaur’s Patrol Interceptors, will stay where they can jump and only take scans of the enemy fleets)
Centauri Fleet
30 U.E. Carriers
75 U.E. Destroyers
62 U.E. Fighters

Eltor/Sol Defensive Fleet
52 U.E. Carriers
246 U.E. Destroyers
240 U.E. Fighters

Sol Defenses:
Earth Station (six blaze turrets, three hunter missile launchers, fifty hunter missiles, 1200/1200 protection; pre-equipped with above stuff)

Centauri Defenses:
Centauri Station (six blaze turrets, three hunter missile launchers, fifty hunter missiles, 1200/1200 protection; pre-equipped with above stuff)
250 space mines

U.E. Corvette modification for the U.E. Destroyer. Protection is brought down by 15%, but the speed is brought up to 220. ETA: Three days.

Jumpgate research. This project, upon completion, will enable humanity, with special modules or ships, to create subspace tunnels that allow instant travel between place to place. Gateships can select certain locations, but only ones that are already on the official map. A mapped system must be under or have been under the control of humanity, an ally, or simply uninhabited. In addition, gateships require a massive amount of power. There are many other pieces of information that haven’t been generated yet that will hopefully be created during the development of this technology. ETA: Ten days.

Fusion Reactor. Will increase general turning and engine power (acceleration and top speed) by 1 and 50 for all ships and projectile weapons. It will also increase production in grain factories. (Although that isn’t relevant to the story.) ETA: Five days.


Further subspace research. Will attempt to gain information on subspace (the level of space below realspace). ETA: Finished.


Space Mine Reverse-Engineering. This project seeks to reverse-engineer the space mine so that more can be constructed. ETA: Finished. (I believe.) Space mines (although they do only 75% of the damage of normal space mines) can now be constructed.

The railgun refit. It was probably finished a day or two ago, but I’m going to put this here just to say that all of the warships on the Voinian front mount these weapons instead of missile launchers.

Edit: Edit: Well, not ALL of Voinian space, of course. Just the stuff near my Liberation Front-they're going to try to blitz the Voinian capital and Svass.

This post has been edited by Consul Bob : 01 March 2005 - 11:36 PM

OOC: RMA agreed yesterday to let me post this as a one-post battle, since it was obvious that my fleet wouldn't survive.



The Renegade fleet entered the system with orders to fire missiles on entry until there were no missiles left. They were met by a hail of missiles from the opposing Zachit fleet. Though there were far, far more ships than had been expected, it was too late to run now. With the Zachit ships’ speed, there was no way the Renegades could have run even if they’d wanted to. All that remained to do was fire missiles until oblivion came.



The Rock was preparing for its ultimate doom. They could guess the fate of North Tip Station, having received the mayday from them several days ago, and knew that the Zachit fleet was coming to destroy them. All production was being poured into making North Tip Cruisers and Aradas, for the extra missile power that would be needed if they were to fight off the Zachit fleet. The ECM technology was well on its way to being complete, but it wasn’t at the point yet where it could reliably fend off missiles, and research had been suspended for the time being. They were simply going to have to fight off the Zachit with the technology they already had.



The battle ended fairly quickly as most standoffs do, with the Renegade fleet turning into just that much space dust. They had taken three valuable Zachit battle groups with them, however, and hopefully that would be enough to stop the fleet from taking over The Rock.


RESEARCH COMPLETED : Jamming technology, stage I

CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED : one asteroid shipyard

14 North Tip Cruisers
37 Laziras
24 Aradas
240 North Tip Fighters

Zachit Fleet
300 initial Aradas (60 lost)
600 initial Fighters (180 lost)

This post has been edited by asriel : 01 March 2005 - 08:25 AM

With as little communication as possible Greg replied...

"Thanks, we'll talk when we reach Nimor."

The Lazira and Peter's fleet reached the edge of the system's gravity-well and initiated their hyperdrives. An instant later they exited realspace and began their long journy though hyperspace. If all went well for Greg then they would reach Feviry without interference, if all went well for Peter they would reach Feviry after extensive renegade blasting...ahh such polarized expectations.

Ship Production:
2 Laziras
Fleet Status:

12 Crescent Fighters: Standing By
4 Aradas: Standing By
4 Laziras (standard): (7 Standing By;1 Returning to Feviry)
2 Miranu Couriers: Ferrying Equipment to Outpost T'akra

Hyperquartz Research:
Find a way to cheaply produce refined hyperquartz refraction crystals, research retooling them into power-cells and capactiors.
ETA: Subject to Moderation (I am really getting impatient...)

This post has been edited by ~vIsitor~ : 01 March 2005 - 06:58 PM


Vice-Director Neite eyed the innards of the Construct. After the digging teams had removed the rock and dirt around the ancient device, leaving a rather large hole where a section of the Alpha mines used to be, archaeologists and engineers had immediately moved in. It turned out that the door leading into the Construct that had been connected to the tunnel was merely an access door. Strangly, the access door was actually built into the much larger main sliding door.

"And you say there was no traces of Pael, Thornon, or Swain?" Neite frowned.

"No sir. Nothing other that these footprints in the dust leading to the access door." Again, Neite looked inside the Construct. No one had dared touch the computer panal next to the access door, fearing what the massive cylinder could do. And it really was huge... a dozen fighters could fit inside snugly.

But the strangest sight was actually inside. After jamming the doors open (not an easy task by any means), a team of engineers had carefully surveyed it from afar and decided from the minimal energy reading that there was nothing potentially dangerous inside. Nevertheless, Neite, in his armored hazmat suit, took a small step in...


... "Work, damn you." Yet again, the Construct failed to activate. Thornon had stayed behind as Pael and the aliens had left. He had a few days worth of food, and... well... anyway, he knew he could get through by then.

Behind him, Tahal coughed impatiently.

"Hello, what's this..." The computer screen blinked at him with a new message. He had no idea what it meant, but it was definitely different from the one he had been getting for the past 4 hours.

Nearly immediately, lights came on, revealing... nothing. Again, Neite frowned. After walking a few steps, he took off the helmet, and took a breath of the... fresh air. What?

As he took the suit off and a few engineers entered behind him, he knelt and touched the floor. This couldn't be right... it was completely clean. No dust, no dirt, no rocks... it looked like the clean ward of a hospital. A few steps more, and Klaxons blared. As a booming alien voice calmed talked, a familiar voice frantically yelled from outside. The engineers and Neite ran quickly to the exit without even bothering to glance at the discarded hazmat suit.

"Sir! There's something on the computer screen! It looks like an error message, but," the computer engineer consulted an old historical translation book and pressed a few buttons. "Yes, it looks like an error message. Or," He looked again," No, it's an error message. No idea what it means, though."


"Hah. I've got you now, you wretched machine." Thornon tapped what he could only determine to be the 'enter' key. The new error message popped up again. Again, he pressed enter and kept trying to activate the Construct. Again, Tahal caughed, just about fed up with all this.


After 15 minutes, the Klaxons had not stopped. There were nearly 20 of the error messages on the screen, and Neite had had just about enough.

"Do you see an 'enter' key on the screen?"

"Yes sir, but-"

"Do you see a way to turn off the device?"

"No sir, but-"

"I order you to press enter." With that, the engineer pressed a single button on the screen. The Klaxon subsided, and the access door creaked. A moment later, it slammed shut, crushing the props jamming it open. And again, the Klaxon began to sound. Neite groaned.


"Finally!" The rumble of the inner wall stopped as it locked in place, and the door slid open. He grabbed his equipment and walked in. He motioned to Tahal, who followed cautiously. As he waited for the doors to close, he looked around. There seemed to be some sort of panal on the wall... something that hadn't been at the other Construct. No, wait, it had been there, but he hadn't paid atten-en-en-

A few moments later, the room was illuminated in a red light. Completely clean of dust, the only object left was a slightly warm hazmat suit and a discarded helmet.


-tion. Tahal raised his eyebrows.

Thornon gazed at the sliding walls for a moment before they locked in place. When nothing further happened, he walked over to a computer panal on the wall and looked at the display. It had a diagram of some very large doors, and a very small door that seemed to be on the very large doors. There was a prompt on the screen. Shrugging, he touched the larger doors, then a button that was clearly marked as two doors sliding apart. With a heavy groan, the giant entrance slid open, revealing some awestruck engineers and a very confused Neite.

At least the Klaxons had stopped.

This post has been edited by grunadulater : 02 March 2005 - 06:11 PM

OOC: Placeholder post because I don't really feel like posting.


Research & Projects

Ixada Orbital Defense Platform -- 2 RTD (joint research project with Feviry)

Zephyr Rocket -- DONE!

Outpost Marok Construction -- 1 RTD

Indar Project -- 7 RTD


Naval Statistics

Current Ship Count
330 Igazras
910 Igaras

Production (per RTD)
(new ships assigned to Igadzra)
10 Igazras
30 Igaras

Defense Fleets
Igadzra, Ersadt, Innirian
25 Igazras ( 75 total )
75 Igaras ( 225 total )

1st Armada -- Mark
90 Igazra
330 Igaras
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Grooz)
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Emnin)

2nd Armada -- Ersadt
25 Igazras
75 Igaras
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Sirabor)

3rd Armada -- Innirian
30 Igazras
90 Igaras
(2 Igaras currently patrolling Kavkaz)

4th Armada -- Elder
90 Igazras
130 Igaras

5th Armada -- Igadzra
20 Igazras
60 Igaras

OOC: Sorry it took me so long to get the battle post revised.

Emalghion System
As soon as the Voinian starfighters had encircled the Emalghan fleet, they charged. The Heavy Fighters from both sides charged the Emalghan fleet; most of the Interceptors that had been sent into the flanking group had died to protect the Heavy Fighters from destruction. On the other hand, the 25% of the starfighters that had been left to guard the Voinian capital ships were primarily Interceptors.

Inside the cockpit of his Heavy Fighter, Wing Commander Varth opened a channel to all Voinian starfighters. Varth was in his fighting prime and had been put in charge by the Voinian High Command due to his tenacity and leadership. It was his job to coordinate all Voinian fighter efforts. Such was the respect for him that even the Cruiser captains had ceded command of their carried fighters to him. Long ago, there were Cruiser captains who had disagreed with his methods but he had dealt with them. Stop reminiscing, focus on the present, Varth. “Voinian ships, the Interceptors will soon be in range of the slaves. Interceptors, fire a salvo on my mark. Squadron leaders, you have your targets; distribute them equally.” He pressed a button inside his cockpit and transmitted to his squadron leaders the targets. Each squadron of 12 Voinian Heavy Fighters would be able to take out 6 Warships in the first attack thanks to the new missile racks; it would only take 3 Interceptors to eliminate the pesky platforms.

The Interceptors guarding the capital ships were in range now. Focusing on the Defense Platforms that had been destroying them for so long, they unleashed a volley of rockets unlike anything anyone present had ever seen. Though their numbers had been greatly reduced, the remaining 17 squadrons of 12 Voinian Interceptors were able to each destroy 6 platforms in a single salvo. Some of the braver souls lined up to target the protected core of Mk. II Defense Platforms, though it scarcely mattered. Even as the Voinians took opposing fire, the Interceptors cleared the way with their massive salvo. The immobile Defense Platforms were no match for the rockets; they could do nothing to maneuver out of the way. Even if they could’ve shot down the rockets, there were simply too many. A few platforms had survived the first salvo out of serendipity or Voinian oversight, though those few were quickly eliminated.

Commander Varth was relieved that the missile racks had worked so well. Here and there, there had been a mechanical glitch that had caused a Voinian Interceptor or two to explode spectacularly, but for the most part, it had gone well. Too bad that salvo was a one time thing. Well, it’s our turn now.

The Heavy Fighters had reached firing range for the Warships. With grim satisfaction, Varth ordered,”Never mind the Fighters. For now, focus on the Warships. They’re relatively easy to hit; each wingpair will be able to destroy a warship in the opening salvo; here are your targets.” He pressed a button and continued, “Then fight the Emalghan fighters. But only after the first salvo.” Even with his wingmates falling around him, the Voinians fired their rockets.

The 170 Heavy Fighters that Varth lead against the Emalghans (a number now dwindled to about 150) fired its rockets. The new missile racks on the Heavy Fighters allowed them to fire 4 simulataneously with the launcher also firing a rocket. Thus, more than 700 rockets sped out towards the charging Emalghans. Though the Emalghan Fighters escorting the Warships had made it exceedingly difficult to target the Warships, there were numerous hits. Though the Emalghan Fighters when placed in just the right spot could absorb the damage at the cost of their vessel, and indeed, the pilot’s life, most of the rockets got through. Almost 65 Warships exploded spectacularly. Varth watched his sensor screen, and was amazed to find that some of the Emalghan Warships (though only a few) had even managed to avoid poorly aimed rockets. They must’ve had their engines upgraded no way could an old Emalghan Warship do that.

Soon, the trailing group of Voinian Heavy Fighters was in range. They too fired their salvo, though this time the Emalghans were more prepared. Though more than 500 Rockets came into the swarm, only about 35 Warships exploded (meaning 350 Rockets hit). The difference was that pairs, or even sometimes up to four Emalghan Fighters would be hit instead.

Varth knew that the Voinians’ main advantage, the first rocket salvo, was gone.
Quickly, he ordered a retreat. He knew that there would be heavy losses, but if the Voinian starfighters could make it back to the capital ships, they would be okay. The capital ships charged in as hard as they could so that as soon as the Voinian starfighters had reached them, they would be able to jump. Varth sat in his cockpit, and transmitted the orders. All the Heavy Fighters turned towards the relative safety of the capital ships and prepared to jump away as soon as possible. To discourage pursuit by the more fleet Emalghan fleet, Varth had them turn in the direction of the Emalghans (even though they traveled towards the Voinian fleet (OOC: If you can do it in EVO, you can do it here?). Half of the Voinian Interceptors, meanwhile, headed for Kelmaon, as did half of the Supply Ships. The other half of the Interceptors sped out to shield the Heavy Fighters in their retreat.

Standing Orders for the Cerebus Warfleet: Cruisers and Frigates will protect the Fighters as soon as they can. Then they will jump back to the Romit system. Meanwhile, half of the Interceptors will destroy targets of opportunity in Kelmaon, and the Supply Ships will disgorge their troops there.

241 Fighters (31 Destroyed)
172 Warships (95 Destroyed)
194 Attack Drones (0 Destroyed)
78 Explosive Drones (0 Destroyed)
85 Rocket Drones (0 Destroyed)
30 Freighters (0 Destroyed)
0 Defense platforms (100 Destroyed)
8 Carriers (0 Destroyed)

87 Cruisers (3 Destroyed)
377 Frigates (20 Destroyed)
128 Heavy Fighters (42 Destroyed)
298 Interceptors (20 Destroyed)
84 Heavy Fighters (launched) (33 Destroyed)
150 Supply Ships (0 Destroyed)

Jason received the U.E. broadcast message to surrender or die. He chose neither. He hastily composed a message and sent it back to them, without even going through the Voinian High Command. Such was his power and his secrecy that no one would find out and if they did well, they wouldn’t live long.

“U.E.S. Morpheus, why haven’t you contacted the envoy we sent you? In all likelihood, you’ve destroyed it. Well, just to show you how much the Voinian Empire has changed, we won’t pillage and rape your worlds and your women. Instead, we’d still like a parley. I’m not sure if we can really trust you after you’ve destroyed our Supply Ship, but maybe we can communicate from long distance. The Empire that you fought against isn’t quite dead, but it certainly has changed. We are much more interested in defending our territory than enslaving those who should serve us.”

Production (for 2 RTDs)
New vessels assigned to Mihal
16 Cruisers
56 Frigates
90 Heavy Fighters
80 Interceptors

Subjugation Fleets
Gualon, Gamur, Durala, Dyram
10 Cruisers ( 40 total )
25 Frigates ( 100 total )
45 Heavy Fighters ( 180 total )

Abaddon Warfleet -- Mihal
44 Cruisers
134 Frigates
215 Heavy Fighters
190 Interceptors
0 Heavy Fighters (Launched)

Abaddon Warfleet -- Vorik
33 Cruisers
118 Frigates
205 Heavy Fighters
140 Interceptors
(10 Interceptors are currently patrolling the Pokoren system)
(10 Interceptors are currently patrolling the Dogover system)
(10 Interceptors are currently patrolling the DSN-9338 system)

Perdition Warfleet -- Obron
25 Cruisers
60 Frigates
100 Heavy Fighters
100 Interceptors
(10 Interceptors are currently patrolling the Zator system)

Cerebus Warfleet: Emalghion -> Romit
87 Cruisers (3 Destroyed)
377 Frigates (20 Destroyed)
128 Heavy Fighters (42 Destroyed)
150 Interceptors (20 Destroyed)
84 Heavy Fighters (launched) (33 Destroyed)
75 Supply Ships (0 Destroyed)

Suicide Fleet (on its way to Kelmaon)
148 Interceptors
75 Supply Ships

Finished: Outpost Refitting: Complete. All Outposts now have 6 PD batteries with 5 Neutron Turrets. For defense, they have: 50/50,000
(no, no typo). Why such high armor? Well, it’s only about 3x as much as a Dreadnought, and they were made to last forever in asteroid fields, so they’d need a huge amount of armor.

Slot 1: Dreadnought Construction. A while back, Captain Carnotaur finished the Dreadnought prototype. This project will allow my facilities to build 2 per RTD once it is complete. The project will be located in the Otid System. Project ETA: 3 RTD. This will have the drawback of reducing my Cruiser production by 2 per RTD as those docks are expanded and retooled. To be completed: 3/4/05.

Slot 2: Shield Upgrades: 1 RTD, to be completed 3/2/05

Slot 3: Grav-tech: 6 RTD (from now). At the end of this period, Jason will have a working prototype. After that point, it will take 4 RTD to completely outfit all outposts and begin outfitting some Supply Ships; they will be outfitted in order of those closest to the frontier first.

OOC: Consul Bob, I suppose you’re probably not interested in peace at this point. Let me know if you’re so committed to overthrowing the Empire that you’ll stop at nothing, and I’ll throw in a few plot twists that’ll make the story a bit more interesting. I’m also ignoring Captain Carnotaur’s “shipyard upgrade” since it was illegal as it constituted a fourth project slot.

Mihal System

Zach looked at the communication screen as a new message arrived. He read through some of the message and began mentally creating a response.
“This is Zachary Corridon of the U.E.S. Morpheus. As you probably do not know, the former commander of the fleet, Admiral Smith, was the officer who ordered the fleet I currently command to hose down your Supply Ship with railgun fire. He was dismissed from the navy due to his actions.”
Zach looked at the screen out towards the planet, moved up in his chair a bit, and continued speaking, meanwhile pulling out "The Typical Commander's Guide To Diplomatic Talks With The Voinians".
“United Earth would be pleased to end this war, but only on several certain conditions...”

------United Earth Fleet and Construction
183 Carriers
819 Destroyers
1,065 U.E. Fighters
700 Freight Couriers
100 Scoutships
350 mines
Per Day: 4 Carriers, 23 Destroyers, 30 Fighters
Earth: 4 Carriers, 10 Destroyers, 20 Fighters (All work will be temporarily done on building mines for the nearby systems; an average of 50 mines a day is built)
New Taranto: 2 Carriers, 13 Destroyers, 20 Fighters
Paaren: 3 Carriers, 10 Destroyers, 10 Fighters

United Earth Force Locations:

Voina Liberation Front
83 Carriers
340 Destroyers
565 Fighters

Location: Mihal

Defense Fleets:
Huron Fleet
10 U.E. Carriers
30 U.E. Destroyers
50 U.E. Fighters

Verril Fleet
30 U.E. Carriers
82 U.E. Destroyers
130 U.E. Fighters <150>
(Twenty of the U.E. Fighters are patrolling Yandros and the surrounding systems, and, like Carnotaur’s Patrol Interceptors, will stay where they can jump and only take scans of the enemy fleets)
Centauri Fleet
30 U.E. Carriers
75 U.E. Destroyers
62 U.E. Fighters

Eltor/Sol Defensive Fleet
60 U.E. Carriers
292 U.E. Destroyers
300 U.E. Fighters

Sol Defenses:
Earth Station (six blaze turrets, three hunter missile launchers, fifty hunter missiles, 1200/1200 protection; pre-equipped with above stuff)

Centauri Defenses:
Centauri Station (six blaze turrets, three hunter missile launchers, fifty hunter missiles, 1200/1200 protection; pre-equipped with above stuff)
350 space mines

U.E. Corvette modification for the U.E. Destroyer. Protection is brought down by 15%, but the speed is brought up to 220. ETA: One day.

Jumpgate research. This project, upon completion, will enable humanity, with special modules or ships, to create subspace tunnels that allow instant travel between place to place. Gateships can select certain locations, but only ones that are already on the official map. A mapped system must be under or have been under the control of humanity, an ally, or simply uninhabited. In addition, gateships require a massive amount of power. There are many other pieces of information that haven’t been generated yet that will hopefully be created during the development of this technology. ETA: Eight days.

Fusion Reactor. Will increase general turning and engine power (acceleration and top speed) by 1 and 50 for all ships and projectile weapons. It will also increase production in grain factories. (Although that isn’t relevant to the story.) ETA: Three days.

Note: In tech, I’m going by date, rather than by night.